Chapter 17

The Rose and its Thorns

[Doojoon POV]

I didn't look back as I ran away from the rooftop.

I didn't listen as Yoseob screamed out my name.

I didn't even know where I was running to, or why I was running in the first place. What was I supposed to be afraid of, or angry about even? I didn't have any reason to be angry at Yoseob. I shouldn't be angry at Yoseob. He never once told me that he loved me, and never once were we actually together. We just were close friends, and I was the fool to fall in love with someone who already loved someone else. I was the fool to let my heart lay out on my sleeve, and open my walls up too much. But, it wasn't his fault he didn't love me back So in all honesty, I really shouldn't be angry at anything. I shouldn't be angry at Yoseob. I shouldn't be the confused.

But I am.

I'm angry at Yang Yoseob.

Angry that he led me on for so long. Angry that he loved someone else the whol damn time. Angry that I hadn't met him first, before Hyunseung did. Angry that he had to fall in love with Hyunseung, and not with me. Angry that he had begun to open up to me. Angry that he wasn't the cold bastard I'd met in the beginning. Angry that he made me believe he may actually have feelings for me.


I was just angry.

Angry that he made me fall in love with him, more than anything.

I was still running, away from him. I eventually ended up at the school's gates, and that's when I finally broke down and cried. I didn't care if anyone heard me, or saw me. I just let myself fall outside of the school gates, and cried. I punched the ground in front of me, cursing myself for being too wiling to let myself fall in love with Yoseob. I held my head in my hands, wiping away the stupid tears that had fallen. I heard footsteps approaching, and a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up into the concerned eyes of Junhyung, his hand locked with the doe-eyed boy I had no desire to see at this moment in time. I watched as Junhyung whispered something into Hyunseung's ear. The redhead simply nodded, concern lining his face as he relunctantly dropped Junhyung's hand and walked away. Junhyung sighed as he watched the redhead's lonely back fade further into the darkness, his hand still outstretched towards the fleeting figure. He sighed, sliding down into a sitting position next to me.

I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"What's wrong, Doo?" He asked, his voice full of concern. I turned to face him, keeping my gaze fixed above his head.

"Nothing's wrong, Jun." I knew my voice cracked when I spoke, betraying my lie.

"Liar. Now tell me, who the hell made you like this?" A hint of anger was now present in his tone.

"No one, Jun. I swear. I'm fine. Just go..." Please Junhyung. Just go. I don't want to hurt you.

"Doojoon, I've known you since forever. I know something's wrong, so just tell me."

"Jun, please. Just leave me alone, ara? I'm not in the mood." The mood to break your heart hat is.

"Doojoon. Tell me."


"Come on man! Tell me who the hell caused you to look like such so I can give them a piece of my mind!"




"Yoon Doojoon, I swear to God, if you do not tel-"

"It's Hyunseung."

Junhyung's voice stopped immediately, my words hanging thick in the air. His expression became gaurded, and a flurry of emotions found their way into his eyes. His hand which had been resting on my shoulder dropped immediately, his concerned frown fading into a scowl. He dropped his eyes from mine and placed his hand on the ground. His fists clenched and unclenched, his breathing becoming ragged. I wanted to punch myself across the face. Why the hell did I tell him? I really didn't tell him, but I knew how he felt about Hyunseung. Junhyung counted his breaths slowly, making sure to compose himself before turning to face me. The face that had been so full of concern just moments before was now gaurded and clouded with anger etching all of his features.

"What?" His voice was soft, distant. Just a murmur of what it had been before.

"I-it's Hyunseung... Yoseob..." Junhyung's fist clenched again, and he crammed his eyes shut. His eyebrows creased together in a frown, and I felt pain go through my heart as I knew I'd hurt my dongsaeng.

"What about Hyunseung and Yoseob, Doojoon?" I could tell that Junhyung was trying his hardest to not run off after his boyfriend right then and there.

"I-I've said too much. Jun, just forget about it. Nothing's wrong, okay? I did-"

"Damnit Doojoon! What the hell is Yang Yoseob to my boyfriend?!"

"I don't know Junhyung!" My voice mirrored the same anger that Junhyung had right now, "I just... Don't know... I heard Yoseob leaving our dorm, and Dongwoon followed him, and then I overheard the talking, and I shouldn't of even been there, but I heard it, and I thought that Yoseob felt something for me. I, the idiot, actually thought Yoseob felt something for me. I thought, I honestly thought, there might've been something. But then... Dongwoon asked him if he still had feelings for Hyunseung, and Yoseob replied that he still loved him and I honestly don't know Junhyung. I just... I just have no clue what to do anymore, alright? I just... don't." My voice was soft on the last word, a little above a whisper. Junhyung was silent, his mouth drawn into a straight line. He kept his eyes remained shut.

"So... They used to be together?"


"And... Yoseob... still likes Hyunseung?"

I simply nodded.

"And what you're basically saying to me right now is that I've only known Hyunseung for a few months as opposed to a few years. And I'd be the one losing to Yoseob."

I didn't need to reply, because we both knew the answer.

We both knew the answer, but neither one of us wanted to say it.

No words were needed now.

None at all.

[Hyunseung POV]

I sighed as I collapsed onto the piano bench. I looked up at the clock. 11:11 pm. I felt a small smile come onto my face as I closed my eyes and placed my hands in front of me.

"I wish..." I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "I wish that Junhyung and I would never have any rifts between us. I wish that our relationship can be smooth, and that nothing in this world will try and take him away from me. I don't want him to grow tired of me, and I don't want to grow tired of him. I want him to be mine forever. I want, even if we end up debuting, that he won't find someone else and drop me. I don't want him to be just like-" I stopped, opening my eyes and covering my mouth. I knew what I was going to say, but I didn't want to say it. We'd promised, for the best of both of us, that it was just in the past. That all that was just petty feelings, and nothing more. That neither of us had ever really loved each other.

Too bad I'd fallen for him with all my heart.

I sighed again, placing my fingers gingerly on the piano. I begun to aimlessly press on the keys, no real intention on what to play. My hands made their own melody, one I used to love so much. I closed my eyes, letting myself flow into the song, my hands more sure now as I played. I opened my mouth to sing, but was interrupted by the voice that sang me to sleep so many months ago.

"Heart beats fast... Colors and promises... How to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow..."

My fingers halted their playing as I heard the voice come closer. I slammed my eyes shut, not wanting to face him yet. He'd find out soon enough about Junhyung and I. But... Why was I afraid for him to find out about Junhyung and I? I wasn't afraid to have him find out about Junhyung and I. I didn't care what he though about Jun and I. We were together now. I loved Junhyung. I never actually loved Yoseob. I only hold Junhyung in my heart. He's the only one I'll hold in my heart from now on. I won't let anyone else into my heart, and Junhyung won't let anyone else into his heart.


"Why'd you stop?" Yoseob asked from next to me, his hand covering mine. I tried my best not to pull away.

"I didn't feel like playing anymore." The lie easily rolled off my tongue, no hitch in speech at all.

"You remember that song right?" Yoseob lifted his hand, allowing me to breath easier.

"Seobie... Let's not talk ab-"

"Why not, hyung?" He cut me off, his voice soft. I sighed, reaching for his hand and lacing my fingers through his.

"Seob... I need to tell you something..." I whispered, and I saw Yoseob stiffen in front of me. I slowly closed my eyes, steadying my breath. Opening my eyes, I looked into Yoseob's. The same vunerability in them was clear, the same one I saw when he was talking about his elimination from JYP. The same vulnerability I never wanted to see shining in his eyes again. The same vunerability he had when he collapsed crying in the hospital, hearing his mother was ill and no cure was in sight. The same vulnerabilty I'd sworn to myself to never let it appear in his eyes again. The exact same one.

But I had to tell him.

"I... I love Junhyung... And... Jun and I are together..." 

I felt Yoseob's hand slip out of mine, falling to his side. Tears began to form in the corners of his eyes. I watched as he reached up angrily to wipe them away, a few curse words coming out of his mouth. His eyes crumbled, the mixing of pain and anger flashing through them. The small smile on his face had dropped into a frown. Tears now steadily flowed down, the pain registering on his face. I lifted a hand up to wipe his tears away, but Yoseob batted my hand away, not wanting my sympathy. We sat like that, in silence for a few minutes. I'd closed my eyes when I heard a shaky laugh coming out of Yoseob. He pushed me lightly on the chest, the laugh turning into giggles.

"Yah, Hyunseung... It's not good to lie."

"Seobie, I'm no-"

"Didn't your parents ever tell you its bad to lie?"

"Seob, just lis-"

"I thought you were taught, never tell a lie. Liars never end up where they want to be."

"Yoseob-ah, stop sp-"

"It's not good to lie!"

"Yoseob, pl-"

"Don't lie to me!"


Yoseob's mouth shut, the laughter now back to crying.

"You're... Telling the truth?" I nodded, and Yoseob let out what could be compared to a yelp of pain. "Then... We have no chance?" We never did. I nodded again. "And... You and Junhyung are together? And you truly love him?" I nodded without an ounce of hesitation. I mouthed sorry to him, standing up and beginning to leave. I'd gotten five steps to the door when Yoseob's hand curled around my arm, his hand shaking. I sighed, turning towards the boy and seeing him holding his tears in again. He held up a single finger, looking me in the eyes, pleading. "One.. One kiss, Hyung. One kiss, and maybe all these feelings will go away. Just... One kiss."

And I felt his lips cover mine.

And I heard the slamming of the door as it opened.

"You bastard..."


How long has it been? ;A;

I'm so sorry to all my lovely readers for making you wait so long~ I had this chapter done a while ago, but I wasn't confident in posting it... ^^; Mianhe~

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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Im-your-father #1
Chapter 18: God, Why in this history too!! XC !!! Dont go!!!
Dont maind me...... Ill try !!
Goemas12 #2
Chapter 18: ugh what why I don't have a tumbler
Chapter 18: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
straightcut #4
Chapter 17: I love this but why no updates...???
Chapter 17: my mouth is open. i was readin readin, my heart is beatind fast and then booooom. there is no more chapters. WHY?? ooo i hate when it's like this. but i'm happy i found this fic. good luck, update fast. : )) : ))
Chapter 17: ahhh yoseob dujun is yours ;c i seriously feel bad for seob T.T
vanilLaJae04 #7
Chapter 17: OMG NOOOOO! just when my junseung are finally together. drama comes... T______T