Chapter 3: Letter from Uppie Daddy

Letters from the Best Absolute Perfect fathers

Dear my little Princess,

I’m staying at a hospital room because I hurt my ankle. But don’t worry about that, the doctor said that I would be able to dance again in one or two days. I just remember the last time when I hurt my ankle and had to stay in the hospital and you were there singing and dancing to make me feel better. That makes me miss you so much that I’m writing to you.

Despite having received your letter last week, I was too busy to reply until today. Did you write the whole letter on your own? Your writing skill is so good now and your handwriting is so neat. What is more, you told me all the things you and your mother did in details, I really like it. Please write more to me next time. I can’t wait to know what is happening at home.

You said in your letter that you attended the ballet class because you saw a ballerina on TV and wanted to dance like her. I wasn’t surprise at all when you said later that you ended up dancing with B-Boy style. I’m not saying that it’s bad. In fact, I was extremely happy when I knew that and smiled to myself so the other members asked if I was insane or something.

My little Princess, your mother did scold you for staying at school dancing until late right? I always support you to spend time for dancing but also agree with your mother. You should come home early and dance at home. Even though I know it’s much better if you practice in the dance room of your school but you mother will be worried when you come home late. So am I dear, I’ll be very worried. Also, don’t forget to do your homework. If your teacher says you don’t finish your homework, I and your mother must punish you not to dance for a while until you can arrange time to do both things. Sorry for that but you know I’m your Dad and I always want the best for you.

How is the weather at home? Warm and sunny right? It’s so cold here with strong winds and storms. Sometimes the thunders scare us. The rainy days make us miss our families more and more… We had to cancel one concert due to the storm and heavy rain. So that night, we gathered into one big room and talked to each other. It was when I miss you the most, my Princess. Listening to the others telling their stories made me miss it when you told me your stories with your neighbor friends and your schoolmates or just what you and your mother had bought at the supermarket.

It’s raining again. The other members are doing their own things so I was left alone in this room with my broken ankle. It’s sad a bit to stay in a big room on your own, especially when the storm is outside. Ah, remember once when I picked you up from school and then we had to park the car under a big tree because of the heavy rain? I’ll never forget that day as it was the first time you told me how much you love me. I was very touched to hear that. I still remember it clearly. You asked me why I had to stop the car and didn’t hurriedly drive home then I told you that I was afraid that the storm would blow us away and I didn’t want you to get lost. After that you said “I love you, Dad” and I wanted to cry at that time. I love you too, dear.

Hey Princess, don’t be too lazy and wake up early in the morning. I don’t like hearing from your mother that she almost lost her voice for calling you to get out of your bed. You know, guys don’t like lazy girl. So you should help your mother to do chores too. You’re almost old enough to take care of the chores.

You wrote in your letter that you want to have a baby. What do you mean by that? You want a baby doll or a baby sister or brother? Oh right! You told me once that you wanted to have a baby sister. Well, you have to wait until I’m done with the tour and come back to your mother, then you’ll have a baby. While waiting for that, I’ll send home a doll for you. Hope you’ll like it.

There is a water drop at the end of your letter. I can see that you cried while writing it. I know you miss me because I miss you too. I want to call you right now but I’m sure you’re walking in your dreams at this time. So I’d better write to you. It’s so hard to live in different time zones. But just a few months more and everything will be back to normal. I’ll come back to you and I promise that I’ll love you more than ever, my little Princess.

Hey, guess what! Your uncles have just come back from the mall and bought a doll for you. I asked them to do that because I can’t walk and I will send it with this letter to you. Play with this doll and just hug it whenever you miss me, okay?

Your uncle Zelo tells me that you should record your dance practice video and then show him as well as other members. But just don’t have any pressure about that. Take your time practicing and record it when you feel it perfect enough. I’ll be very proud to watch it dear.

The doctor agreed with my manager to let me go back to the hotel and take a rest there. I don’t want to stop writing here as I still have many things to say. I miss you so much and only these words are not enough for me to describe it. But I’ll just send this letter to you with the doll then wait for your reply. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and your mother soon. I love you both.

Your Dad JongUp.

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Chapter 3: My head hurts from reading all of these, I think the amount of awesome in these one-shots is overwhelming. @_______@ Adding to the fact that I just finished re-watching 'Generation Kill', and these letters have this inner effect on me. XD whaa, I can totally imagine them being fathers when they're older- if they decide to get married that is. I hope they get married to equally lovely and awesome people as themselves. Thanks for sharing these letters!
achromati #4
Chapter 5: these feel so real...
Chapter 1: O M G. I can totally imagine Bang saying all these things to his daughter :') WELL WRITTEN
I'm seriously crying when I'm reading these! It feel's like they are actually writing these. So good!