
My Cold-Blooded Love


I was about to write the nexr chapter for His Secret Lover when xina_VIP's comment caught my attention. I immediately clicked it and tadah!!! A poster!!! So, here I am... I decided to update this first as a thanks for her effort on making the fabulous poster above and for everyone who were supporting this fic. Gomawo!!! It's dedicated to everyone especially to xina_VIP!! Enjoy reading!





Bom’s POV:


It’s so messed up. What’s happening to my coven? Why are they fighting? I felt my chest constricted in pain when I felt everyone’s worries on what’s happening. Pain from seeing their friends fighting and lastly anger, from Chaerin and Jaejoong.


The strongest was Jae’s anger. He really is angry and I know the reason. The new girl, Sandara Park. I don’t know what she did to Jae, but the first time Jae saw her, I felt his love towards her and for some unknown reason, she also felt the same towards him.


He was angry. No angry is an understatement, he was so furious. He got furious towards Chaerin by insulting Sandara. It’s kinda sad that he was taking the side of that new girl rather than Chaerin who’s been with us for more than 300 years.


Even though I should feel angry towards that girl, I can’t. It’s like something inside me knew that she’s not at fault here. And every time I remember how broken is she when I first saw her, I can’t help but cry like I was the one on her position. She has a mask of strong confident girl but inside her were pure suffering, pain and anger.


And I can’t forget how her eyes avoid Jae’s like he’s an epidemic. But the first time she laid her eyes on him before I felt her pain, I felt the longing she’s feeling for him. The concern, fear and love for him. During the school hours, all I wanted was to hug her and comfort her. Tell her that everything will be alright, but I can’t. We are strangers and she’s somehow a mystery to us.


I want to know her. I want to talk to her. I want to be friends with her. I want to help her ease her burden. I want to reach her in every possible way I can. And I want to know... what her connection with Jae is. I can’t help but think that one way or another, there must be something between her and Jae. Like she’s part of Jae’s missing memories.


“We need to find out what is she.” Chaerin spoke suddenly as soon as Jae left the library bringing me back to my reverie. We are all standing on the opposite side of the windows were all the broken parts of it were scattered in the ground.


“How?” I asked. She turns to look at me then to Yunho.


“Bring her here.” She ordered.


“Wh-what?” Yunho asked bewildered.


“Teleport to wherever she is then bring her here. We need to go for a direct approach, no need to beat around the bush like asking her to join in our table during lunch or whatever. Just bring her here directly. It’s not like she will be shock seeing us, knowing she had an idea of what we are.” She explained.


She’s right. She knew what we are, but is kidnapping the right way to approach her? I don’t think Jae will want that. And what if her scent drives us crazy? We don’t know what will happen.


“Is it safe to bring her here?” Minzy asked a little nervous.


“Don’t tell me you are scared of her. She’s alone we are eight? Or should I say seven since Jae for sure won’t be joining us.” She answered.


“That’s not what I mean, what if her scent will be too much for us?” Minzy answered back.


“Ah... You have a point. Well I guess we need to force Jae to join us since he said the he can’t feel any “bloodlust” towards her. So, just in case we got berserk...he can stop us.” She said bitterly quoting the word ‘bloodlust’ in the air using two fingers on each hand.


“I’m not sure if it’s a great idea.” My twin whispered beside me.


“Well, we have to do this, now or never. Let’s just try to hold our breath for as long as we can. It’s not like we are going to die if we hold our breath. As much as I know, we are vampires, we can hold our breath for more than an hour or two. Don’t compare us to humans who needed air to survive.” She replied confidently.


“What if we fail? What if she’s not what we really think she is? What if she’s just a human who knew something a bit about vampire and some wicked witchcraft spell that can heal someone? What if we exposed our secret? What if –“ Changmin started blabbering but was immediately cut off.


“Enough with your what if’s! If we fail, we just have to use compulsion to erase her memories. That’s it.” She assured but doubt was evident to all of us.


“Now, you! Go and get her. If you need help, bring one of the guys.” She ordered Yunho while the latter shook his head but still follow with Junsu on his tail. *sigh* She really is so bossy. Though she has a lot of good qualities, being bossy and know-everything-all attitude of hers making us a bit irritated towards her.



Jaejoong’s POV:


After my little outburst, I went to my room and try to calm myself. I was so furious from hearing those words towards Dara. This feeling... it’s making me crazy. How come I felt so protective of her when I just saw her for the first time? Is love at first sight really true?! No! I don’t believe in that crap.


I sat on the couch near my window. Why? Can somebody tell me why I felt a strong pull towards that unknown girl? Who is she? What is she doing to me? Why can’t I stop thinking of you after I saw you? Please tell me why...


I sat there for a while thinking of how to find out everything about that girl and about myself. As soon as I heard footsteps outside my room, I knew that everyone already left the library. When I’m sure that they are already on their respective room, I went out of my own and make my way towards the library to try to have a research of what’s happening.


I was reading on the third book that I’ve pick earlier to find some answer when someone enters the library. I didn’t bother to look up to find out who it is. I sniffed the air and instantly knew who it is. His footsteps starting to near me but I didn’t show any interest on him.


“Ahmm...Jae?” He called as soon as he nears me.


“What?” I asked shortly.


“Ahmm... you see... ahmmm.....ahhh...”


“Just spit it out Changmin!” I asked frustratingly as I look up to see his troubled face.


“SandaraParkisdownstairssleepingonthecouch.” He blurted out too fast feeling so nervous. But his words easily caught my attention. No need to repeat whatever he said. Without replying back, I quickly run towards the direction of the girl who I wanted to see the most.


As soon as stepped out of the library, her scent hit me like crazy. The alluring sweet smell that she always possessed. The smell of vanilla and lavender was in the air, and I can’t help but continue to sniff her scent that gives me a warm feeling inside.


For the first time, I jumped from the second floor towards the ground floor where all my friends are, surrounding someone in the couch on the living room except for Changmin who’s hot on my heels. The excitement of seeing her inside this mansion was building up inside me. What is she doing here? Did she come to visit and talk to us?


As my feet landed on the ground my friends look at me as if I am a ghost. I quickly went towards them to see a particular girl. I ignore their curios look which is directed to me.


“Did you just jump from the second floor?” Yoochun asked incredulously as if I’ve gone crazy.


“Well yeah. It’s not like I can’t jump that high. I just prefer stairs most of the time.” I shrugged.


“Err... yeah. If you say so.” He replied.


When I got in their side, I quickly turn to face the beautiful goddess that’s been running on my head. Again, like the first time I saw her, my dead heart felt like it skips a beat. I was mesmerized once again by the beauty she possessed. I walk closer towards the sofa where she is sleeping as a small smile starting to form in my lips. Then suddenly, I realized something.


“Why in the world is Sandara Park suddenly here and sleeping soundlessly?” I asked in suspicion as my smile instantly vanished by the time I turn back to face my friends. I sense something wrong here. Why in the world she will suddenly appear here when she was trying to avoid us in all cost earlier in school.


“I think we have to talk to her.” Junsu answered first looking a bit nervous at my sudden question.


“Regarding what?” I inquired even though I know what they want to know.


“You know what it is Jae.” Yunho answered at the same time I smelled a faint scent of Dara’s on him. Not only on him but also on Junsu.


“You’re the one who bring her here?” I asked feeling the rage inside me once more. I saw Bom flinched at my sudden change of emotion but I ignore it.


“Yeah. She was sleeping when I teleported to her house with Junsu. He carried her here while I teleport the three of us back here.” He explained nonchalantly as if it’s not a big deal which makes me angrier than before. They have the heart to teleport her here while she was sleeping?! They didn’t even try to ask her permission if she wanted to come here?! How dare they do that to her?!


“Why did you do that?!” I asked letting my anger lace on my voice. I saw them got startled.


“Chaerin asked me. Besides we need to know what is she, and for sure you also wanted her here.” He replied backing out a little. Of course I want her here! Heck I even want her here forever! Chaerin?! Chaerin? This is her idea?!


“My goodness! Do you think that kidnapping is the best way to talk to her? Do you think she will answer whatever you asked her after you bring her here without her permission?!” I reasoned out while looking back at the girl in question. She looked paler than earlier. She looked a bit sick. Is she okay? I wonder what’s wrong.


“Shut up dude! You’re too protective of her. It’s not like we’ll hurt her.” Junsu suddenly spoke beside Yunho. My head quickly snapped to his direction and my eyes instantly turn to a death glare which he immediately responded by holding up both of his hand as if surrendering.


“Exactly! That’s what I’m thinking! Chaerin suggested earlier to stay away from her, and then suddenly I will find myself standing here in front of her?! You all said you felt the bloodlust if she’s around?! What will you do if you suddenly lost control and attacked her, huh?!” I retorted back. And this time, the main culprit spoke.


“Enough, it’s the reason we call you here so that you can stop us in case we lost control. You said you never felt any bloodlust to her. This is really odd. Mind explaining the reason why?” She questioned with a look of smug on her face. Does she think I’m hiding something?! This is ridiculous. I took a deep breath hoping it helps me to calm down a bit before my wind will suddenly go rampage once again.


“If I know the reason, I would’ve told all of you earlier... but unfortunately not. I don’t even know myself.” I answered through clenched teeth, stopping my canine from elongating.


“It’s not really odd you know... it’s kinda crazy to think that you won’t feel any bloodlust from her... Vampires can’t feel strong bloodlust towards other being...unless that being is from your coven...benefactor....or mate....” Changmin explained. I looked at him with my eyes opening widely.


Benefactor? My benefactor? Come to think of it I’ve never think of her even once after I met Dara. What’s wrong with me?! Before Dara came here all I think was my benefactor...but when she showed up all my unexplainable feelings towards my benefactor was now gone. And all of it was now transferred to the girl sleeping on our couch.


I was about to answer back when I saw her made a small movement. All of us froze, maybe thinking all the same on what her reaction will be upon seeing us.


She slowly moves her hands to her eyes and all of us quickly stopped our conversation as our sole focus was now on the beautiful girl in front of us. She rubbed her eyes gently as she slowly open it. Then, she slowly rises up from her previous position and look around.


She suddenly reach for her neck, I guess it feels numb from sleeping without a pillow on the couch. She sighed and pouted a bit. My eyes instantly glued to her glossy lips and I involuntarily my lips. Oh, how I love to feel her lips on mine. My eyes widened in realization. Oh crap! Am I fantasizing her now? I cleared my throat to clear the lump and ideas that was forming inside me.


She looks at us curiously one by one. But unfortunately like before, she didn’t look at me. I heard Junsu cleared his throat this time, trying to get her attention. As if she was brought back to reality, her eyes suddenly widened and she was about to pen when Junsu spoke.


“Hi! Want to play Xbox with the guys?" He asked. Our heads immediately turns toward him as he covered his mouth realizing what he blurted out. We all looked at him dubiously. 


“Why am I in the vampire’s den?” She asked, ignoring Junsu’s question. Our attentions were now back to her as we notice the coldness of her tone.


‘I told you guys, she knew that we are vampire.’ Junsu spoke in our heads as we continue to look at Dara.


“We want to talk to yo—“ Chaerin started but she cut her off.


“That’s why you take me without my permission? Is it enough reason to kidnap me?” She asked and we heard the anger in her voice. Chaerin rolled her eyes as she stepped forward at the same time I jump to Dara’s side.


I know Chaerin won’t hurt her, but the protective side of me is nagging me to stand near her. I saw Dara tensed behind me as I stood beside her but she didn’t acknowledge my presence as she continues to look the rest of my coven.


My friends just look at me as if they understand the reason why am I standing beside Sandara Park. And thank goodness they decided not to dwell on it as Chaerin started to talk once again.


“Alright, listen. We’re sorry if we suddenly dragged you out of your house without your permission. But we just wanted to talk to you since you knew about our identity. We just want to kno—“


“Take me home.” She cut her off. I saw Chaerin’s eye twitch in irritation. Also Bom looked at me as she senses the change in Chaerin’s emotion, sending me a warning. We know how Chae hated to got cut off every time she spoke and I think for the second time that she got interrupted by Sandara Park... she’s now pissed off.


“Listen, I was trying to be nice to y—“ Chaerin said but for the third time she was cut off. I move closer to Dara knowing Chaerin is now on the verge of attacking her.


“You’re the one who needs to listen. The moment you take me out of my house while I am sleeping is the moment the word ‘being nice’ was thrown out of the window. Now, what I’m doing right now is what you called being nice. Instead of trashing around here and screaming for you to bring me back home for kidnapping me, I’m doing the opposite. I know you’re on the verge of attacking me for cutting you off several times, I’m not dumb, I can see the anger in your eyes as it narrowed towards my direction every time I interrupt you.” She spoke so calmly but the coldness of her tone is still there that it sends shiver to my body every time a word will came out of .


“But as all of you concluded, I am no human. Yes, I am not a human. The more reason that you should send me home. Who knows what I can do or what will you do to me. So, for the last time... Take me home.” She said sternly.


I saw how Chaerin eyes turn to slit and made a move towards Dara. Junsu and Yunho were immediately behind her holding her back. While I move closer to Dara, I saw her squirm a bit as I near her.


“Chaerin.” I warn her as she tries to free herself from the two guys.


“What are you gonna do now? Kill me?!” Dara said as she watched Chaerin glare at her as she continues to trash from Junsu and Yunho’s hold.


“Please stop provoking her.” I pleaded to her as I noticed for the first time that her eyes were also narrowed in anger towards Chaerin but as soon as she heard my voice she turns to look at me unexpectedly...and also for the first time her eyes met mine. And the scowl on her face immediately softens as if all her anger were gone.


I was immediately drowned at the intensity of her stare. Her eyes were swimming with a lot of emotions. I can’t stop myself from staring back at her. They are beautiful, mesmerizing and attractive. It didn’t escape from my eyes how her eyes suddenly started to get teary for some unknown reason.


And then, I saw her blink once. Then once more... and immediately look away. It took all my will to stop myself from reaching her face to make her look at me once more.


“She asked for it.” She answered simply looking back to Chaerin who still looking murderous at her with a clenched fist though this time she seems to give up from freeing herself since there’s no way she can beat the those two.


“Let go. I won’t attack her.” Chaerin suddenly blurted out as we all looked at her suspiciously. She rolled her eyes.


“I’m calm now. I just need to ask her something.” She proclaimed. I saw Bom nodded as she finished the same time Yoochun did. It only means that she’s really calm right now and she’s telling the truth.


I nodded at the two boys and they let her go slowly as if having a second thought. Chaerin started walking on me and Dara’s direction. Dara immediately stand up as if readying herself for something the same time I stand in front of her acting as her shield.


“Jae...Come on, I just need to talk to the girl.” Chaerin whined as I block her view of Dara who was standing quietly behind me.


I was about to speak when the doorbell suddenly rang that I suddenly lost my focused as I thought of whose the intruder. And that what it only takes Chaerin to make her move. It happens too fast that I didn’t realize that I was pushed sideward but was immediately caught by Yoochun who jump from his previous position.


I watched as everything unveils in front of me. It’s like everything was happening in fast forward. I heard my friends shouted Chaerin’s name to stop and for Sandara to run. Minzy and Bom screamed in horror while the other three boys with the help of Yunho, teleported behind Chaerin but it’s too late.


Chaerin was now holding Dara in her neck as my goddess struggle to breathe with eyes fully closed. She’s not a human as she confessed but I think it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need air. I saw how she started to get paler and paler as her eyes suddenly shot open. I’m not sure if it’s only me but something flash in her eyes too fast that I didn’t even have the chance to find out what it is. Chaerin took that opportunity to lock eyes with her and without hesitation uses her compulsion.


“Tell me. What are you?!” She asked as she looked at Dara. I saw how Dara’s eyes started to turn white, sign that she’s under compulsion. As soon as the three boys saw what’s happening, they immediately pulled Chaerin away from Dara not because of the compulsion but they also notice how Dara struggle for air.


But before they finished pulling her away from Dara, something unexpected happen. Dara’s eyes immediately turn to its original brown orbs without Chaerin’s final snap of fingers. Before it registered to our brain how she did that, her right leg suddenly rise up and the next thing we know was Chaerin flying backwards as Dara send her a strong kick on the stomach.


Changmin, Junsu and Yunho move sideways at the same time from Chaerin’s back that’s why she was sent flying backwards. Minzy and Bom abruptly caught Chaerin before her back collided with the concrete wall.


My mouth was hanging open in disbelief on what I witness as well as the boys. The girls were helping Chaerin up but the looks on their faces were mirrored with shock.


“You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” Dara’s voice suddenly echoed in the whole mansion. As soon as I hear her voice, I quickly jump to where she is standing.


As I stand in front of her, I can’t help but gasped on what I saw. Her eyes, I can’t explained what’s happening. Her eyes were too clouded. The color of her’s changing from blue to red to brown. What’s happening to her?!


This time, I didn’t stop myself from reaching her. I immediately grab both of her hands. But wrong move. Her’s way too hot. Like it was on fire. What’s happening to her?! I instantly let her go as soon as my hand made contact with her palm.


“Dara!” I called her once, but I didn’t expect her to look at me as I called here. Once again, her eyes made contact with mine but her eyes were back to its normal brown color.


“I-I...” She stuttered finding her words.


“What hap—“ I started to asked but instantly stopped as I hear the main door open. All our heads turn towards the door and were immediately on alert and on fighting position, I put Dara behind me once more and this time I promised not to lose focus...but then as I smell the air... I caught a two familiar scent.


I sighed and relaxed knowing who the intruders were. We waited for a bit before their faces came to our view.


“Tadah!!!!” The first one who enters shouted with so much enthusiasm. I heard a gasped from someone as Dara stepped forward from behind me. She stood right beside me with eyes too focused on the two intruders.


“Yow! Jae! Wazzup! We a—What the?!” The second to enter said as he caught a glimpse of the girl standing beside me.


The two froze in their feet as they look at the girl beside me longingly as if they’ve never met for so long. Their eyes were clearly showing their sadness at the same time a small smile was on their lips. I heard Bom whimper on the other side of the mansion but my eyes were going back and forth from my goddess to the two intruders.


Then both guys took a step forward cautiously with their eyes fully my goddess as if assessing each part of her body. Then suddenly a name that gave another feeling of familiarity came out from one of the guy’s mouth that instantly put my head into bloody pain as I loss to darkness.











“Scarlett? Scarlett Hamilton Krause?”



I'm so sorry for all the errors/mistakes

I'm not feeling well at the moment, I just came home from the hospital.

I hope you did like it even though nothing much happen.

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Chapter 6: 6 years still waiting for the author to continuing this story... i wish you start to log in to fanfics account and continue the story
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 6: 5 years since this story was last updated, I find myself subscribing. The storyline is interesting. Although I have a hunch of what they were before they were turned, I want to know for sure from the author's POV and I want to know what will happen next. I hope you'll get to spare a bit of your time to update your stories. Thanks
jhie6260 #3
Chapter 6: Hoping you could update this fic, very touching.
bb2ne1fanjj #4
Chapter 6: You said you're back authornim huhuhu! Please try to continue writing these wonderful jaedara fics.
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i've been waiting this story to be updated since 3 years ago, yet you haven't updated yet :(
oh please authornim, update this story again, don't abandon the story....
Chapter 6: Waaaahhhhhh!!!! Read this now and got hooked!!!!!!! Please continue this story authornim~!! ^.^v please please please ~~~ it's a really great story~ hoping for an update :) kamsamida ~
Chapter 6: Hi athornim i just found this and started reading and hella i find this story of your very interesting and amazing really pls update soon this story all the way fighting!:)
mellai #8
Chapter 6: i only started reading this today and its a beautiful story pls. update again thanks...
Chapter 6: thank you author
Chapter 6: i . i am crying. this fic is full of depth. still i am happy because the last update is so sweet and so satisffying.