Chapter 2: Letter from YoungJae appa

Letters from the Best Absolute Perfect fathers

Dear my little warrior,

Your Dad YoungJae is sitting in a flight to another city, which is also far away from home. I saw a boy at your age and he reminded me of you. I can’t stop thinking of you since then so I’m writing to you to write out all my love. If only you were here, sitting next to me so we could talk about the plane.

I miss your voice so much. That’s fair right? Last night your mother called me while you were asleep. My heart twisted when she said that you cried a lot seeing me on TV but still murmured “I won’t cry”. I know you’re a brave warrior but sometimes just let your tears fall down, dear. Because I know pretty well you’re missing me so bad and please know that I miss you as hundred times as you do.

Hey kid, how is your day at school? Your mother said that you got the highest score in your math class. Do you know how proud I was when I heard that? Then I told the other members and they all were jealous with me. You did a very good job. I can’t be more proud.

But, your mother complained about how you’re addicting to computer games. Well, I admit that I’m the one who get you into it and as I’m away from home so no one controls your time of playing games. They are harmful for your eyes and you should go out to do outdoor activities. A great warrior can’t just sit there in front of his computer, right?

Your mother asked me whether we should let you attend a singing course because she heard you singing while bathing. Your mother may record it the next time you do so prepare for it and give her your best performance, okay? If you like singing just as much as I do then don’t hesitate, kid. Try your best for it! Oh I just can’t wait to hear your voice and see your passionate face when you sing, dear. Another main vocal in the future? I’m looking forward to it.

I haven’t seen you for months… and there are several months until I can see you again. Just the thought of that can bring me down to the weakest point in my heart. Sitting in this long flight makes me have a lot of time doing nothing. And it’s so annoying because I think of you and your mother whenever my mind has nothing to do. I just can’t hold it in.

Right now there is a very big and difficult question that I’m trying to solve: How many time I have to say “I miss you” until I feel enough? I know I’ve been saying that from the start of the letter and I still want to say more. Should I just write down a whole passage with only “I miss you”?

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.

I did it. I wrote it down like that. That was insane, wasn’t it? But yeah, I’m crazy because of missing you, dear. All I want to do now is to pick you up from school, listen to your stories at school then we both help your mother cooking dinner. We have dinner and talk together. More than that, I wish I could bring you on a trip to the beach and play soccer together. It’s my biggest dream right now.

I promise you that when I’m home, all of that dreams will come true. Just few months more… Let’s both look forward to that day, okay? Once we reach the hotel, I’ll find a nice ball and bring it home as a souvenir for you.

Talking of food, I miss your mother’s dishes so much. Even though we can enjoy the gourmet of every cities but my stomack keeps craving for her dishes. You’re so lucky, my boy. You can enjoy her dishes every day. Can you eat them for me?

Mr. Yoo junior, I’ve just remembered an important thing that I have to remind you. Your mother also told me that you didn’t eat vegetables in your lunchbox. That’s a big wrong, kid! If you don’t eat vegetables, you won’t be strong enough to fight against the bad guys then you can’t be the greatest warrior. Now I’m far away from you and your mother, you have to take care of your mom and protect her. So that means you have to eat a lot of vegetables, get it?

They’re showing your favorite cartoon on the plane. You must be jumping around and screaming if you were here. I can’t watch it, dear. I really can’t. If I see just a scene of it and I’ll miss you again. Well, the fact is I’m missing you.

A kid from the seat behind just called “appa” and I thought it was you. I turned back right away and wished that I could see your face. You know it happens often. And every time it happens, my heart hurts a little more. But I have this special painkiller: your selca in my phone. When I showed your selca to DaeHyun uncle, he beamed at it and said he thought it was me when I was young. He said you looked so photogenic and had a lot of potential to be a superstar.

The plane is about to land now. Seatbelt needs to be fastened. I’ll write more to you when we reach the hotel (if I have time) or else I’ll try to write some lines whenever we take a break while practicing. I miss you so much my boy. Tell your mother that I love her too.

Love you so much,

Yoo YoungJae appa.

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Chapter 3: My head hurts from reading all of these, I think the amount of awesome in these one-shots is overwhelming. @_______@ Adding to the fact that I just finished re-watching 'Generation Kill', and these letters have this inner effect on me. XD whaa, I can totally imagine them being fathers when they're older- if they decide to get married that is. I hope they get married to equally lovely and awesome people as themselves. Thanks for sharing these letters!
achromati #4
Chapter 5: these feel so real...
Chapter 1: O M G. I can totally imagine Bang saying all these things to his daughter :') WELL WRITTEN
I'm seriously crying when I'm reading these! It feel's like they are actually writing these. So good!