
My Cold-Blooded Love

Let’s have a quick recap of their talents and some words that’s in this fic:

  •   Purebloods             - born as a vampire.
  •   Soulless                  - those who are not born as a vampire. They were bitten to be transform/turn as a Vampire.
  •   Undead                    - is a type of vampire who were bitten by a Soulless and was successfully transform/turn to                                                    a vampire. 
  •  Unknown                  - is another type of Vampire who were also bitten by a Soulless but was unsuccessfully turn to                                              a Vampire, they were more like a monster-striving for blood and power. A/N: Any vampire can be                                        an unknown if they give in to their bloodlust
  • Mate/ Blood mate     - your other half, A/N: it’s different from IPYWAML, the mating is different. When vampires decided                                         to be mated, they will drink each other’s blood and have some ritual, etc… not like love at first                                             sight like werewolves in my other story. It’s not predestined, vampires are the one who will decide                                        who they want to mate.
  • Benefactor               - the one who transform you as a vampire.
  • User                         - is the one who have a talent or ability. Usually, it’s only purebloods who can be a user (though                                           Jaejoong, Hyun Joong, TOP & another guy you will meet soon are the exemption) A/N: Only some                                       purebloods are users and not all of them.
  • Talent                      - is what the vampires called to the extra ability or power. A/N: Talents can be robbed by other                                               vampires if the blood of a user were drained from his/her body, then the talent will be transferred to                                     the one who drained the user’s blood.


  •   Jaejoong        - can control the wind and can create ice.
  •   Yoochun        - like a human lie detector, can sense if someone is not telling the truth.
  •   Bom               - has the ability to sense other people’s emotion/feelings.
  •   Changmin      - can read minds, only what the person is thinking at the present.
  •   Chaerin         - can see other people’s past.
  •   Yunho            - can travel through space, teleportation in short.
  •   Junsu             - can speak through minds/ telepathy.
  •   Minzy             - weather controller, if she wanted to, she can change the weather depending on her emotion.
  •   TOP              - TBA (to be announced later J)
  •   Hyun Joong   - TBA
  •   Dara              - healing and TBA 




Author's POV:


They hate to admit it, but they knew that they are no match to  Dara's scent. The seven reluctantly left the old Victorian mansion to go and hunt, leaving Dara, Jaejoong, TOP and Hyun Joong. Maybe because of the tension that they forgot about her scent for a moment but right after her two best friends appear, they all relaxed and Dara instantly notice their eyes slightly getting dull and slowly turning red which only means... bloodlust. Since TOP and Hyun Joong were turned by Dara, they can't feel any bloodlust towards her just like Jaejoong.

Dara pointed that out, right after she was slapped on the back of her head courtesy of TOP when she scared Chaerin. They insist that they are fine but their eyes say otherwise. Left with no choice, they teleported with the help of Yunho and went somewhere.

"You should stop scaring everyone whenever they try to know you or ask something related to you. It's not like all vampires were after your life." Hyun Joong lectured as Dara sighed.

Unknown to them, as they started their conversation right after Jae's coven left, Jaejoong started gaining consciousness. Because breathing is not necessary for vampire, they didn't notice Jaejoong was now back to reality.

He stayed unmoving as he first heard the voice of his best friend lecturing someone. As he wait for the reply of that someone, he felt a hand caressing his face gently sending tingles to every inch of his body. He also realize that his using someone's lap as a pillow. Who is it? He asked his self.

"I know, but it became a habit of mine to be that way to others so that they will stay away from me." Dara reasoned out as she continues staring Jaejoong face on her lap as she touches his face delicately.

Jaejoong felt his heart was about to explode finding out who's voice is it. Sandara Park. He realized it as soon as her melodic voice left her lips. He tried hard not to move or breath that's why he didn’t find out who is he with as soon as he woke up, that he failed to inhale the alluring scent of Dara. The voice was so near to him that he instantly knew who's lap he was on.

"Do you really like living alone that much that you will try to push everyone away?" TOP asked seriously as he watched his best friend looking at his other best friend longingly. He knew that it was the first time after 500 years that she was able to touch him like that. He knew how much she misses him. Because of all the vampires around, he was one of those who witnessed how those two shares a bond that no one can ever break apart even though they were miles away.

"Do you know the humans saying 'no man is an island'?'" Dara asked chuckling a bit at her question.

"No one wants to be alone TOP. No one can live alone. Being alone is the saddest thing a person will experienced in once life. I never wanted to be alone. Never wish to be alone and never dreamed to be alone. All I wanted was to be with all of be with him." She whispered solemnly as a glistening tear escape her eyes.

Jae's heart constricted in pain as he heard the solemn voice of the girl who is he deeply attracted to. He almost jolted up when a warm moist was dump on his face which he instantly knew as tears. He felt her warm hands quickly wipe away the tears that fell on his face as soon as it makes contact to his skin.

"Then tell him. We are here to protect you Dara. It's our fault in the first place that you became weak. Right after you turned us. It's our fault that you are having a hard time protecting yourself, that all you can do is hide and run away... away from everyone... away from him... It's our fault that the once strongest Sandara Park was now a simple user Sandara Park... maybe if we are strong enough during that time you won't have t--" Hyun Joong spoke brokenly blaming their weakness for Dara's pain but was quickly cut off by her.

"No! It's never been your fault or anyone. If there's to blame here, it's the unknowns for their power-striving. They are all monsters!” She said as felt the anger inside her for those who tried to kill her.


Right at the moment, Jae’s coven made their presence. One by one, they all started to take a seat around the four best friends. They go on with their conversation as if the seven vampires are not with them.


"You should let him know everything. Since it's already fate that made both of you meet each other. It's time Dara... it's been five hundred years. He deserves to know everything. Give her past back." TOP spoke looking at Sandara intently as Hyun Joong nodded in agreement.


"Just give me a few more days... please...." Sandar begged. Her voice full of vulnerability as if she was about to cry.


"What do you mean by that? Are you the key to his past? Don't tell me..." Chaerin asked as she trailed off realizing something but was immediately cut off by Dara as she confessed the truth.


"Yes... I am their benefactor.... his benefactor." She said softly looking at the man in her lap lovingly.


The seven gasped in surprised about the new information they’ve found out. Everything was going so fast. Just this morning they met this girl that has an alluring scent that calls to them then suddenly they were all in their home sitting with the said girl while listening to her confession.


“Then why didn’t you feed him with your blood to let him gain his memories and left him?” Minzy asked Dara, wanting to know her reason for leaving their leader clueless of his past. Sandara shook her head still with that sad smile on her face when the man in question suddenly jolted up from his ‘sleeping’ state and asked her the question himself.



Jaejoong’s POV:


“Why did you left after you transform me? Why?!” I asked feeling betrayed for some unknown reason. Saying I was shocked about finding out that she is my benefactor will be the understatement of the year. Never in my life thought that this girl that I’m deeply attracted to will turn out to be the benefactor that I’m unimaginably falling for.


Her eyes widened in shocked as she saw me now sitting beside her. She stared at me for a moment then look at Hyun Joong & TOP helplessly as if asking for help.


“How long were you listening?” She asked after getting nothing from our two best friends.


“It doesn’t matter. Tell me, why did you leave me?!” I asked once again as another set of anger entered my body. For the past years I’ve been clueless. I’ve been left in the dark. I don’t know what am I or who am I before I became a vampire.


“I’m leaving.” She suddenly declared as she stand up in inhumanly speed and was about to run towards the direction of the door when I beat her to that and grab her wrist sending her backwards on my chest and I did the unthinkable.


I sink my fangs on her neck.




“WTF! Jae!”






I had enough! I don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t know anything! My best friends knew everything but why am I clueless to my own past?! It’s enough!


“No…” I heard Dara whispered as a sob left at the same time I taste the most delicious and sweetest blood in the world. But it didn’t last long, because as soon as I took few drops of her blood. Everything came back. My past, my history, her reasons and everything.


I quickly retract my fangs from her neck as she wobble a little and was about to fall on the ground when I react quickly and hug her from behind.


This time, I knew the reason why I feel like this towards her. Why her touch sends a tingling sensation to my body. Why do I feel like that I love my benefactor… because all this time, my blood mate and my benefactor is one person… with the name of Sandara Park.


“I miss you so much…”



Bom’s POV:


We stared at the person in front of us. She is Jae’s benefactor. She’s the one who changed him to a vampire. But the question is why she didn’t give his memories back? As if hearing my thoughts, Minzy asked my unspoken question.


“Then why didn’t you feed him with your blood to let him gain his memories and left him?”


I watched her as she shook her head. I almost cried at the sadness she’s feeling… it’s too much. I clutch my chest as if I was being suffocated. This girl is hurting so much.


“Are you okay?” I heard my twin asked on my side. I shook my head.


“I am, but she’s not.” I replied as I gestured to Sandara’s direction.


I don’t know how long we watched the scene unfolding in front of us. From the moment Jaejoong suddenly woke up and demanding for an answer up to the point where everyone was shouting. We saw how Sandara stumbled backwards until her back met Jae’s chest and as if on cue, everyone knew what he will do as we saw his fangs elongated.


“Jae!!!!”My twin and I shouted at the same time.


“WTF! Jae!” Yunho shouted, too shock to even teleport to stop Jae.


“Stop!!!” Minzy asked fearing for Sandara’s life.


“Don’t!!!” His two best friends shouted at the same time, they were about to jump into action when she whispered dejectedly.


“No…” At the same time, a small sobbed escape her lips as she closes her eyes. I will never forget her face when Jae sank his fangs on her neck. It’s not pain that her face shows at that time, its disappointment, not for Jae… but disappointment to once self.


And before we knew it, Jae quickly retracted his fangs from her neck… too quick if I may add. I’m not even sure if he was able to taste her blood. But from his reaction, he did. I can’t even identify how he feels… his emotion was jumbled.


“He got his memories…” Hyun Joong declared as we watched the exchange between our leader and his benefactor.


When Sandara was about to fall on the ground, Jae immediately catch her and enveloped her in a very tight hug that we thought he was going to crush her.


“Finally.” TOP said with a smile on his face as Hyung Joong agreed, with a smile also in his face. They are happy for them.


“I miss you so much…” We heard Jae spoke to Sandara. She didn’t reply, she actually looks paler than before. Her eyes still close but as she heard Jae, she opens them slowly… her eyes casting down but the tears were evident in her face as she bit her lips trying to stop any sob from escaping from .


Slowly, Jae released her from his hug and turn her to face him. Her eyes still looking down. Jae’s left hand reach to Dara’s and held it firmly while his other hand reach her chin and gently make Dara look at his eyes.


“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to sacrifice yourself for me. Please don’t do that again…” He pleaded staring intently to her eyes. She didn’t respond once again and just closes her eyes.


“Promise me Dara…” He added. He waited for his reply as we did the same while watching silently on the side. The intensity of their feelings is really on a different level. These two had face so many sufferings and hardship in life but their feelings for each other never change even though they were miles away.


And that was actually a mystery. A vampire never harbors any feeling towards his benefactor except from the feeling of submission. But why does Jae feel so in love to Sandara at the same time she feels the same… why?


“I promise…” She finally responded. A smile crept on Jae’s face, a real gentle smile.


With the use of his left hand that was holding Dara, he pulls her to him and gave him a peck on the forehead, then his nose, then to her cheeks and finally on her lips. She immediately kisses him back as soon as his lip touches her. It was a short kiss yet gentle and sweet. Smile was now both on their lips as they pulled away from the kiss but sadness was still on their eyes.


They have so many times to catch up. So many stories to tell. So many kisses to share. So many hugs to feel and so many love to give for each other. They waste five hundred years for some unknown reason. And for sure this time that Jae had gained his memory; he will not let her go anymore. But the question is are they in a  relationship to begin with?



He hugs her once again and put his face on the top of her head. He closes his eyes enjoying the feeling of Sandara in his arms until we saw something red falling from his eyes. Blood. He’s crying. Vampires are dead, blood is the only thing that keeping us alive. Since we don’t have any water in our system, blood is the only thing that will fall from our eyes when we cry… different from Sandara.


The scene before us is heartbreaking yet touching. She hugs him back as her eyes also started to become teary. They miss each other so much.


“Let’s give them some privacy.” TOP suggested as we all nodded and was about to turn around when we heard Jae whispered.








“I love you.”





Yay!! And I can now officially declare that I am back!!

I've manage to get back to all my ongoing fics!!!

I promised that I won't abandon my fics, didn't I?

Anyway, next chapter might be their past...

I'm not even sure if you'll be satisfied with my update but still I hope you'll enjoy... CIao!

Till next week!!

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Chapter 6: 6 years still waiting for the author to continuing this story... i wish you start to log in to fanfics account and continue the story
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 6: 5 years since this story was last updated, I find myself subscribing. The storyline is interesting. Although I have a hunch of what they were before they were turned, I want to know for sure from the author's POV and I want to know what will happen next. I hope you'll get to spare a bit of your time to update your stories. Thanks
jhie6260 #3
Chapter 6: Hoping you could update this fic, very touching.
bb2ne1fanjj #4
Chapter 6: You said you're back authornim huhuhu! Please try to continue writing these wonderful jaedara fics.
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i've been waiting this story to be updated since 3 years ago, yet you haven't updated yet :(
oh please authornim, update this story again, don't abandon the story....
Chapter 6: Waaaahhhhhh!!!! Read this now and got hooked!!!!!!! Please continue this story authornim~!! ^.^v please please please ~~~ it's a really great story~ hoping for an update :) kamsamida ~
Chapter 6: Hi athornim i just found this and started reading and hella i find this story of your very interesting and amazing really pls update soon this story all the way fighting!:)
mellai #8
Chapter 6: i only started reading this today and its a beautiful story pls. update again thanks...
Chapter 6: thank you author
Chapter 6: i . i am crying. this fic is full of depth. still i am happy because the last update is so sweet and so satisffying.