
My Cold-Blooded Love



Hello everyone!!!

It's been a while since I updated...

Mianhe everyone... work is still as busy as ever...

But here's an update.... a very long update...

You guys know me... I always wanted a long update.... Kekeke!

Sorry for the errors...

So here you go! enjoy reading!




Jaejoong's POV:



She will be born
together with the blood that will be adorned.
Soon she will be known
and there's no way to hid from the unknown.

The strongest four will arise
to protect her from the lies.
Together they will fight
in order to achieve what is right.

With the four on her side
they will face what the fate’s abides.
She will be torn
and the blood will be withdrawn.


Once the other part of her woke up
there's no way to make her stop.
The unknown will be swept
together as she once again slept.


She will be put to slumber
and her lover will grieve as long as forever.
It’s the only way to save the humanity
in order to keep everyone's insanity.


But with her, his hope never die
wishing that everything's just a lie.
His love will make way
and her eyes will open up one day.



I once again read the prophecy that is older than me for so many years. No one understands what this prophecy saying since the one who predicted this was killed right after it was written in a book. It was predicted 2000 years and somehow I have a feeling that I am somewhat involved in this prediction since there’s a line that stated about the ‘strongest four’.


This prophecy was told that it was about the Vampire World. And if that’s true then that means I’m included in this... because I am the strongest vampire alive. I’m not sure who is the other one but I got a feeling who are the other two. And something inside me is telling me that starting today, everything will be making a hundred and eighty degrees turn.


Dingdong! Dingdong! Dingdong!


I was instantly snapped from my wondering when the grandmother clock echoed through the whole old Victorian mansion. Yeah I live in a mansion, not only me but my whole family, but in our world it is called coven.


We are all not blood-related except for the twins, Park Bom and Yoochun. The rest were all strangers at first but soon warm up and started treating each other like brother and sisters. In this coven, more like my coven... yeah mine. I am the leader, they followed me in their own accord and I am actually glad to have them in my life. They gave color to my dark past which was all blurry to me.


All of them are purebloods, except for me. I’m not sure what or who I am in the past. I can’t remember anything after I was turned into a vampire. They said that once you were turned into a vampire, all the memories of your past will be erased and the only way for it to be remembered is to drink the blood of your benefactor or the one who turned you.


But the problem is, when I woke up after I was turned, I am alone. Not really alone I’ve got two vampires on my side who claimed to be my friends but they said that they are not the one who turned me.


TOP and Hyun Joong, the two vampires who claimed to be my friends... who were now my best friends explained everything to me about the vampire world. They support me and help me throughout the years until I found my coven.


With those two’s help, I found out I was called a soulless. Soulless are vampires who were turned by a pureblood. They are strong as the purebloods. My best friends knew who turned me but they won’t say it. The only thing I know is that my benefactor is a pureblood. Nothing more, nothing less.


I was informed that if someone like me, a soulless turned someone to a vampire, it can result to two different things. And that is the person I turned can be undead or unknown. Undead are just simple vampire, they’re like pureblood except pureblood are stronger than them.


But the unknown is different, they told me to avoid them, that they are dangerous. Unknowns are what they called those vampires who don’t have a control on their selves. They lost all their capabilities to think and the cannibalistic side of them were surfacing in order for them to survive.


They were craving for blood than most vampires do. They don’t have any mercy to their prey. They always kill them by taking all the blood from their bodies. Dry them to the bones.


Purebloods will usually go hunt or drink blood twice or thrice a month and that’s enough to keep them from bloodlust the whole month, the same with the soulless. But Undead need to hunt once a week so that they won’t turn to Unknown. If an undead let his/her bloodlust took over, a big possibility of turning to unknown is possible.


And this possibility in not only for undead but for all vampires... purebloods or soulless. Once a vampire let the bloodlust control his/her being... that’s the time he/she will start to transform into an unknown. Unknown have the same look as other vampires except for their scary eyes. Their eyes were all red...bloody red.


During those times that I am with my best friends, I’ve learnt a lot of things and we became closer...but sooner, they left because they have to find someone dear to them. That’s what they told me... and that someone is the one who turned me. I force myself to come with them to find out who my benefactor is and to regain my memories but at one point during our travel, I lost them.


Those two purposely left me with a note stating, ‘It’s the best if we find her first before you see her because for sure, she won’t like the idea of you endangering yourself to find her since...she painfully left you. There’s a reason why she left you and I hope you understand that. If we find or hear any news about her, we will come to see you.’


Her. That word caught my attention. Another information I found out about my benefactor... is that she is a girl and the way they wrote that she ‘painfully left’ me gave the feeling of uneasiness and fear inside me, not for me but for my benefactor.


After I found a new family in the form of my coven, TOP and Hyun Joong appear in our doorstep one time. They informed me that my benefactor is doing what my coven and I doing. Staying for 3-5 years in some place and settled for a moment then move out somewhere.


They said that she’s travelling alone. No companion, no one to protect her and no one to shield her. That thought gave another uneasy feeling inside me whenever I hear news about her. Who are you? That’s what I’d like to find out.


Because our kind live long, my coven managed to save a lot of money that help us in our travel to buy what we needed. We don’t eat, blood is the only thing that will keep us functioning...human or animal blood that’s why it helps us to save more and us time goes by we became loaded. Richer than those humans but of course we have to use different account in the banks to avoid suspicion.


When technology became known, TOP and Hyun Joong’s visit became lesser and lesser until they stop and only managed to send me an email or text messages, sometimes they call but that’s it. It’s almost eighty years since I last saw them and though it sounds cheesy for a guy, but I miss my best friends.


‘School time!’ Someone spoke into my head making me jump in my place a bit and I know who it is. Junsu, who has telepathy as his talent. All the vampires in my coven are users. Users are those vampires who have talents or extra ability. Users can be categorized in two different groups.


Elemental users, from the word itself, elemental. . .these users can control or create any elements like fire, water, air, earth and more. Only those strong vampires possessed this talent, stronger than the other type which is called Mental users, they uses their minds or brains to use their talents or sometimes their emotions. I’ve also heard that there are only five vampires who turned out to be an elemental user. So, there are only five of us. I wonder who others are.


 Only purebloods can be a user, and that’s when everything became a problem to me. Because I am not a pureblood, but I am an elemental user. I control air/wind and have the ability to create ice. My coven knows this and all of us keep this secret. We don’t want any questioning about my being on how I managed to be a user not a simple user but an elemental user since I’m a soulless especially with my clueless state right now of who or what am I.


I close the book where the prophecy was written. I leave the book on the small table beside my bed and headed to my closet. Since we don’t sleep, I’ve already taken my shower earlier. I took a pair of jeans and a black button down shirt.


I went in front of the large mirror in my room near my bathroom and started to change. I put my pants first then my shirt. As I was buttoning my shirt, I’ve noticed once again the mark or the tattoo in the middle of my chest which I fully know what it means since TOP and Hyun Joong told me everything about what I should know as a vampire.


 I’ve hidden it to everyone even to my best friends and my coven though I’m not sure if I hid it very well but so far, no one asked about this mark so... it seems no one have notices it. This tattoo has been with me ever since I woke up as a vampire. I want to know who gave it to me. This is the reason that I’ve never been with someone romantically for the past 500 years I was turned. 


As I finished changing, I started to walk towards the door of my room not before I get the book of prophecy from the table. As I was about to open the door, I felt a presence on the other side of it. I immediately open the door and there stood the other member of my coven, Yunho. I didn’t hear any footsteps earlier even with my heightened senses, I guess he used his teleportation. He smiled as he saw me with his hands balled up in the air as if he was about to knock on my door.


“Hey, morning!” I greeted with a smile.


“Morning, I was about to knock... you know... school time...” He trailed as he eyes the book in my hand.


“Is that a book?” He asked. I rolled my eyes.


“No, it’s a bird.” I answer sarcastically. Of course it’s a book, isn’t it obvious?


“Woah! Sarcastic much? Chillax! I’m just asking bro... It’s just seven in the morning and you’re already so grumpy. I guess you didn’t get much sleep.”


“Pabo! As if we sleep.”


“Just Kidding. Don’t go PMSing on me.”


“Shut up!” I shouted but the playfulness in my voice can be heard. I was about to kick his when he suddenly disappear right after I heard his loud chuckle. I shook my head with a smile on my face as I close the door behind me and look for my other members.


I started walking through the hallway to find my family. As I walked around, I noticed how beautiful the house we have.

It was an old but elegant house that we bought a year ago as soon as we move in this town. People from school and others think that this house is actually a boarding house for multi-millionaire kids like us... but if they only knew who are staying here. The house is far from the city and near the forest that's why we chose this... so that we will have our privacy.

Being vampire is a secret that we must kept from humans. If they found out what we are, there will be only two choices of what they want to happen... to be turned into one or to be... killed... but that is if we can’t erase their memories.

When I reach the stairs that will lead me down to the living room where the others are, I've started to hear their conversation on what keeping me and Junsu so long.


"Morning!" I greeted enthusiastically.

"You're reading that again?" Chaerin asked without greeting back. Sometimes she’s so direct to the point. She’s usually the serious one among us. And somehow I can’t help but think that she hated me since I’m the only one who she can’t use her talent. She can see someone’s past... and I’m not sure if it’s because I can’t remember my past that she can’t use her talent on me or there’s a reason behind it.

"No." I answered dryly.

"You're lying." Well, I forgot that someone here can sense if someone is lying.

"Only the prophecy part." I look at Chun directly, answering honestly this time. He nodded, satisfied with my answer.

"Why?" The youngest, Minzy asked. This kid 200 years younger than me. She is the newest addition in the coven but already warm up with everyone. She can actually change the weather depending on her mood or emotions.

"I don't know I just feel like I have to read it today..." I answered feeling the uneasiness and fear that I only usually feel every time I hear some news about my benefactor.

"You're scared for someone." Bom voice out my inner thought. She grips her twin hands as she felt what I am feeling. It slip out of my mind that she can feel any strong emotion from anyone around her.

Though everyone have learned how to block and control each of their talent when we are surrounded with humans, we still sometime use it if necessary especially if there's a vampire around.

"Yeah. I'm scared for her for some reason which I don't even know why..." I answered truthfully because I know that whatever I say... they will see through me. With Chun around, they will know if I’m lying. Though Changmin is here as well, like Chae, he can’t use his mind reading on me. Another puzzle that we have to solve on my being. He can read what everyone thinks at the present but not mine.


As I spilled what I’m thinking, the look of concern from each of their faces immediately directed to me as the word her left my mouth. They knew everything about me. And I trust all of them to keep it a secret. They also knew how I’m starting to fall for my mysterious benefactor.


I know it sounds weird how I got those feelings for someone I’ve never met, but every time I think of her I feel that there’s a part of me that’s missing. I feel so incomplete. Like she’s the only one I needed to fulfil the hole in my heart.


And every time I heard some news about her, it’s like I always want to go rampage to look for her. How I want to see for myself how is she doing, is she okay? Is she happy right know? And that’s when I will feel some stabbing pain in my chest... whenever I think of her happiness... if she’s happy... without me.


These are the feelings that a normal vampire should not feel for their benefactor. And I always wish...always... that she’s the one who put that mark on my chest. Those things can be easily classified as feelings not clearly for a benefactor but for a m—


“Do you think something bad happen to her?” Changmin snapped me back from my reverie as all of them except Junsu who is still nowhere to be found looks at me with the same concern expression in their faces.


“I don’t know... but I hope none... I hope.” I said feeling another stab on my chest. I saw Bom whimpered a bit feeling the pain I am feeling. I looked at her apologetically and she just smiled at me understandingly knowing I can’t control what I feel.


“Sorry to keep you waiting! Mr. Handsome is here!!!” Junsu suddenly butted in jumping from the second floor of the house like what the others do. I am usually the one who uses the stairs going down. All of them love to use the strength and heightened senses they possess being a vampire when no humans around. The gloomy mood was instantly turned to a light but annoying feeling.


“What took you so long?!”


“Where the heck you’ve been?”


“We’ve been waiting for so long.”


They all asked at the same time except for Chaerin who was looking murderous.


“Sorry... I overslept.” He answered sheepishly. I rolled my eyes. Why the eff they been talking about sleep.


“Even I don’t use my talent, everyone can clearly see that you are lying.” Chun spoke eyeing Junsu suspiciously.


“Right, I forgot we don’t sleep...pabo.” He whispered lowly but everything is clear to us. He kept quiet and looking like he was thinking of something.


“What do you mean you don’t know how to tell us without making us angry?” Changmin voice out what he was thinking by reading his mind.  Junsu looked shocked at Changmin and his head snap quickly to Chaerin who obviously saw the past just by having an eye contact with him and by the way looks like she wanted to kill someone.


“He... he broke the Xbox!!!!!” She shouted angrily as if Junsu done something very sinful. For me it might not be a big deal since I’m not really fond of playing the Xbox but to everyone...breaking the Xbox is a big NO! NO! Since we don’t sleep, Xbox became their past time for almost 5 months now. And if Junsu broke it, it means all their games that were saved in that thing was gone.


“Wait! Wait! I didn’t mean to break it... It’s just that ing Call of Duty 5 is making me angry that I accident— Woah!!!!!!” He didn’t even finish his words when Yunho teleported in front of him, pushing him to the ground.


“Enough! Quit it!” I ordered as I used my own talent. Small whirlwind like tornado appear around both of their bodies trapping them inside of it to stop them from moving. I lifted Yunho first using the whirlwind around them just by using my fingers in directing the whirlwind to where it should place Yunho.


As soon as Yunho was settled beside Changmin, I turned to face Junsu who was lying flat, unmoving on the floor thanks to my talent. I lifted him up by gesturing one finger upward. Once his feet touch the floor, I immediately let the whirlwind disappear around their bodies.


“Now, I want all of you to behave...” I started. As soon as I got all their attention and their eyes were all focused on me, I used another ability that all vampires possessed aside from the heightened senses and additional strength.... Compulsion.


Compulsion is ability were humans or vampire were force to do or obey something. It’s like they can’t have any strength in their body to say no or disobey without their knowledge. And this ability can only take effect if the one being compelled is weaker than you.


Since I’m the strongest among my coven, hell among all the vampires since I possessed two talents, it will work on anyone I used it to. It’s like you’re ordering them with an intense eye contact then, BAM! They will follow whatever you wanted.


“You will all forgot that Junsu broke the Xbox.” They all nodded absentmindedly with their eyes turning white, which means they are now under my compulsion.


“And Junsu, you will buy another Xbox later for everyone.” I added as he nodded once again. I snapped my finger loudly in front of them which brought them back to reality.


“Ahmm... should we go to school now? If we don’t hurry we’re going to be late.” Bom suggested. That’s compulsion, no one that’s been compelled will remember that I used compulsion on them.


Series of ‘yeah’ and ‘yup’ was heard after her. We simultaneously went towards the main door and jumped to our cars. All of us have our own cars but we usually share cars when going to school.


I went to my Lamborghini Murciélago with Yunho on the passenger side. I set aside the book that I forgot I’m still holding and put it in one of the compartment. Yoochun went to his four-seater Ferrari California with his twin on the passenger seat then the two youngest, Changmin and Minzy on the back seat. Lastly, Junsu excitedly jump to his Ferrari 458 Italia with Chaerin. We immediately set off to school for a new boring day though something inside me tells me it’s not.




Once we parked our car, students from our school stopped from whatever they were doing and just wait for us to come out of our car. It’s their daily ritual, to wait for us every morning. Our looks our superior than any other humans. It’s something that every vampire possessed and we are already used to the looks that we are receiving from the humans. Lust, admiration and envy.


We distance ourselves from the humans to avoid spilling our identity that’s why we created an invisible barrier around the eight of us. We were dubbed as the Kings and Queens of the school since we are someone they idolized. In their eyes, they see as the beauty and brains with the addition of being loaded. But in reality we acquired intelligence from hundred years studying, money we have that we saved from our hard work and the looks that comes from being a vampire, and that is something they won’t understand.


AS soon as we turned off the engine, everything as a vampire was forgotten. We have to act as a normal human. No heightened senses, no quick reflexes and no bear-like strength. Our faces were void of any emotion. We act cold towards the humans, it’s the barrier that we created. We acted like we hated others except ourselves but in reality, we hated the fact that we ignored their kindness towards us.


My coven don’t have anything against humans, it’s not their fault that we have to hide our identity, not their fault that we exist. Humans were always good to us despite how we push them away. The only thing we can do in return is by drinking animal blood instead of human blood, though sometimes we drink human blood when the craving won’t stop unless we drink their blood but we never kill them, we just drink a fair amount of blood then used compulsion towards them to make them forgot what happen.


As we stepped out of our car, we already readied ourselves for the usual comments and squealing we received every morning but instead, a sound of a motorbike echoed through the whole parking lot.


‘A transferee.’ Junsu said to our mind stating the obvious.


It’s actually a sight, seeing a girl riding that big bike. It’s a first for me. The usual attention that was usually on us was now stolen by the new girl. She parks her car few feet away from our side. Her face was hidden by the helmet she’s wearing. She just stay still there as if debating what to do.


 Another familiar feeling that I only feel for my benefactor was starting to creep inside me for some reason. My hands are itching to take off the helmet from her head. A giddy feeling was overwhelming inside me like I knew this girl, like... I can’t wait to see her face.


I heard Bom chuckled a bit and I frown at her. She shook her head at me with a smile playing on her lips. Argh! She knew what I’m feeling. We both ignored the curious look we are receiving from our coven as we both turn our heads to the new girl.


Ahhh! What is she waiting for?! Why can’t she take that helmet off her head!!!! I asked myself frustratingly. Thank goodness Changmin can’t read my mind or else he will be laughing his at my frustration. Who is she? Why is she giving me this feeling?


“A new girl? Why is she transferring in the middle of the semester?” Someone asked curiously.


“Wow! Look at the back view! I hope the front view is as y as her back.” Anger suddenly surface inside me and I have to bit my tongue to stop the growl that wanting to escape from my lips.


“Hmph! If I know, she’s just another in town!” Some s commented bitterly and this time, my anger was going to another level. She’s just new here yet they said those words to her without knowing her!!!! How could they.


Then the moment we’ve waiting for arrived. I took a deep breath to calm myself causing the wind to blow gently around us. Wind became part of my life, sometimes my emotion was connected to it. Like now, as I calm also dance around us gently... sensing my steady mood.


And that’s the same time the girl took her helmet and her scent hit us. I froze. We froze. It’s different from other humans. It’s calling me...her scent calling me not her blood. I can’t feel any bloodlust towards her. Her face was facing the other direction of the school that’s why I can’t see her face. My feet took a small step forward without my knowledge as if they have their own mind.


“What the?! What is she? Why is her scent like that?” Changmin asked curiously snapping me from my own world.


“She...she smell so her blood was calling me.” Minzy said like she’s in pain. I feel sorry for her since she’s still not used to control her urge around humans but it’s good on how in the end, she have everything under control.


“Calm down Minzy, think of something to distract yourself. We can’t expose our secret in this place.” Bom spoke nervously, sensing Minzy’s craving.


“I’m sorry, but... she—“ She was about to say something when someone butted Chun cut in.


“Yeah, she smells different but she doesn’t smell like one of us. But...but her scent, it’s so alluring.” He added. He’s right, she doesn’t smell like a vampire but something’s different in her scent.


“I can even feel my canine slowly growing. Damn! Who is she? It’s the first time I’ve inhaled this kind of scent I can taste her blood on the tip of my tongue just by getting hit by her scent.” Yunho added, which make my blood boil. No one! As in no one will touch her under my watch! A protective instinct instantly kicks inside me but then I notice something’s wrong.


I recall what they said and this time, it all registered to my head. Their craving for blood! Why??!! Why I can’t feel any bloodlust towards her... but instead... something different...something you only feel towards the opposite gender... an attraction. . .


Then, as if sensing the change of my mood my coven turns to look at me the same time the wind blow once more. But also the same time, she turns her head towards our direction that we immediately felt it and turn to look back at her.


 I felt my mouth fall to the floor and I swear I even hear some of my members gasped in the sight in front of us. There, stood the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. An imaginary heart started to beat inside my chest. Vampires have heart... but it’s dead.... not beating.


I quickly composed myself, the same time the others did. For sure it’s also their first time seeing someone like her. We watched her as she look at us one by one which didn’t pass from my coven, their shocked face turn to a deep scowl and started glaring at her when Changmin started to say something.


“I can’t read her.” He confessed which shocked all of us.


“You can’t read her mind? Why?” Junsu asked incredulously.


“I don’t know... I just... I just can’t.” He replied frustratingly.


“Impossible. What is she?” Chaerin added which we instantly know what she meant. She can’t also used her talent towards her.


My coven continues on glaring at her. What is she? Who is she? She doesn’t smell like one of us... Is she a human? Or is there something more to her than what she looks?


I inwardly smile as I watch her assessing us one by one as if she doesn’t care about the glare she’s receiving from my coven, but then I felt disappointed when her eyes didn’t land on me. My coven started to talk about her but I can’t focus on whatever they are talking. My eyes were only focused on her being.


She slowly put her helmet on her motorbike then put her bag on her shoulder. I noticed that every eye of the humans is on her and I don’t like that. I hated how they look at her. My eyes never leave her even a second. I watched as how she put a blank unreadable expression on her face like what we always do around humans.


As soon she turned towards the school and started walking, everyone stopped once more. All were too shocked to see the face of the new girl. Once they recovered, boys started calling dibs on her and the girls were sneering at her but she just tuned them out. And that’s when something came out of my mouth.


“She looks familiar.” I stated which I don’t know where it came from. She actually doesn’t look familiar but the feeling she giving me...seems familiar.


My friends’ heads instantly snapped at me as they halt on their conversation. They look at me curiously before looking at her once again. I saw how her body froze for a bit as if hearing what I said, and that’s the time her eyes landed on mine for the first time.


She examined me carefully not leaving one bit of my appearance. But her eyes didn’t make any contact with my own eyes... like she’s purposely avoided looking at me directly. She quickly averted her gaze from me not before I saw a hint of something like hurt in her eyes which make me wonder.


She almost runs towards the school.  She walked like she owned it. And once her feet touch the pavement of the school hallway, the student were quiet again as they watch her sway her hips in every step she makes. I groaned mentally feeling so for the first time after I became a vampire just by seeing her y ... Arghh!!! What’s happening to you Kim Jaejoong?!


When she disappeared from my sight, I was expecting for Bom to laugh or make fun of me but instead, I heard her whimper. We all turn to look at her as she clutched her chest so hard as if she’s in pain. Yoochun was instantly by her side as we all circled around her. Thank goodness that the students were busy talking about the new student that they didn’t notice the commotion.


“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly as I saw a tear escaped from her eyes. Which make us more worried since it’s the first time we saw


“Y-you know her?” She asked me shakily. I shook my head instantly.


“I just feel like she’s familiar but I swear it’s the first time I see her. Why?” I asked. She just look at me in the eyes like examining me.


“Why?” She asked.


“Huh?” I replied curiously.


“Why is it that as soon as she looks at you... I instantly feel her feelings. I usually used my talent only towards us and block it against humans, but when her eyes landed on you... it’s like... it’s like... she’s breaking’s the first time I felt such pain in my’s killing me...I didn’t intend to know what she’s feeling...but it pass on me... because it’s so overwhelming...I even have to use all my energy to block it...what happen to her...why is she suffering so much?...why?” She asked slowly as if having a hard time to put everything in words.


My dead heart breaks into pieces as soon as her words penetrated in my head. She’s suffering. She’s hurting. Why? I also want to know why.... When I thought she’s done talking... she added something that shocked me.


“And... why is it that when she looks at you it’s not only pain that I felt from her Jae... There’s this feeling which I can describe the same thing I felt from you when you saw her earlier.” She finished while waiting for my reply.


I just stood there after she spoke. All eyes of m coven were on me. I find it hard to believe that what I felt towards her is love... and at the same time... she felt it too... No way, how come?! It’s the first time we saw each other, how come we’re already in love with one’s impossible. I shook my head to clear my mind.


The bell suddenly rang signalling the start of first class. “Save by the bell, I guess...” I whispered to myself.


“No Jae, I think we have to discuss this matter. There’s a possibility that she’s related to you.” Changmin said hearing what I’ve said. I sighed and just nodded.


“And one thing we have to find out... I’m not sure if she’s a human or not... but she’s not a vampire...but there’s something about her that screams danger especially with her blood scent.” Minzy stated earning approval from everyone.


“Let’s go, we’ll talk later. Time for class.” I told them, putting a stop to our discussion.




During my morning classes, I can’t help but smile mentally knowing I have all my class with the new girl whose name is Sandara Park. I keep chanting her name inside my head like an idiot. It’s the first time I’ve felt this in my whole life. It’s like she gave warmth to my cold body. I know it sounds corny but that’s what I’m feeling.


Though I’m kinda hurt that she’s avoiding me at all cost. Not sure if it’s purposely or coincidentally, but she never spoke once to me even though I always seat beside her or even spare a single glance on my way while all I do is stare at her beautiful face.


During our first class, I’ve felt another unfamiliar feeling inside me and Bom told me that I’m jealous. Yeah I am overly jealous at the scene I’ve saw. Donghae, one human in my first class invite Sandara to sit with him and his friends during lunch. And what makes me more jealous is that she accepted it and shook his hand. She even told him to call her Dara.


I was nearly on the verge of killing that human which is also a first to me. That’s the first time I’ve felt like I wanted to kill a human. But thank heavens that her angelic voice stopped me from doing it. Her voice sends shivers to my body as if I’m being electrocuted. Just by hearing her voice, all the negative thoughts vanished completely inside my head.


I tried to talk to her during one of our classes but just like what I’ve said earlier, it feels like she’s avoiding me. She moves so fast. I even tried to grab her at one point but she quickly ducked it as if she knew that someone was about to touch her.


Then lunch came. I saw her grab an apple and went towards the noisy Donghae who’s attracting a lot of attention. I’ve heard them started talking but Dara, yeah I will also call her Dara, will only reply shortly like she doesn’t want to talk.


I tuned out their conversation when my coven started to eat. Yeah we eat in front of the humans but sooner, we were going to throw up whatever we put in our digestive system because our body can’t take regular food anymore except blood.


“I think she’s a human.” Junsu guessed.


“Why?” Minzy asked.


“Because she’s eating right now...” He pointed at her direction. “See?” All of us raised an eyebrow to him.


“What?” He asked as soon as he saw our faces.


“We’re also eating right now, does it mean that we are also a human?” Bom asked him irritatingly.


“But for sure we will throw it out later.” He replied smugly earning a whack in the head from Chaerin.


“And what makes you so sure that she won’t do the same? What if she also throws up later without anyone seeing her?” She asked with a frown.


“Ah... You have a point... Sorry.” Junsu replied sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head.


“On the other hand, I am really sure that she’s not a human.” Changmin stated confidently.


“And why is that?”I asked him this time.


“Because no human can blocked my mind reading and even Chae’s talent, but how come she did it. Even for vampires, I only know two persons who can block my talent. One is obviously you and the other is the youngest member of Vampire Council, I forgot that girl’s name though. But anyway there’s something about her Jae... something different with that Sandara.” He explained. Almost everyone nodded in agreement.


“There’s only one way to find it out.” Yoochun spoke.


“And that is?” We asked at the same time.


“Invite her to our table and interrogate her.” He answered.


“Do you think she will answer whatever we asked to her that easily?” Bom inquired.


“There’s nothing wrong in trying guys. We at least have to try something to figure out what is she since she’s driving us crazily in figuring out what is she and why is her blood calling us.” He stated.


“Fine. Go Jae, invite her.” Bom ordered knowing how I felt for the girl. I stand up eagerly and went to her.


I immediately went towards her table. I’ve heard the people around her talking about my coven and I. As soon as I arrived on their table, I stand behind her so close that I have to stop myself from wrapping her in my arms.


Everyone went quiet. All eyes of the student were on me waiting for my action. The people on her table was looking at me wide-eye as if they seen a ghost. On the other hand, she was so composed not bothered by the sudden silence of everyone around her.


“Eat with us.” I invited her but it came out like an order. I heard gasped around us then students started murmuring. She didn’t reply, maybe she’s not aware that I’m talking to her.


“Sandara Park.” I called to her to catch her attention. I love how her name came out from my mouth like I’m used to it. I saw her hand suddenly grip the apple so tight that I though it will crash then her breathing became heavy.


She slightly turn to look back and I saw her eyes flickered a bit to where my friends are and I think she notice them staring at us.


“I’m sorry, but I’m fine sitting here. Thank you for the offer though.” She declined politely. I didn’t reply feeling like something stabs me on the chest and immediately turn back towards my friends who were now glaring at her.


Once I sat back on my chair, my coven didn’t ask any question sensing that I don’t want to talk right now.


“But honestly, the aura they’re giving and their’s like they are not human.” The guy in her table named Jiyong commented out of nowhere and we all froze in surprise. We all look at each other with fear and shock written all over our faces.


I know that we are stronger than humans, though if they found out about us they might be turned or killed... there’s also a punishment to those vampire who were found out... and that is death. No other choice but just death.


“Yeah... like they are.... Gods and Goddesses!” The short blonde girl exclaimed and we all felt our muscle instantly relax. Wew! That was close. I thought they already found out what are we. And that’s exactly the same time the bell rang inside the school.



Dara’s POV:


I plopped on my bed as soon as I got home. Today is a hell day. Why the heck is Jae doing? Why does he keep on sitting beside me in our class? And the big question....WHY THE DO I HAVE ALL MY CLASSES WITH ALL THE VAMPIRES IN THAT SCHOOL?!!!


Argghh! Why oh why?!I sat up on my bed and all the worries were quickly gone as soon as I noticed once again my empty room. I forgot! I need to buy some furniture and appliances. I jumped out of the bed and went to my closet to change for more comfortable clothing.


I stood up in front of the mirror only in my underwear as I started to shove my legs in a washed-up jean shorts. I was about to put my tank top when I caught a glimpse of my mark. I walk closer to the mirror and study the mark in the middle of my chest.


A single tear escape my eyes thinking of there will be a possibility of being reunited with the person who gave it to me. I miss him so much that it almost breaks me. But I have to be strong, for him... for both of us.


I wipe away the evidence of my sorrow and quickly put the tank top over my head then to my body. I tied my hair up and put a high cut converse. With that, I grabbed my leather jacket I wore earlier in school and grabbed the keys of my Audi.


I went straight to the nearest mall and started to look for what I need. The first thing that comes to my mind are electronics like television, DVD’s and maybe an Xbox. I already have a laptop so I guess I don’t need to buy a new one.


I was about to enter inside an electronic shop when I crashed into someone. I staggered backwards as I bumped so hard into someone’s chest.


“Woah! Careful!” Someone spoke at the same time a cold hand grab my arm and steadied me.


I look at the guy and immediately recognized him as one of Jae’s companion and if my assumption is correct he is in Jae’s coven. He looked at me for a moment and his eyes widened in surprise as soon as he saw who I am.


I saw him took a deep breath, this is not good... he can smell my blood. He let go of me once I settled myself properly.


“You’re the new girl.” He started.


“You’re the old boy.” I answered with a double meaning guessing he’s around 300 years old. He chuckled.


“You can say that.” He answered with a smile but my face was for sure is blank. I didn’t answer him, instead I just look at him. He cleared his throat feeling uneasy from my stare.


“Sandara right? What are you doing here?” He asked, clearly wanting to start a new conversation with me. It shocked me though. I didn’t take him for a guy to start a conversation, with their expressionless face in school, I thought they will avoid me like humans since they’re actually having a hard time figuring what am I.


“Shopping.” I answered shortly.


“What are you planning to buy in this shop?” He asked pointing inside the electronic shop that we were about to enter.


“TV, DVD... Xbox.”


“You play Xbox?”




“Cool! Maybe you can come to our boarding house and play with us.”


“I’ll think about it.” I answered quickly and left him. I noticed how his eyes were turning dull and it only means one thing... he starting to crave for a blood. And I being there with him will only make it worse since my blood attracts his kind.



Junsu’s POV:


I immediately left the house or the ‘boarding house’ as per the students of our school as soon as I remember that I have to buy an Xbox. I took my Ferrari and drove to the mall.


I roam around first trying to enjoy myself when a familiar alluring scent hit me. I absentmindedly follow the blood scent that I didn’t notice someone’s in front of me. I collided too hard with that someone and I saw how she’s about to fall backwards. Without thinking I abruptly grab her arm and pulled her up.


My eyes widened in realization of who am I holding. None other than the source of the scent, Sandara Park. I let her go as soon as she was standing properly once again. I talk to her but she will only replied to me shortly so I tried to start another conversation.


I’m glad that even though she didn’t talk much, she continues on answering whatever I asked her, but the problem is, the more I stayed with her the more her scent hit me and the more bloodlust consume me.


As if noticing something’s wrong with me, she quickly ended our conversion and went inside the shop. While me on the other hand, run as fast as I can in human speed to feed. Yeah, I need to feed right now. I need someone’s blood.


I run outside the establishment and went to look for secluded area. The forest is too far from here and I can’t seem to find any animal here in the city, I might go crazy if I don’t feed myself as soon as I can. I don’t even want to turn to unknown so I better find some human.


As soon as I find a narrow alleyway I went inside it and almost jump to my prey. I’m really fortunate this time. I was actually glad that there is a girl leaning on the wall wearing skimpy clothes with a heavy make-up. I’m guessing she’s a hooker.


As soon as she saw me, her eyes brighten up. She was starting to walk towards my direction when I jump behind her in a flash. She let out a scream as I landed on my feet. I instantly put my hand to cover and instantly clamped my already elongated canine on her neck.


Her blood is not as delicious as some innocent girls possess but I don’t have any other choice right now. I have to do this to control my bloodlust. I continue drinking on the hooker’s blood as she trash on my hold. I saw how bruises were starting form in her arms she tried to freed herself. I even hear her fingers broke when she tried to punch me...but too bad, I’m stronger than I look.


I can feel that my craving for blood is starting to disappear. But I was too busy on feeding myself that I didn’t notice someone’s presence.


“Enough! You will kill the girl!” A familiar voice shouted stopping me from drinking. I quickly retract my canine from the hooker’s neck as she falls in the ground breathlessly. My eyes widened for the third time I saw her.


“You?! What are you doing here?” I asked. She didn’t answer but walk instead towards the girl’s direction.


“For a vampire like you, you should use your heightened senses to notice your surroundings. What if someone saw you drinking someone’s blood? Be thankful that it’s me who found you or else you’ll be in trouble by now.” She stated.


“You know what am I...what are we.” I asked her, though it’s sounded like a statement. But she didn’t answer.


“I notice the bloodlust in your eyes that’s why I left you. But I got worried that you will go berserk after you run outside the mall and found you here. Next time you crave for a blood, don’t shut your senses... be alert all the time... and try to control your hunger... you almost killed this hooker.” She lectured.


I didn’t answer. I silently watched her as she sat down beside the hooker. Suddenly she reached for the girl’s broken hand. I heard myself gasped as I saw a blue light appear on her hand as she touched the hooker’s hand.


I continue to watch her in disbelief as she roamed her hands this time on the hooker’s arm. I didn’t know what she’s doing at first but when I saw how the bruises disappear... I realize what is she doing. She’s helping to tend the damage I caused to the girl. She has a healing ability.


“Are you one of us?” I asked. She didn’t answer once again.


“I’m done. Just make sure to use compulsion on erasing her memories. She will wake up in a minute, so make sure you do your job.  Ciao!” She ordered and quickly walks away.


“Please tell me! Are you a vampire?!” I shouted as I asked her. She turned around with a smirk on her face that brings a chill to my body up to the bones. A very evil smirk...


“It’s something the eight of you should figure out.” She answered softly in a different tone that bring fear to my being as she disappear from my sight.


I felt myself slide down on the ground near the hooker who was now starting to wake up. Oh gosh! Why in all of the people in the world have I collided with the mysterious Sandara Park?! I thought to myself as I remember her evil smirk. An involuntary shiver runs to my body at the same time I spoke to my coven telepathically.










‘I’ve met a devil.... I’m doomed.I think she wanted to eat me alive!!!!!!!!!!’




If any of you have any question, feel free to asked.

I might confused some of you in some point since there'a lot of info about the Vsmpire World in this chapter.

I'll try my best to answer all your questions.


I would also like to tell all of you that I'm not abondoning my other fics.

I'm just really having a hard time to fit everything in my sched. Sorry...

I hope you guys understand my situation and continue to support this fic and my other stories despite the lack of my updates... :(


For those who haven't read my fics, please give it a try.


I'll Protect You With All Life (Werewolf Romance) Ongoing

His Secret Lover (Student-Teacher Relationship) Ongoing

One Night With The Prince (From Wattpad by mamie1990) Completed



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See yah in next chappie!







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Chapter 6: 6 years still waiting for the author to continuing this story... i wish you start to log in to fanfics account and continue the story
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 6: 5 years since this story was last updated, I find myself subscribing. The storyline is interesting. Although I have a hunch of what they were before they were turned, I want to know for sure from the author's POV and I want to know what will happen next. I hope you'll get to spare a bit of your time to update your stories. Thanks
jhie6260 #3
Chapter 6: Hoping you could update this fic, very touching.
bb2ne1fanjj #4
Chapter 6: You said you're back authornim huhuhu! Please try to continue writing these wonderful jaedara fics.
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: i've been waiting this story to be updated since 3 years ago, yet you haven't updated yet :(
oh please authornim, update this story again, don't abandon the story....
Chapter 6: Waaaahhhhhh!!!! Read this now and got hooked!!!!!!! Please continue this story authornim~!! ^.^v please please please ~~~ it's a really great story~ hoping for an update :) kamsamida ~
Chapter 6: Hi athornim i just found this and started reading and hella i find this story of your very interesting and amazing really pls update soon this story all the way fighting!:)
mellai #8
Chapter 6: i only started reading this today and its a beautiful story pls. update again thanks...
Chapter 6: thank you author
Chapter 6: i . i am crying. this fic is full of depth. still i am happy because the last update is so sweet and so satisffying.