
My Cold-Blooded Love


“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” I shouted through the pillow that’s covering my face as I lay my back on my comfy bed resulting to a muffled sound as if I was being strangled.


My alarm clock obviously won’t stop beeping just because I shouted for it to stop, so just like that I reach out for the annoying source of the sound and smash it with my hand. A sigh of relief came out from my mouth as the silence once again contains my room.


I love silence, it brings peacefulness inside me. And so much of loving silence, I also kept my mouth shut for silence. I’m not a mute, I just don’t like to talk to other people. But if I find something amusing or interesting or annoying just like my alarm clock, I tend to speak a lot.


I’ve been living alone for so many, so, so many years that I find things like talking is a boring activity unless it’s necessary or I don’t have a choice. Today is my first day of school as a senior in my new school.


Another sighed escapes my lips but this time it’s because of frustration. I’m not sure how many times I’ve been a senior student but I don’t have a choice, since I look like 18 or 19 years old I need to go to school. I don’t want any suspicion arises around me because I’m not attending school.


I just move here few days ago because I need to leave the town I was staying before because people might notice any sign of me not aging. Yeah, I don’t get old. I will forever look like a teenager because of what I am. It’s always like this, staying in some place for 3-5 years then, I’ll move again. City to city, town to town, country to country, there’s no difference. I’m used to it already. It’s not like I have a family or friends that I’m going to leave behind.


My family is something I don’t want to talk about because of my complicated family tree but for friends? I don’t have any. Why? Because it’s better to be alone than have friends then later on they will found out what I am then, they will leave me or something like that. So through the years, I’ve gone cold. I don’t need friends. That’s what I been believing ever since I was left alone.


I throw the pillow away from my face and slowly sit up on my bed. I look around and notice that I don’t have anything in my room. I haven’t gone shopping yet ever since I came here. I only have two duffle bags. One contains some stashes of paper bills and the other contains few clothes and necessities.


I reached for my cell phone and check the time seeing the alarm clock is useless now. It says 7:00am. Alright! Time to get up! My class will start in an hour. I hopped out of my bed and didn’t bother fixing it. I rush to where the bathroom is and from there, I started getting ready.


It felt like an hour had passed as I get ready but in reality it’s only less than ten minutes. I stood in front of the full body mirror, the only thing this apartment has and apparently, it was left by the previous occupant of this room.


I looked at myself up and down in front of the mirror. There, stood a girl around 5’2 in height with a petite but y structure. Her face was the epitome of perfection, one of the things that help her to lure her prey. Her eyes were shining in its lightest shade of brown, means she is full as of now. Her hair reach below her that was shiny and silky and naturally curly at the tip that seems like it was styled professionally on her right side. Her skin was white as the porcelain doll.


The girl is wearing tight gray skinny jeans with some streak of black partnered with a black loose but not baggy shirt with green dots all over it. A black shinny leather jacket was on top of it and a black boots to finish the awesome looks.  (A/N: The outfit that she wore in Lonely MV. I’m not really good in describing it.... sorry)


I pick up my small shoulder bag and put my phone and ipod inside of it. With one glance on the mirror and feeling satisfied with my looks, I immediately left my room and went towards the exit. My apartment is only one storey in height. I didn’t need a mansion or palace, it’s enough for me since sooner or later I needs to move out once again.


I went directly to the garage beside my apartment without eating breakfast because it’s not needed. I can live even without eating for a month I’m not sure about others but in my case I can still digest some foods. And from what I know, others can’t. Well except for humans because they need it to live or else they’ll die.


 I stood in front of the garage and look at the two rides I recently brought. One BMW motorbike and one red Audi convertible. ‘Hmmm, what should I use?’ I asked myself as I looked the two unused ride.


“I guess the motorbike, it is!” I said to myself. I get the keys from my bag and quickly hopped on my baby as I the engine. The sounds of the motorbike gives life to the surrounding though I still like silence, I also like the sounds of this new ride. I put my helmet on my head though it’s unnecessary because if accident occurs, I won’t get killed that easily.


 People say that my kind is immortal, but I disagree with it. We live long, we don’t get killed or died easily...but we are not immortal. Immortal means they don’t die. But we die. Our kinds die. But like what I’ve said, not easily because there’s only two ways to kill us. And that is something for you to find out.


And with myself ready, I closed my eyes and prayed that everything will be okay. I hope that I won’t face any trouble or worst any of my kind specially, in this town full of humans. I open my eyes and slowly adjust my vision from the sunlight. And with one last look at the white boring apartment of mine, I left and drive towards the direction of the school.




The sounds of my motorbike can be heard through the whole parking lot that immediately attracts the attention of everyone around. I rolled my eyes at the scene. A typical scene in high school when there is a newbie.


I park my bike near the gates and turned off the engine. I stay still for a whole and debate to myself internally if I should take off my helmet and go to the office or should I stay for a bit since there’s still thirty minutes left before the class starts.


I can feel eyes on my back as I face the other direction of the school. I mentally shrugged coz’ I knew the answer to my question if I don’t want to be late. I reached the helmet on my head and slowly pulled it up from my head.


My back was still facing the other students but from a distance, I can still hear what they are talking about due to my heightened senses.


“A new girl? Why is she transferring in the middle of the semester?” I heard someone asked curiously.


“Wow! Look at the back view! I hope the front view is as y as her back.” I shook my head to that comment as the boy exclaimed it loudly. Boys... will forever be boys.


“Hmph! If I know, she’s just another in town!” Someone bitter whispered which earned some yeah’s. I don’t think I need to turn around to know that words were from the school . Because only es can came up with that not-so-genius comments together with her plastic/ fake friends.


Comments continue to pour as the curiosity of who I am and how do I look like arises. I slowly put my helmet on the top of my motorbike as I continue to listen to their comments trying to avoid glancing to those giving rude words. But not until I heard some lowly whispers that quickly perk my attention.


“What the?! What is she? Why is her scent like that?” A male with a high pitch tone questioned. Scent huh? If he can smell me from over here, then that means... he is not also a human.


“She...she smell so her blood was calling me.” I heard a girl murmured as if she’s in pain.


“Calm down Minzy, think of something to distract yourself. We can’t expose our secret in this place.” Another female voice said.


“I’m sorry, but... she—“ She was about to say something when someone butted in.


“Yeah, she smells different but she doesn’t smell like one of us. But...but her scent, it’s so alluring.” A deep baritone voice added. I chuckled to myself after hearing it. If they only knew... Haha!


“I can even feel my canine slowly growing. Damn! Who is she? It’s the first time I’ve inhaled this kind of scent I can taste her blood on the tip of my tongue just by getting hit by her scent.” With that last comment I slowly look to my left side where the sources of the voices are.


Like in a movie, where you watch in slow motion, my head slowly and carefully turn to their direction. As the wind blows, their scent also hit me. And in an instant, I knew what they are.... cold-blooded. I look their direction and saw the group.


On the other side of the parking lot, there stood five guys and three girls besides their flashy cars. All with the same skin color as mine, pale white. Gorgeous. They are all gorgeous. Well, it’s to be expected in our kind, because it helps us to attract our meal.


As if sensing someone looking at them, all at the same time, their heads whipped to my direction. It took all my willpower not to laugh at their expression upon looking at me. Their eyes were wide open as well as their mouths as if I’m a ghost. But before everyone notice, they already composed themselves and glared at me. Well, what the heck did I do?


I examine them one by one as they continue to glare at me like it’s a crime to look at them. I just ignore them and continue assessing them as they tried to intimidate me but sorry to tell you dears, I’m not afraid.


“I can’t read her.” I look at the tall guy who spoke. I can’t read her? Hmm... he’s maybe a user?


“You can’t read her mind? Why?” The guy beside him asked who has a cute if I may add.


“I don’t know... I just... I just can’t.” The guy earlier answered with a hint of frustration in his voice. Hah! Even I, myself don’t have any idea why my mind was shielded from anyone. Maybe it’s the work of my father.


“Impossible. What is she?” The blonde girl with slanted eyes said in disbelief.


Their conversation continues while glaring at me as I continue to study them. I tuned out their secret murmuring not wanting to listen anymore to their useless curiosity of what am I. But honestly, in the eyes of humans they look like they were just glaring at me but in reality, they were all talking secretly and so subtle that only those who have heightened senses can hear and notice their lips were actually moving as they whispered to each other.


I took a deep breath and look away. Again, I slowly turn but this time not only my head but my whole body as I prepare myself from the unwanted comments I have to hear facing the students of this school. I immediately put a blank emotionless face as they saw the ‘new student’.


Lust. That’s what written on every boys eyes that I saw. Wolf whistles and guys calling dibs on me are things I’m also used to every time I transfer school and also.... the jealous look of the girls but not all, some looks at me with admiration like I’m their idol.


I started walking towards the building from the parking lot as I ready myself from another drama of my life. I keep my face blank and walk as if I’m on the catwalk. My hips swayed in every step I make and my hair bounce every time the wind blows in my direction adding some effects to my grand entrance.


I continue to ignore every eye on me as I walk towards the school when a familiar voice rings to my ear. And without hesitation, I stopped on my track and my head abruptly turn to where the group of cold-blooded are earlier.


“She looks familiar” The familiar voice said. I saw them also looking at me with a big question mark on their face while accessing my whole feature. My eyes landed to the guy that I left forcibly, yeah by force....not because I wanted to. Because no one in their right mind will leave the only guy that they love... except for me.


I look at him lovingly feeling the emotions that I’ve been trying to forget surface once more. My dead heart started beating rapidly as I took in his appearance. He’s still the same. Nothing change. He still have the god-like stature with that toned-body. His skin is still as pale as before, his full luscious lips that I’ve missed, the brown orbs that can always see through me and the jet black hair that my fingers always played with. The outside is still the same... I hope the inside is still the same.


I immediately look away before they notice something different on me or before I meet his eyes and afraid he will found out who am I. I hide all the emotions once more and step on the hallway. As if something possessed each of the students, they all gone quiet as soon as I step inside the building.


All eyes were on me. I didn’t bother to stop to greet them as I enjoy the silence of the place. The only thing that you can hear is the sounds of my boots meeting the floor. I continue to walk but this time looking side to side wondering where the office is when suddenly someone’s phone rings and the tune echoed through the hallway as I walk.


I’m y and I know it~


I’m y and I know it~


Well, even the phone knew how y I am! Kyahh!!! Haha! I laugh to myself.




The bell rings signalling the start of the first period as soon as I stepped out of the office. I got my schedule and map in hand. Oh well, I guess this is it. I put the keys that the secretary gave me for my locker in my bag. I guess I’ll check my locker later.


I check my schedule and saw my first period is World History. Augh! I hate history. It’s not like all the things that they teach in the school about history are correct. Some were even too far from the truth. I shook my head in disbelief. Humans... really... I’m really speechless. I don’t even know how to describe them. And truthfully, I even met some of those people that they consider heroes in their history classes but of course no one will believe me so better shut my mouth.


I noticed that no one’s around anymore. Hmm... maybe they’re already in the classrooms. I searched for my room using the map that was provided to me earlier and easily found it. With one deep breath, I knock on the door gently which earned a soft ‘Come in’ in reply.


I open the door slowly to avoid exerting unnecessary strength that humans don’t have. And instantly the scent of 8 cold-blooded creatures hit me. Damn! Why do I have same class as them. I groaned internally feeling things won’t be easy as what I thought.


“Good Morning! How can I help you dear?” A beautiful lady asked me which I assumed is Ms. Song Ji Hyo because it was written on my schedule. I didn’t reply but just step towards her and handed my schedule. She looks at the paper before exclaiming.


“Oh! You are the new student?” She asked me. I nodded as a reply. She beamed at me and signed the paper I’ve given her and return it to me. It seems like she can feel that I’m not interested in any introduction or whatsoever.


“Alright then, class... this beautiful lady here is Ms. Sandara Park. Starting today, she will join us in our lesson.” She announced at the whole classroom with 25 students whose eyes were on me starting from the time I stepped in.


“Do you want to tell something about yourself Ms. Park?” She asked while smiling at me. I shook my head still not wanting to speak. She understood and gave me another gentle smile. Hmm... seems like I’m going to like this teacher.


“Okay then, you can take the available seat at the back on the right side.” She said as she pointed on the only available chair beside the window.


I run a hand on my hair trying to suppress the frustration I’m feeling after I noticed that the only available seat that Ms. Song had pointed was the chair beside my one and only... Kim Jaejoong. Oh Great! Note the sarcasm.


I feel dreadfully drained as I walk to the seat. I even have the urge to poke each eye that was still on me but I think it’s not a good idea. I plopped myself uncomfortably on the chair and immediately look on the window, trying to avoid any contact with these non-human creature.


I continue looking on the window while ignoring the discreet glances I’m receiving from my classmates and the not so discreet stare from those 8 who were basically sitting all on my right side. I was about to put my head on my table to avoid their gazes when the human in front of me turn around and face me while Ms. Song was busy writing on the board.


“Hi! Sandara! My name is Lee Donghae.” He introduced himself while smiling. His hands were in front of me asking for a shake. I look at him for a moment trying to figure out what he wants. I think for a second whether I should talk to him or not.


“Dara.” I reached for his hand and shake it giving up the no talking idea I have in mind earlier. He smiled widely as I spoke.


“Ahh...err...ahmm... Wow! Ahh yeah. You want to be called Dara instead?” He asked while slightly blushing from his stuttering. I just nodded in response and let go of his hand. I saw him frown a little when I let go of his hand but quickly hide it as he spoke.


“Alright then if that’s what you want. Anyway, do you want to sit with me during lunch? I’ll introduce you to some of my friends and I’ll bet you will enjoy their company.” He asked in a hopeful tone. Friends huh? Should I also give it a try? Maybe.... but not too close.


“Sure, I guess.” I said turning to look at the window not wanting to prolong the conversation. I heard him whispered a ‘yes!’ but didn’t pry on it.


“Alright then. I’ll see you at lunch later!” He said too excitedly.


The rest of the morning was really boring except the time that the eight of them will look at me as if they were about to knock me down. I tried to avoid their eyes as much as possible but obviously failing since I hate it when someone thinks they can easily kick my off. But as much as I tried to avoid them its impossible seeing all my morning classes was the same as them. I didn’t saw Donghae after my first period, I guess it’s the only class we share.


The bell rings signalling lunch break. I immediately grab my bag and head towards the cafeteria not minding the hand that was about to grab me as I stand up. I swiftly avoid the hand and act as if I didn’t notice it as I rush out of the door.


I open the door towards the cafeteria and different scents hit me. I walk towards the food and just get an apple. Apple is enough for me because it’s one of the few things that my stomach can digest. After I pay for the apple, I look around and saw Donghae waving at me like a maniac.


“Dara! Here! Here!” He shouted across the room which instantly gain so much attention. I rolled my eyes as the other students immediately started gossiping while I walk towards the table were Donghae is with other three students who looks familiar. I think I have some of my classes with all of them.


“Wow, the rumors are through huh? You really look like a doll especially when looking at you in a short distance. By the way, I’m Lee Soon-kyu but everyone calls me Sunny.” A blonde short-haired girl introduced herself even before I sit. I just nodded in response as the other girl introduces herself.


“And I’m Kim Hyoyeon. Come, Sit here.” She said while patting the sit next to her. I nodded once again and sit. I notice the other guy was looking at me so intently to my likings.


“You’re really pretty. I have never cross path with anyone as beautiful as you.” He said with a sly smirk. Is he flirting with me? I just look at him with a blank expression then shrugged as I took a bite of my apple.


Donghae, Sunny and Hyoyeon suddenly laugh out of nowhere that I had no choice but to give them are-you-crazy look. The other guy was just rolling his eyes but honestly failing in trying his embarrassment.


“Oh my god! You just flip Jiyong off! HAhahah! That’s a first! You are officially my friend.” Sunny said in between her laugh. Oookay.... his name is Jiyong but I still don’t know what they are talking. As if noticing my curious look, Donghae explained.


“You see, this guy likes to flirt all the time and usually girls will give him the reaction he wanted like blushing or flirting back but you reaction was daebak! You just stared at him like he’s an idiot! Haha!” I nodded slowly understanding what he meant.


Their laugh was soon cut off when Hyoyeon noticed something and spoke as if she’s telling some secret.


“Ahmm they’ve been looking at you since you arrive here. Do you know them?”She asked me while discreetly pointing to my back. I look behind and met eight pairs of eyes and quickly look away. I shook my head in response.


“Really? You don’t? But they look at you like they know you.”


“I don’t know.” I shrugged not wanting to tell anything since I know they can hear out conversation.


“So you don’t know their names?” Sunny asked me in disbelief. I nodded.


“OMG! You just missed half of your life by not knowing them!” She exclaimed. I raised one of my eyebrow at her. “Alright, see that guy? He is Shim Changmin, then, Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun, Jung Yunho, Park Bom, Lee Chaerin, Gong Minzy and lastly....” She trailed off while pointing each one of them.


“Kim Jaejoong.” She said the same time I spoke it on my head. Of course I know him. More than anyone else. And there’s no way I will forget him.


“They are the Queens and Kings of this school. They never let anyone sit on their table except themse—“  Jiyong spoke with a slight bitterness but immediately stopped as his eyes widened the same time the other three did while looking at my back.


The cafeteria instantly went quiet as I noticed what they are looking at. Him. He is standing so close behind me that I can almost feel his skin touching my back but I chose to not to look back.


“Eat with us.” He offered but more like ordered. I still didn’t look back acting like I didn’t hear him. I heard other students gasp but I don’t care.


“Sandara Park.” My grip on the apple tightens as my name rolled from his tongue. My breathing started to get heavy as I felt myself might broke just from hearing him calling me. God knows how I missed him calling me.


This time, I slightly look at my back but avoid his eyes. I noticed from the corner of my eyes that his friends were also watching us.


“I’m sorry, but I’m fine sitting here. Thank you for the offer though.” I declined politely feeling proud of myself as I spoke more than five words for almost 5 years. He didn’t reply and immediately turn his heels and went back to his friends while glaring at me. And I think that this time the saying, ‘if looks could kill, I’m probably dead by now’ applies in my situation.


“OMG!OMG! Did the great Kim Jaejoong just invite you to their table? Wow!” Sunny asked no one as she tries to sink what happened to her head.


“Did you just turn him down? That was unbelievable. Every girls here were dying to be on your place right now for sure. First Jiyong, now it’s Jaejoong. Wow! Really... Wow!” Donghae said while chuckling in disbelief as if what I’ve done is some serious sin.


“You know, I’m glad you chose to stay here... but are you sure you want to sit here? Not there? With the way you look, you absolutely surpass their standards you know....” Hyoyeon said.


“It’s fine.” I replied simply.


“But honestly, the aura they’re giving and their’s like they are not human.” Jiyong commented and I saw form the corner of my eyes how each of them froze hearing his words.


‘Yeah, they are not humans.’ I spoke to myself.


“Yeah... like they are.... Gods and Goddesses!” Sunny exclaimed earning a scoff from Hyoyeon and Donghae while I just rolled my eyes the same time Jiyong did. The eight immediately relax after hearing Sunny. I guess they are afraid to be found out huh?


“Whatever.” Jiyong replied.









‘Yeah whatever, if they just knew that those eight were not humans.... they are cold blooded creatures. But humans simply call them.... Vampire and the worst part....  I am half of what they are. Yeah, I am half vampire.’ I told myself.




I'm really sorry for not updating my fics guys...

I'm really busy as of now, that's why I just post this fic that's on my laptop....

I hope you guys like the start...

Btw, I haven't done re-reading this one after a few months so

I apologize for the mistake/ error

I don't have work tomorrow but I'm planning to finish One Night with the Prince first,

since there's only few chapters before it ends... 

Thank you for reading!






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Chapter 6: 6 years still waiting for the author to continuing this story... i wish you start to log in to fanfics account and continue the story
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 6: 5 years since this story was last updated, I find myself subscribing. The storyline is interesting. Although I have a hunch of what they were before they were turned, I want to know for sure from the author's POV and I want to know what will happen next. I hope you'll get to spare a bit of your time to update your stories. Thanks
jhie6260 #3
Chapter 6: Hoping you could update this fic, very touching.
bb2ne1fanjj #4
Chapter 6: You said you're back authornim huhuhu! Please try to continue writing these wonderful jaedara fics.
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i've been waiting this story to be updated since 3 years ago, yet you haven't updated yet :(
oh please authornim, update this story again, don't abandon the story....
Chapter 6: Waaaahhhhhh!!!! Read this now and got hooked!!!!!!! Please continue this story authornim~!! ^.^v please please please ~~~ it's a really great story~ hoping for an update :) kamsamida ~
Chapter 6: Hi athornim i just found this and started reading and hella i find this story of your very interesting and amazing really pls update soon this story all the way fighting!:)
mellai #8
Chapter 6: i only started reading this today and its a beautiful story pls. update again thanks...
Chapter 6: thank you author
Chapter 6: i . i am crying. this fic is full of depth. still i am happy because the last update is so sweet and so satisffying.