Final Round [Hiatus]

You woke up and realized that you were back in the bunk-room; you glanced over at your clock and noticed that the time was now 6AM. You didn't remember what had happened yesterday, but soon enough you pushed back your bedsheets and realized that you had gotten drunk at the social party. And then, all of a sudden, you were just spontaneously in your bed. You felt yourself over and realized that you were only wearing the white long-sleeved shirt, which was under your suit. You sighed with relief as you realized that no one had removed your clothing.

As  you dozed off back to sleep, you continued to rest peacefully, unaware of the 7:30 AM alarm clock that would soon wake you up for your first day of classes.


"Wake up..WAKE UP." You heard someone's voice rising in volume in the background and began to slightly open your eyes. "What.'s..what's going on?" You mumbled, your eyes were still half open. Ooof. You felt clothing being thrown at you, not just any item of clothing. You managed to open your eyes more and saw the light yellow polo shirt; there was a print on the front that spelled Hyundai's Arts. Underneath the light shirt, there were pants, slightly brown pants.

"Sora, please hurry up, we're going to be late." You turned your head down and saw how annoyed Luhan looked and bowed your head in apology. "Ah...mianhe..I'm going to get up now." You quickly flipped away your bed sheets and rose up from your bed, and climbed down the bunk ladder with the uniforms. You were just about to take off your shirt when you realized that Luhan was still standing before you, eyeing you curiously. "Uh..man..would you mind like not watching me dress?" You spoke defiantly. 

"We're men. Does it matter?" Luhan returned and gave you an incredulous look. "You that sensitive about the way you look or something?" You quickly nodded your head and Luhan shrugged his shoulders while sighing. As he turned his back to you, he said. "You sure are a weird guy." You didn't say anything but cocked your head to the right. "Uh...yeah..sorry I'm a little odd you see.." "No worries." Luhan cut in and smiled. "I'll just be waiting outside the room for you. Don't take too long." You sighed in relief as Luhan walked out calmly out the door, shutting it behind him. 


"We're almost there. The map says that the room is 4A." You mumbled to yourself. "Differentials is that class, good thing we have it together right?" Luhan smiled and poked your shoulder to your surprise. "Uh....yeah man. Cool." "You don't seem as excited the day when we got our schedules.." Luhan drifted off due to the fact that you and he had just arrived at your first block class. "Uh, I got to go to the restroom." You quickly said and Luhan stared at you like you were crazy. "Are you serious?" "Now of all times?" You quickly nodded your head once you realized that you truly had to use it. "Hurry up...I'll go in ahead of you." Luhan rolled his eyes and walked past you.

You suddenly heard an uproarous applaud inside the classroom; they were welcoming Luhan exuberantly. Hopefully, you would recieve the same treatment. You rushed to the closest restroom and as you arrived, you stared awkwardly at the sign. "Urgh..gsh.." You mumbled to yourself, but then felt someone bump into you from behind. You turned around and saw an extremely tall looking boy staring at you strangely; he's face was extremely handsome, yet it looked a bit foreign. "Hey, are you going to fcking move, you brat?" He pushed you aside, trailing in the restroom, and you slammed a little into the wall.

"." You mumbled quietly to yourself and, forgetting about the earlier confrontation with the bathroom sign, and rushed in quickly. You looked quickly at the stalls and realized that all of them were closed. "What the hell?" You angrily said as you banged on some of the doors. "Can't hold it or something, squirt?" You saw another tall, buff looking boy eying you while he was washing his hands. "Uh...yeah..." You awkwardly said, and the guy laughed, turning his head around again. You rolled your eyes and turned around; no one had come out of the stalls yet. You looked at the open toilets where other guys were situated and gulped. 

You slightly glanced over and tried to see how the other guys did their business, but refrained out of embarrassment. "Ugh. This is going to be seriously obnoxious." You growled to yourself.


After picking up your backpack and leaving the horror of the men's restroom, you began walking down the hallways back to your classroom. The door was still open, and you noticed that the instructor still had not arrived. But as you were about to walk in, you saw a middle-aged man walking up close to you, a slightly amused expression on his face. "Late on the first day?" He pointed to the classroom with a ruler, and you walked in, embarrassed.

As you peered in the classroom, you noticed that no one was really applauding; a series of eyes were just staring at you. "Ah it's just a regular Korean dude. Nothing foreign, booorinnngg." A guy with a defined jaw-line moaned out loud. "Shut the fu*k up Chen and sit down. Instructor Yoseob is here." "Okay okay man, I get it." The guy named Chen put his hands up and sat down in his seat; you were surprised at how calm and quiet he gradually became. And you peered around again and noticed Kyungsoo sitting quietly in his seat, his eyes were focused on a certain book.

You gulped. This was your chance. Try to become friends with you.

Your eyes continued to dart across the room and you spotted Luhan waving at you; around him, there were already quite a couple of guys who had befriended him. Sigh, he was just more popular..You surmised. Behind you, you heard Instructor Yoseob's loud voice ringing. "Annyeong, class. We have a late transfer student from America. His name is Kim Suk-Chul." "Please take good care of him." Kyungsoo narrowed his wide eyes and looked up at you; you bit back your lip as he studied you closely. He rolled his eyes and continued to stare you down with a feeling of irritation. 

When Kyungsoo finally relaxed his eyes and directed them back to the direction of the book, you turned away and breathed in relief. Guess he didn't recognize you. You finally bowed your head to the class politely and walked awkwardly to Luhan, who was now giving you a stare. You saw him mouth "Suk-Chul?" You responded by mouthing back. "I'll tell you later, man." 

Finding an empty seat behind Luhan, you noticed that same guy who had pushed you into the wall when you were going to the restroom. You noticed how incredibly handsome he looked; his hair was slightly spiked in the front, shone with a dirty blond color. After staring at him for a minute, you realized that he had just turned to you and had begun to narrow his eyes, glaring at you. "What the fu*k are you looking at, you new brat?" You turned away from him, ignoring his bitter words. 

Some people are just not going to change, either way.

You continued to eye at the seat where Kyungsoo was sitting; he wasn't really paying attention, but he was reading a book quietly to himself. In your point of view, he looked so immersed. Was that really a reading book? You looked more closely and saw that it was a vocal instructions book. "Ah." 

"Kim Suk-Chul, something the matter with my lesson?" You flinched and turned your head back to Teacher Yoseob's blackboard; he was narrowing his eyes at you, and his chalk had not moved the moment he had spoken. 


Soon enough, you heard snickers from the other students in your class.

Gawddamit, is my accent that bad?


yay more time for story updating :DDDD

My Exo Drawings..look look? :c

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Awww, being surrounded by men and treated like that, Poor Sora tsk tsk
She must really love DO for doing that.
And gising she didn't remember confessing
Btw, Luhan is one understanding roommate lol
Can't wait for moree
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
ok now I'm kind of confused because it sounded as if he just found out it was her, unless I'm mistaken, and D.O just think some random dude just barged in, distracts him and confessed. Anyway UPDATE soon. ^-^
HAHAHA 100% Masculine lol XD
This just gets better and better, cant wait for DO and Sora's meeting n__n
i've a feeling that Kyungsoo also in that room,
'cause he sings well, right?
so there's a possibility that Kyungsoo'll be in that room too right?

nice story, love it~!
but it's similar to 'To The Beautiful You', right?
some, scene.
So, that means Luhan and Sora are buddies now lol
Cant wait for more updates!
This seems interesting n___n
Why did DO really stop sending letters?
Well might as well figure it out with the succeeding chapters n__n
Can't wait for more updates!
Fighting Author-nim!
Update soon ^^