Chapter 6: Letter from Channie appa

Letters from the Best Absolute Perfect fathers

Dear my son and daughter,

I’m sorry that I haven’t written back to you for two weeks. It is because I’m too busy. There were some problems last week and we had to solve it in order to keep up with the schedule. Thanks goodness everything was fine. Today we have a day off to rest and we’ll start practicing tomorrow. I take the chance immediately to answer your letters.

You sent me two different letters written by each of you this time. I was very surprised because you always send only one. After reading both letters and I realized that you wanted to express your own feelings and not to let the other read it so you wrote them yourself. It was good anyway as the boy and the girl have different ways to show their love. The most important thing is I know that you both love me. I love you too, equally.

But I’m so sorry that I don’t have much time to write back two letters for each of you. I hope you don’t get angry. You understand how hard I’m working right? Please understand your Dad’s hard work. He’s now the ulzzang HimChan of his fans (keke). He’ll turn back to be your perfect father as soon as possible. There are only two shows left and yes, I’ll fly home with you immediately when I’m done. I’m dying to see you and hear you calling me with your baby voice.

My daughter, as a big sister, you have to share the responsibility to take care of your brother with your mother. You knew it already right? I was so proud to know that you won the beauty contest in your primary school. Actually, I’m not really surprised to know that news since I have the most beautiful daughter in the world and because you inherit the pretty face from me (keke) and the charming smile from your graceful mother. Despite this, you have to also help doing the chores, not only take care of yourself, remember? You’re the oldest sister! I believe that you can take care of our family well when I’m not at home.

My son, as a little brother, you have to listen to your sister and your mother. Don’t bully your sister! You always take the advantage of your sister’s love for you and then her from behind. I’m sorry that you may don’t understand these words because I’m talking about its figurative sense. You’re too young to understand them but just know that you should stop bullying your sister while she acts nice to you. If you don’t want to be treated badly, first you have to treat other people right. Obey your sister and your mother, okay?

You must be having lunch now. I can even smell the strong aroma from the dishes that your mother cooks. It’s killing me to think of that even though I’ve just had breakfast. So please know how lucky you are to be at home enjoying her delicious food while I’m missing them from this far place. What I miss the most is the warm atmosphere we have when we have family meals, eating and chatting together. I can’t wait to see your smile again. I miss you so much!

As I’m sharing the same hotel room with YongGukkie, he asked me almost everything about how to take care of you guys. He’s going to have his baby soon and poor him, he can’t be home to take care of his wife now. We all are trying our best to stick to the schedule so we can be back soon. You know we practice really hard these days, keep rehearsing non-stop. Although we have muscle strain or voice problems, we just continue and fix it right away, or else we’ll have to delay the shows and it means more time will be spent away from you. That’s a big andwe to us! But don’t worry, we’re still healthy. We take care of one another so we’ll have the best health to follow the plan.

You also take care of your health too. Winter is coming. It’s getting colder and colder each day. Remember to wear warm clothes and don’t get cold! Especially your mother! I don’t want to blame her in front of you but she is always careless and forgets her coat. Now I’m not at home to bring her coat every time I pick her up at work. Please remind her for me, ok?

Talking of cold, grrr, I’m cold now. Being alone is really cold. My “roommate” is not in the room so I’m alone. Why so suddenly this room turns out so big? Even though I’m sitting inside the blanket but I still feel cold. If only I were home now so I could hug three of you into my lap and then I would feel much better. Ah, I miss you.

Yesterday, we went for an interview and there was a lucky fan who asked me this funny question “Can I be your in-law?”. I couldn’t help laughing and was choked too. The other members also burst to laugh. She said that she had a son and wanted him to marry my daughter. She didn’t just ask, she insisted. Suddenly I felt so proud to have such a beautiful daughter that everyone wants to be with her. And also, the MC asked me how my son looks, whether he is another ulzzang HimChan. I have to admit that owning a good-looking face is so annoying (keke). Do you feel the same?

Anyway, I’ll end it here because I start sobbing now. It’s not that I’m weak-hearted, I’m just missing you so much okay? I’ll see you soon, I swear! Love you so much!

Your appa,


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Chapter 3: My head hurts from reading all of these, I think the amount of awesome in these one-shots is overwhelming. @_______@ Adding to the fact that I just finished re-watching 'Generation Kill', and these letters have this inner effect on me. XD whaa, I can totally imagine them being fathers when they're older- if they decide to get married that is. I hope they get married to equally lovely and awesome people as themselves. Thanks for sharing these letters!
achromati #4
Chapter 5: these feel so real...
Chapter 1: O M G. I can totally imagine Bang saying all these things to his daughter :') WELL WRITTEN
I'm seriously crying when I'm reading these! It feel's like they are actually writing these. So good!