Final Round [Hiatus]

In the background, you could hear the song Troublemaker being played by the DJ. The music was extremely loud, and you were just chilling at the food bar. For some reason, you had lost Luhan in the midst of the dancing crowd; he was probably finally enjoying himself right now. You remained calm and just sat in a high spinning chair.

There was wine available for everyone because the legal age for drinking in Korea was about 19 in Korea due to the aging system. Yet you were only 17 at the time (18 in Korea) so you could not lay your hands on any alcohol. Hyundai's was most definitely a high school, but it was also a college, so there was an intermixing between high school seniors and undergraduates. Definitely different from the schooling system in America. 

"Hyundai's is special." Kai laughed.

You asked for some orange juice, and one of the workers poured you a glass full of it. "Kamsamnida." You bowed your head lightly, and the worker nodded politely, soon he turned around and began wiping glasses and pouring more drinks for other students, older undergraduates. You sighed and drank your glass; you were bored at this moment, and you had no will to really socialize with anyone. When you had entered the the party's building, you had searched everywhere for Kyungsoo, but no matter how hard you had tried to look, you could not find him at all in the room. 

Tired from your flight across the world, you also felt immensely jet-lagged and dizzy. You placed your glass down and began to rub your head; a migraine was coming. "Aish..jinja.." You mumbled to yourself in annoyance.

"Heyyy." You didn't notice anything, but a girl had swung her arms around one of yours. "Hey handsome, want to dance with me? I'll show you everything that I got." You almost wanted to throw up when you heard how obnoxious this girl's voice was. You coughed a spoke in a deep, monotone voice. "Uh. I'm not feeling good right now so I'm taking a break. I don't want to dance. I apologize." You tried to excuse yourself, but the girl would not buy it. She dragged you from your seat, and you were forced to follow along with her to the dance floor, where you could see many students dancing against each other, and other unspeakable things. 

"Simply disgusting." You whispered to yourself with half open eyes and suddenly felt a slap from the girl. "What the hell did you just say, you !?" She seemed infuriated, but you didn't say anything back; you were too dizzy. And once more, you felt her painful slap. "You are such a weird and rude person." She continued. "Here I am trying to be nice and gregarious, but now you insult me?" "Just who the fck do you think you are?" You placed your hands up and stepped back clumsily, hearing another voice ringing in the background. "Sooyoung, calm down." "Oppaa." 

"Aish." You said to yourself slowly and stepped back onto your feet, but you suddenly felt dizzy even more. "What the hell?" You walked over to the front of the food bar and saw the worker smirking at you. "Enjoy the party, kid." Your eyes widened, and you peered more closely to your glass. That wasn't orange juice. "Why did you put alcohol in my drink?!" You spoke out loud in scorn, but the worker shrugged his hands. "Who knows, you can't blame me, in these parties, anyone can put whatever in your drinks." You cursed to yourself as your head spun more in dizziness. 

I need to get out of here.

As you walked out of the party room, you saw Kai approaching you. "Hey..hey man, where are you going now? Party's still going on. Come on come on, meet some of the y ladies." He pushed you back into the dance room and made you confront some model-like girls. One of them gave you a smile, and you cringed as you saw her lean forward, her cleveage hanging. Girl, you need to wear something under there. You refused to be messed around with Kai and knocked him out of your grasp.

"I..I...need to use the restroom...give me a moment." You clumsily stammered, and Kai smiled. "Okay, you brat. Hurry up then." You nodded your head, and Kai turned around to the two disappointed girls. However, soon enough a different up-to beat music began, and you noticed that the girls had begun to forgot you. Well, you weren't really surprised.

The way Kai was dancing, certainly attractive and good enough to get alot of women. You thought to yourself but then headed out into the hallways in indifference, your head was still spinning in different directions. You looked up and saw staircase steps; so you began climbing up slowly. "Ah..why so many steps." Your legs heaved after each other, and you felt very tired at that moment. When you finally stepped onto the staircase, you arrived at a door. "I guess..this is the 2nd floor now?" You opened the door and saw a vast hallway spread out from your view. "Hmm...I wonder if there's a place where I can just sleep." You mumbled to yourself, with eyes still half-open.

As you began to walk, you noticed a familiar figure behind a glass studio. You looked closer.


Without thinking, you decided to barge in and listen to him. He was singing, and you fell in love with that voice, the notes he sang rang out smoothly in the background. So powerful and emotional, yet professional at the same time. How long has he been practicing like that? You thought quietly to yourself, still yet dizzy.

"Excuse me...?" You heard Kyungsoo place his headphones down and walk straight in front of you. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing in here?" "How did you find me?" He began to question you, but you could only smile idiotically, not replying to his inquiring questions. He was standing before you with arms crossed; an irritated expression seemed to transverse his countenance. Maybe he didn't want to be disturbed or something, maybe he didn't enjoy the party? So he came up here to practice? 

You admired how gorgeous Kyungsoo looked in his black suit. His hair was all tidy and slightly styled; his huge eyes continued to glare at you in distaste.

"Answer me, why are you in here?" Kyungsoo continued to ask, but you didn't hear him this time. You didn't even stop what you were saying because at that moment you couldn't control your words; you were in a daze.

"Kyungsoo..oo..I love you." You said smoothly with half-closed eyes.

"What...what the hell?" You heard him say, but the next thing you knew.

You had fainted.


yeah. i got to update today :D haha such a surprise.

okay guys i hope you enjoy this chap.

goodnight ! :)

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Awww, being surrounded by men and treated like that, Poor Sora tsk tsk
She must really love DO for doing that.
And gising she didn't remember confessing
Btw, Luhan is one understanding roommate lol
Can't wait for moree
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
ok now I'm kind of confused because it sounded as if he just found out it was her, unless I'm mistaken, and D.O just think some random dude just barged in, distracts him and confessed. Anyway UPDATE soon. ^-^
HAHAHA 100% Masculine lol XD
This just gets better and better, cant wait for DO and Sora's meeting n__n
i've a feeling that Kyungsoo also in that room,
'cause he sings well, right?
so there's a possibility that Kyungsoo'll be in that room too right?

nice story, love it~!
but it's similar to 'To The Beautiful You', right?
some, scene.
So, that means Luhan and Sora are buddies now lol
Cant wait for more updates!
This seems interesting n___n
Why did DO really stop sending letters?
Well might as well figure it out with the succeeding chapters n__n
Can't wait for more updates!
Fighting Author-nim!
Update soon ^^