Chapter 11

The Rose and its Thorns

[Yoseob POV]

And that's how I ended up sitting in between Dongwoon and Hyunseung in the counseling office, clothes soaked through with oatmeal, milk, fruit, and other food items. Hyunseung fretted over a pair of earrings that had been covered by orange juice Zelo had thrown on him, Dongwoon seemingly oblivious to the fact that a half-eaten banana was sitting in his hair and his brand new shoes had been soaked through by coffee. I picked at a piece of bread on my shirt and flicked it off, watching it plop to the floor. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair, counting the number of dots on the ceiling.

I'd gotten to three hundred and ten when the door swung open, a seething Daehyun stepping out of the counselor's office. He was followed by the five other boys, each covered in different kinds of breakfast foods. I made a move to stand but was stopped by Dongwoon who merely shook his head at me, telling me it wasn't worth it.

"This isn't over Yoseob." Daehyun sneered, grabbing a tissue and wiping some syrup off of his shirt's sleeve. "Thanks to you, now I'll have to get this dry-cleaned. I'll make sure to send you the bill."

"Shut up, Daehyun. You started it." Hyunseung spoke up next to me, returning the earrings to his ears, them now clear of orange juice.

"Yah, missy. He wasn't talking to you." Yongguk snapped from where he stood behind Daehyun. Hyunseung pushed himself out of his chair, putting his face a hair length away from Yongguk's.

"First of all." Hyunseung began, holding a finger up for clarification. "wasn't talking to you." Hyunseung stuck a second finger up. "Secondly, if someone has a problem with my dongsaeng, they have a problem with me." A third finger shot up. "Third, you do not, and I repeat, do not snap at me." He raised a fourth finger. "Lastly, I'm not a girl and you most definately have no right to call me missy." He dropped three of his four fingers, flipping Yongguk the bird. "Now screw off, bastard. And have a nice day." Hyunseung his heel, dropping back into the seat next to me and finding extreme interest in the ring he'd worn today.

Yongguk opened his mouth to reply, but Daehyun stuck an arm out, cutting him off before he could say anything more. "Let's go guys. These people obviously aren't worth our time." The five boys filed out of the counseling office, Hyunseung and Yongguk exchanging glares as he exited the room. Daehyun turned to follow the boys, stopping at the exit and glancing back in my direction. "I'll see you around, Hyung." He sneered, slamming the door behind him as he exited. I flashed a rude gesture at the closed door, Hyunseung slapping my hand slightly as I did so.

"Yoseob. Hyunseung. Dongwoon. Please come in here." 

The voice of our counselor carried out into the waiting area, and I swallowed a lump I didn't know had formed in my throat. Dongwoon was the first to stand, sauntering into the counselor's office and planting down on one of the seats. Hyunseung followed, pulling me inside by the wrist and yanking me into the chair next to him. I stuck my tongue out at Hyunseung, before turning to face our counselor, the once famous - now retired - actor Jang Geun Suk.

"Hyunseung." He stated, smiling as the red haired boy sat down.

"Hyung." Hyunseung replied, standing up and walking around the back of the desk and sitting on Geunsuk's lap. "You haven't contacted me in forever." He pouted, but was pushed off by Geunsuk immediately.

"Not in school Seungie." Geunsuk scolded, scooting Hyunseung out from behind his desk. Hyunseung relunctantly sunk into his chair, pulling his knees up to his chest. I jabbed him in the ribs, soliciting a glare from the older as he rubbed his ribcage.

"Yah! How do you know our counselor?" I hissed, motioning to him with my head.

"He sings sometimes at Kwonnie's club." Hyunseung replied simply,  blowing the bangs out of his eyes. Geunsuk cleared his throat, drawing my attention away from Hyunseung and back to him.

"Now, why are you here in my office?" He simply asked, crossing his fingers in front of him.

"Didn't they tell you?" Dongwoon asked from where he sat, the banana that was once in his hair now sliding down the side of his face. He still didn't notice it though.

"They don't tell me a lot of things. You'd be suprised how little they actually tell me, a mere counselor." Geunsuk sighed, waving his hand in the air as he spoke. I groaned as I felt some oatmeal drop onto me shoulder.

"And you can't guess what happened?" I snapped at him, grabbing some tissues from the desk and wiping it off of my shoulder. I shuddered as I moved the tissue to my head, the oatmeal beginning to stink.

"I probably could. But I'd prefer if you would tell me." Geunsuk stated simply.

"Well that as-I mean guy Daehyun just walked up to me today at the cafeteria. I was totally minding my own business, eating with Seung and Woon. But then he walks up and pours all his food over me, for no legitimate reason! I was just defending myself when I spilt my food on him. I didn't want to fight him! Honest! But he started it Hyung!" I knew my voice sounded defensive, but it was the truth. Hyunseung smacked me behind the head, and I held the place where he hit, my eyes widening as I turned to him. "Hyunggg~!" I whined, a little peeved that he'd hit me. "Why would you do that?"

"Because its not good to lie, Seobie." He scolded, lightly hitting me once again. "Hyung." He began, turning to Geunsuk once more. "That wasn't all that happened. Back before we attended this school, Seob, Woon, and I were part of a cover group. Actually, we still technically are, but that's besides the point. Anyways, Yoseob was the leader of this group. And ever since he was eliminated by JYP, Yoseob's been very careful on who he accepts in the group. So Daehyun was a part of our group for a week or so, along with his friend Youngjae, and Yoseob was absolutely ruthless on him. He kept on tell Daehyun he was late and off key, which he was, but he was ruthless. So I think Daehyun's getting back at him. By following him here and trying to crush Yoseob's dreams of being famous one day." Geunsuk nodded as Hyunseung spoke, taking in every word he said.

"So basically, Yoseob was an and now Daehyun wants revenge?" Geunsuk replied, stating what he'd gotten from that. Hyunseung and Dongwoon nodded, and I let out a humph, not denying it. "Well I'm not gonna punish you." He said after a moment of silence, and I heard Dongwoon exhale a breath I didn't know he'd been holding. "But I do want you all to go back to your teachers for your next class tell them you're going to your dorms to clean up. You're beginning to stink. And Yoseob? Please don't get into another food fight with Daehyun. It ruins the upholstery on my chairs."

We stood up to leave the office, Hyunseung staying behind, claiming he wanted to stay with Geunsuk for a minute longer. I didn't try to argue with Hyunseung, because he always, and I mean always, will end up getting his way. Dongwoon and I exited together, but split as Dongwoon had dance next and I had vocal training next. I waved by to Dongwoon turning around and immediately ran head first into a body.

"M-m-mianhe!" I stuttered out, stepping back and dropping low in a bow. "Mianhe!" I said once more, bowing again, before I looked up and froze as I looked into Doojoon's beautiful black eyes. I felt some heat creep on my cheeks, and I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, no sound came out. He stared into my eyes, and we stood there for a good ten seconds before my face had become too red and I dropped it, not wanting to look at the one who didn't help me in the cafeteria. I was about to walk away when I saw him holding out a handkerchief. I looked up to his face once more, but he had he head turned. He shook the cloth in his hand, telling me to take it without actually saying any words. I reached out for the handkerchief, grabbing it and Doojoon walking away after I grabbed it. Had he been standing there, waiting for me to exit so he could give this to me?

I didn't realize I was smiling like an idiot until Hyunseung told me when he exited the office a minute later.


I sat down next to Hyunseung in our vocal training class, our hair wet as we'd just slipped in ten minutes after class ended since we had to clean up. A few students raised eyebrows at our entrance, but a glare from Hyunseung silenced any whispers that followed us. Our teacher, Ms. Park, stood at the front of the class, tapping her fingers on her desk, trying to get the classes attention. No one paid attention, so she ended up scratching her fingers across the chalkboard, immediately silencing the class as she cleared .

"Today, we have a new student who will be joining us."

Oh no. No no no no no.

"Lots of you may already know him."

No. Please. Not him. Anyone but the . Anyone. But. The. .

"Please come in here and introduce yourself."


"My name is Jung Daehyun." The bastard had the nerve to smile at me as he introduced himself. He smiled. Directly. At. Me. "And I hope we can all get along well. I've been told by many people that I'm one of the best singers they've ever heard, and that they believe I'll easily become famous one day."

"Well, you better not be all talk, Daehyun-ssi." Ms. Park said, standing up from where she sat at her desk. "Yoseob-ssi." . "You have the best grades in this class, so come on up here."

"Wae?" I asked, keeping the poison out of my voice as best as possible.

"Well since you're the best in the class, why not face off right here against Daehyun?" Ms. Park stated simply. Hyunseung nudged me from the seat next to me, mouthing that I had to go up there. I wanted to send him a rude gesture, but the entire class' eyes were on me, so I simply smiled tightly and walked up to the front of the room. Daehyun stuck his hand out for me to shake. I made a move as if though I were going to shake his hand, but pulled my hand away at the last moment, him stumbling as he'd leaned over to shake my hand. A collective "oooh" went throughout the classroom, and a glance in Daehyun's direction revealed how angry my gesture had made the boy. Ms Park didn't seem to notice, or she just simply didn't care, since she began playing the instrumental for Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound. I shot a glare at her, since the song was written in a key for females. Ms Park simply shrugged, motioning for me to start off.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'd never let you go. When all those shadows almost killed your light." I looked at the class, all of them clearly captivated by my singing. "I remember you said don't leave me here alone. But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight."

"Just close your eyes. The sun is going down." Daehyun's voice cut into the chorus. I was floored by how much he'd improved since he'd been part of our group. I didn't let it show on my face though. Hopefully.

The song finished, and the class erupted in cheers. I noticed Hyunseung give me a thumbs up. But what scared me the most was that he was almost as good as me. Maybe even as good as me. I was about to walk to my seat, but Daehyun's voice stopped me in my tracks.


I heard him speak as the door to our classroom opened, Doojoon entering. I didn't notice though, as all the attention was on Daehyun. Mine on Daehyun as well.

"Why don't we step this up a little? You think you're the best, right? You think you're all hot stuff, right? Well then let's do this. You and me, along with anyone we choose, a little friendly competition. In three weeks. We'll hand out fliers and everything. We'll see who's truly the best. What do you say Yoseob?"

I never got to reply, as Doojoon chose that moment to step in front of me.

"He accepts. Be ready to lose, Daehyun." He replied for me. Doojoon then turned to me, grabbing both my hands, the room silent except for a gasp from Hyunseung who was sitting in the back.

"I'll be your partner Yoseob."

What the hell did I get myself into?


I feel like I'm really really dragging this story.

Like its moving too slow. >.< But anyways, another update~

Two in one week. ^^ I feel semi-accomplished~

Next update either Friday or the weekend~

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sorry guys... going on hiatus for a few weeks~ be back with more updates n stuff later... bye.


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Im-your-father #1
Chapter 18: God, Why in this history too!! XC !!! Dont go!!!
Dont maind me...... Ill try !!
Goemas12 #2
Chapter 18: ugh what why I don't have a tumbler
Chapter 18: Good luck! I'll keep reading on your tumblr
straightcut #4
Chapter 17: I love this but why no updates...???
Chapter 17: my mouth is open. i was readin readin, my heart is beatind fast and then booooom. there is no more chapters. WHY?? ooo i hate when it's like this. but i'm happy i found this fic. good luck, update fast. : )) : ))
Chapter 17: ahhh yoseob dujun is yours ;c i seriously feel bad for seob T.T
vanilLaJae04 #7
Chapter 17: OMG NOOOOO! just when my junseung are finally together. drama comes... T______T