Female Lead


 The fingers twist together in torment. Heart pounding painly. Face twinge of insecure. Reading about what happened on Yuri fanclub, image of Yuri staring at the sleeping Yunho cause BoA heart confused.


She knew Yunho loves her. But why does she feel so insecure?  She feel so jealous. Seeing Yuri’s smile in that picture made BoA want to tear her apart. Remember, she’s the lead female in this story. That girl is a villain, nothing more. She shouldn’t think like that.

She shouldn’t

She knew Yunho emotion very well. He always looking at her with a loving eyes. Sometimes, she boldly asked “Do you love me”, Yunho watch her so warmly “I love your messy hair”. Then, he kissed her nose,a cute kiss to showing his feelings instead of words. He cared for her, protecting her.

He loves her

She should be satisfied with that! She shouldn’t be jealous with Yuri. She is a villain, in Yunho and her story… Absolutely! He didn’t talk to Yuri once, except for the words “Take it out” that day.

But he was smiling. Not really smiling but a smaink to be exact. But that was the first time she saw Yunho’s lip curve p. And it’s not because of her.

BoA closed her eye to remain calm. When return to the page on the computer sceen, something caught her eye. Maybe it’s her fan “Why does BoA unnie so good? That girl is stealing her boyfriend and she didn’t do anything. BoA unnie need to fight her back. Regard to evil act, Let’s act evil back”

“Act evil back” That words keep repeat in BoA mind. That right! She need to do that to save Yuri, herself and Yunho! She had to…



In woman restroom, Yuri is busy preparing herself before meeting her Yunho Oppa. She pouted when she saw her hair. She didn’t know how but her new curly hair look bad. She really dislike it. A laugh surprised Yuri. “Not that JaeJoong again right?” Hearing JaeJoong’s laugh so much, everytime she heard someone laughing, JaeJoong face come to her mind. “But It’s a girl restroom”. Turning to see where the laughing noise coming from. When she saw BoA face, she look back to the mirror. She really dislike BoA. Don’t want to talk to her or looking at her. She don’t know why but it’s make she feel annoy. Let’s just pretend that she doesn’t exist and focus on her target, Yunho.

“Sorry. You’re so cute when you pouted” BoA smile “No wonder JaeJoong like you that much”


“I know you hate me. Still, there’s something I need to tell you.”


“Yunho is my boyfriend. We have been dating for more than two years. Our relationship is good. And I don’t want anything to get in it. If you have self-respect, you should stop what you doing”

BoA weak voice can touch anyone heart, except for one. Yuri keep her eye lock on the mirror, her poker face hasn’t change. Yuri is Yuri, always careless and selfish since she was little, she proud of herself and nothing will change.

“You..you won’t stop, won’t you?”

Ignored BoA exist, Yuri lean down to wash her hand. And walk away. BoA raise her voice louder to attract Yunri

“I… I really don’t want to do this…This time, I’m wrong, but it will be better for you, me and Yunho. Yunho Oppa won’t love you so stop hurting yourself. You will be thankful to me someday.”


A cracking noise make Yuri turn around. BoA’s head is now bleeding terribly. The mirror crack to small pieces. BoA ran out of the restroom “I just want the best to you”

Yuri standing there, frowning. Don’t even have any intention to help BoA. Maybe that’s what BoA mean when she said that, if she have a plan, why should Yuri make it’s more entangle. Let’s wait and see what will happened.



ChangMin scream and kick the restroom door viollently. Yuri is still there, stare at the broken mirror.

“That was fast”

“You..” ChangMin don’t know what to said. How can that girl be so calm?

Walk to ChangMin, Yuri leaned to his ear.

“I didn’t hit her”

“Lie” In anger, ChangMin burst out. A living angel like BoA, is covering it’s for her. And there’s not a single guilty in her words or eyes.

“I want to hit a girl. But you might be an exception, you need to get hit once to know right and wrong.”

ChangMin said, then hold Yuri hair hardly, shoving her head into the toilet.

“So. Have you wake up? You !”

“Hyung! Stop. She is going to die” One member of Yunho gang said, feeling pity for the beautiful girl “Take her to Yunho Hyung”

Sighing, ChangMin look at Yuri. Her hair is now soaking wet. ChangMin feel so weird, Yuri don’t resist like others girl when ChangMin did that to her. And that made him feel sinful though he didn’t do anything wrong. She is the one who did that to BoA noona first.

“Wait until we get to Yunho hyung”


Hey I need a male character who is handsome and is a cassanova. I'm thinking about EXO's Kris but not so sure. Any suggest??

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Chapter 15: Update again please!!!
Hope you continue this story!! It is so good :-) I want to know more
Chapter 15: Omo. This fic is sooooo good, awesome, cool name it. Please update this, I just read it today and it is freakin awesome! This is jjang!! Hope you still update this ^^
GuiLD15 #4
Chapter 5: Ilhoon is good
GuiLD15 #5
Chapter 3: Holy crap yulclub is uknow isnt it?
it's been a year, i really miss you and your story :(
Chapter 15: Please update soon!! I'm waiting for ur update .
milezzYul #8
Chapter 15: update soonnnn
milezzYul #9
Chapter 15: authornim..i really love this fanfic..
i hope you can continue write this fanfic,,,,
Chapter 15: wah. getting more excited. ^^and who is donghae to yuri's life?
i mean, he snob her at first then next asking her where will she go. hmm. fishy.