Final Round [Hiatus]

"Ah, hi, you're Kyungsoo right?" Class had ended, and everyone was leaving the room for their next class. You had walked over to Kyungsoo's desk and tried to make a conversation with him. And then you awkwardly held out your hand for him to shake it, but he looked at you strangely. "I'm guessing you forgot what happened last night." Kyungsoo eyed you sharply, and you flinched as you saw how irritated he looked.

"What...what happened?" "I don't remember anything that happened.."

Kyungsoo didn't answer the question and walked past you. "I don't have time to be associated with people like you." 

You stood there looking immensely shocked. Just when did Kyungsoo get such an attitude as that? You didn't say anything for a while as your mouth hung open in disbelief. Luhan walked up to you and cocked his head in the direction of the door. "We have to get to our next class now or we'll be late." You sighed and followed him out the door. Luhan suddenly brought up an earlier undiscussed subject.

"So..uh..what's with the new name now?" You jumped a little but smiled to remain calm. "Well..to be honest, my middle-name is Sora..and people tend to like calling me that instead of Suk-Chul...It's much easier." You made up a story, hoping that Luhan would buy it. "Middle names?"

"I was born in America, and Americans have middle names...so yeah that's how it goes." You answered back. Luhan shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows out of disbelief. "Well...okay, what would you prefer me to call you?" 

Crap. This situation needs to be reversed so Kyungsoo wont' figure out who I am right away...although I'll have to get used to this new name.

"Just call me Suk-Chul, I mean..." You scratched you head uncomfortably. "Yeah..that'll do." You finished, and Luhan gave you a wild look. "You sure about that now? You seem a little bit unsteady." 

"Just..go with it." You laughed nervously, but then smiled. "Okay...then." Luhan mumbled. 

You turned a corner and waved to Luhan, who was now going through a different hallway to a class.

"What..'s the next class?" You said softly to yourself as you glanced at you schedule again. 


The day had been mostly laidback, and you had visited most of your classes. They seemed alright. Most of the people had been bothering about you about life in America. You were used to it. You were a foreigner, so it made sense. 

Right now, it was lunch-time, and you were waiting for Luhan, your only close friend at the school at the moment. 



You were completely oblivious because you were not used to this name yet, so you continued to look out until Luhan tapped you on the shoulder.

"Aish, are you deaf or something?" "I've been calling out your name for quite a while." He frowned at you but then quickly picked up a smile and patted your shoulder. "Come on. Let's eat lunch." He led you across the campus to a quiet picnic table. Some of his newly-made friends were there, and he waved to greet them casually. 

"Hey guys. This is my friend Suk-Chul." Luhan introduced you to his new group of friends and smiled while you sat down awkwardly, flipping you hair lightly to the side. 

"So how do you do?" "The names Kris. I'm from the special section of the Singing Department." He stopped to laugh. "Well I guess it can be considered another separate building." He mumbled off and you nodded your head shyly. "Nice to meet you, bro." You tried to man up while inside, you couldn't help thinking how lame you sounded at the moment.

"Suk-chul did you bring your lunch?" You turned around and saw Luhan handing you his sandwich.

"Nah..it's fine." You waved off the sandwich. "I just left my lunchbox in the dorm. I can go get it. I don't want to eat your food." You smiled awkwardly and got up from your seat. 

"Ooohh okay then." Luhan tipped his head as he watched you head in the direction of the dorms.

"He's an awkward child." Luhan shrugged and chuckled with his friends. 


"Aish, I really need to get it together." "Why am I so scatter-brained?" You knocked lightly on your head as you closed your dorm room with a key. Suk-chul. Suk-chul. Let it drain in my brain forever. "Suk-Chul." "Suk-Chul." You repeated to yourself several times.

Little did you know that Kyungsoo had walked by and given you a dirty look.

Just what the hell is wrong with this kid? 

You heard him scoff and then walk away. But this time you had it. "Aish why is he treating me like this?" "Why has he changed so much?" You turned around abruptly and pointed at Kyungsoo, your old best friend.


Kyungsoo hadn't turned around, but he stopped in his tracks.

"What is it now?"

You walked up quickly to his side and hit him on the back. "That's for treating me like dirt, you jerk." You snapped at him while he turned around, rubbing his back, while then looking at you with distaste. 

"Ya, what the hell is wrong with you?" "You're the strangest transfer ever." "Could you just calm down already?" "If you don't want to act cool in this school, why don't you just get out alrea-?" Kyungsoo was about to aim you a punch until he stopped in his tracks and stared down at you closely.

"Why is it that you look really feminine?" "Even more feminine than some of the cosplay erts in this school?" He began to walk around you and scrutinize you. 

"Do I know you from somewhere?" 

You froze in your stance and bit on your lip. "Uh no, just what ridiculousness are you rumbling about?" "This is the first time I've seen you."

Suddenly, you felt a kick from behind you.

You fell loudly on the floor and turned to look up at a triumphant Kyungsoo. "Can't believe an idiot like you would believe that."

He smirked and glared at you.

"You must be seriously challenged in the head if you thought that I would know something like you?" "You're right."

"I have never seen you in my life is true." Kyungsoo folded his arms and began tapping his feet. 

You quickly got up on your feet, brushed off the dirt, and were about to aim at your best-friend's face. How dare you treat me like this. I thought we were best friends. 

As tears sprinkled down your eyes, you were about to aim for Kyungsoo's nose until a hand caught your arm.

"Stop, what are you doing, newbie." Your face fell as you saw an unamused Kai looking at you. 

"Don't be so violent in the hallways now. We're all trying to be friends. So stop stirring up trouble alright? You too, D.O."

"Aish, shutup, don't call me that." Kyungsoo turned around and walked off into the hallways without another word.

Kai dropped your arm and walked past you.

"Soft arms. What a weird kid"

 But you just stood there with a dismayed expression on your face, and you quickly opened your dorm and rushed into it with tears streaming down your face.

You fell onto your bed and cried yourself to sleep.


WOW LOL. my last update for this fanfic was 8/28, and now i'm updating 12/30. I must have gone crazy lolololololol totally neglected this fanfic :/ stupid school.

hope you guys enjoy :]


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Awww, being surrounded by men and treated like that, Poor Sora tsk tsk
She must really love DO for doing that.
And gising she didn't remember confessing
Btw, Luhan is one understanding roommate lol
Can't wait for moree
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
ok now I'm kind of confused because it sounded as if he just found out it was her, unless I'm mistaken, and D.O just think some random dude just barged in, distracts him and confessed. Anyway UPDATE soon. ^-^
HAHAHA 100% Masculine lol XD
This just gets better and better, cant wait for DO and Sora's meeting n__n
i've a feeling that Kyungsoo also in that room,
'cause he sings well, right?
so there's a possibility that Kyungsoo'll be in that room too right?

nice story, love it~!
but it's similar to 'To The Beautiful You', right?
some, scene.
So, that means Luhan and Sora are buddies now lol
Cant wait for more updates!
This seems interesting n___n
Why did DO really stop sending letters?
Well might as well figure it out with the succeeding chapters n__n
Can't wait for more updates!
Fighting Author-nim!
Update soon ^^