Final Round [Hiatus]

"Park Sora, your dinner is getting cold." "Hurry up down and eat it." 

Aish. Umma. You were sitting at your desk with a green pen in your hand; your other hand gently touched the creases of a white sheet of paper. "What should I write to him now?" You smiled and tapped the pen on you chin while glancing around the room.

You were a very tidy person so everything was kept in nice order. Clothes were arranged on hangers in your closet, your bed was well-made, and the floor's wood was shined. Your room was just very immaculate, and you were proud of keeping it that way. However, your desk seemed to belie the appearance of your room. Around your desk's area, there ranged from crumbled to stacked paper and pens arbitrarily placed on sections of the desk. Eraser shavings spread out everywhere so messily that you decided to use pen instead.

Well, you did always want to write a sincere letter to your childhood love. Do Kyungsoo.

6 years ago, Kyungsoo had moved from America to a school in Korea. It was a special school, he said, that trained you for different fields cultivating in the arts. Singing, acting, dancing, playing a diversity of instruments, etc.

"Sora, don't forget, when I come back to America after I receieved the training in Arts School, let's start a duet group." You remembered his words clear that day when he was about to board his plane in Los Angeles International Airport. "Don't forget alright?" He had repeated, and you laughed and gave him a pinky promise. "Yes."

You and he were also musically inclined. Kyungsoo could play instruments very well, and you had a talent for singing. Your voice sounded very light and delicate; sometimes, you didn't even have to try because your pleasant singing voice usually came out naturally.

However, all these years in middle school and high school, you still continued to train yourself, thinking of Kyungsoo's promise, and working hard to improve your singing voice. It had definitely improved from many excercises advised from your music teacher. 

You were confident that you could reach your dream of being together in a music career with Kyungsoo.

Sometimes, you wondered if you really did this for yourself or for him. However, you never thought too much about it and continued to practice. School was pretty conventional, and you were an above-average student, earning straight A's in all subjects. 

"Talented and Intelligent. Aren't you something?" Your best friend Beth had said when first meeting you in middle school.

You sighed and placed your pen down, entwining your fingers together. A deep thought passed through your head.

When you return, Kyungsoo, from Korea, I'll be ready.

Hope that you'll be proud of me. You then placed your intwined fingers on your forehead and laughed through it. "Ahh, I can't wait."

Half a Year Fastforward

"Hey, Sora, don't be so down." Beth tugged on your shoulder as class had ended. You were not and had not been in a happy mood these past months. "I'm sure he'll respond soon." "Come on, don't be so pessimistic about it."

You tried to listen to Beth's assuring words, but somehow you could not be comforted. You thought about the times before Kyungsoo stopped responding to your letters. It was about half a year ago. You just wanted at least one letter from him. It didn't matter what he said, just only if he could get your message and reply.

Thoughts crossed your mind again. Then again, his letters had become increasingly succinct in appearance these past 3-4 years. Somehow, Kyungsoo just stopped writing so much all of a sudden, and he would just comment briefly. There seemed to gradually be a phlegmatic, blank mood when you read his letter. 

"Sora..Sora..the bell just rang like 5 minutes ago. We're going to miss the bus if we don't hurry." You tipped up your head and nodded slowly. Grabbing your school bag quickly, you followed Beth, who was trying to give you an assuring smile the whole time.


Walking down the sidewalk from the bus-stop, you clinged onto your backpack tightly and bit your lip. 

As you narrowed closer to your house and noticed the mailman tucking in a few letters and subscribed magazines in the mail-box, your heart jumped a little in excitement. Could it be today that I get his letter? You jumped a little ecstatically and jogged over to the mail-box.

"What..what is all of this?" Your face fell as you saw that the letters only comprised of electric bills and advertisements. "Kyungsoo....." You fell on your knees and tightened your hold on the extraneous mail. 

"Why are you ignoring me, Kyungsoo?" You mumbled under your breath and felt your heart beating anxiously.

Standing back on your feet, you took the last TIME magazine from the mailbox and trudged up your hill-like garage path to the door of your house in solid silence.

More thoughts raced through your mind as you placed the key in the door-knob hole.

You opened the door quickly and walked straight into your room, without saying anything to your mother or sister. 

"Is she okay?" You heard your 10 year old sister say to your mother. 


You fumbled through the stacks of letters Kyungsoo had written to you before he had suddenly stopped. "Where..where is it?" You questioned to yourself as you apathetically knocked down your calculus book in haste.

It was no use, and you sighed, flumping back on your bed. You could not find it, and now your bedroom floor now looked a mess, with stacks of books thrown around the corner and papers flying everywhere.

You rolled to the side of your bed and began to cry until you fell asleep.


After the two hour nap, you decided to get up and clean up your messy room now. As you got off your bed, you felt your feet step on a sheet of paper. You picked it up and proceeded to throw it in the trash until something caught your attention.

2009, July 27

Park Sora, 

How are you? Yeah, I'm good. 

It's nice to know that things are going well for you in America. 

School for me is going great. Ah, yes, I'm going to be attending the high school Hyundai's for Boys this fall.

It's a very nice musics, arts school. I think I'll learn alot.

I gotta go now, write back soon.

                      Do Kyungsoo

"Hyundai's" "Hyundai's." You repeated the school's name several times when glancing at the letter.

"So this is the name of the high school." 

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Awww, being surrounded by men and treated like that, Poor Sora tsk tsk
She must really love DO for doing that.
And gising she didn't remember confessing
Btw, Luhan is one understanding roommate lol
Can't wait for moree
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
Now DO would think she's gay or something lol
ok now I'm kind of confused because it sounded as if he just found out it was her, unless I'm mistaken, and D.O just think some random dude just barged in, distracts him and confessed. Anyway UPDATE soon. ^-^
HAHAHA 100% Masculine lol XD
This just gets better and better, cant wait for DO and Sora's meeting n__n
i've a feeling that Kyungsoo also in that room,
'cause he sings well, right?
so there's a possibility that Kyungsoo'll be in that room too right?

nice story, love it~!
but it's similar to 'To The Beautiful You', right?
some, scene.
So, that means Luhan and Sora are buddies now lol
Cant wait for more updates!
This seems interesting n___n
Why did DO really stop sending letters?
Well might as well figure it out with the succeeding chapters n__n
Can't wait for more updates!
Fighting Author-nim!
Update soon ^^