
Perfect...Truly Perfect
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"Thirty two cents is your change; your order will be ready shortly," Mei Li told the customer, handing money back to him.

She quickly got to work on all the orders. Her co-worker had gone home sick and she ended up having to work for the past two hours by herself. Usually, they'd have a replacement by now to cover his shift, but with Dongjun gone, they still had yet to hire someone new. All the other employees were either busy at the moment, or they were already working the night shift later on.

Speedily making all the drinks, Mei Li placed them on the counter and apologized to all the customers for having to wait a little while. "No, you're doing wonderful by yourself, good work!" one lady complimented her as she took her latte.

"Thank you," Mei Li smiled gratefully.

The bells at the entrance chimed, signalling that someone had opened the door.

Oh no, not another customer! Mei Li groaned in her head.

Instead, a familiar girl walked in.

"Oh, Suzy!"

"Hey, Mei! Why are you working by yourself?" Suzy asked as she went behind the counter.

"Daniel went home sick,” Mei Li explained.

"Ahhh,” Suzy nodded.

Suddenly, another girl came in. "Hey Sandara! Whoa, you're here early!" Suzy exclaimed.

"For once," Sandara chuckled.

Suzy turned to Mei Li. "Since we're both here already, why don't you leave early? You're probably exhausted from working by yourself for so long."

"You sure?" Mei Li beamed.

"Yea, we'll be fine!" Sandara replied. "Oh and uh, I think your friend over there is waiting for you."

Mei Li followed her gaze and found Luhan sitting at one of the tables, watching her. He waved when their eyes met. What's he doing here? Mei Li blinked. How did he know I get off work soon?

"He's kind of cute. Is he your boyfriend?" Suzy asked.

"Huh? Oh, no..." Mei Li replied.

"Oh! He's coming over!" Sandara squealed in a whisper.

"Ready to go?" Luhan asked Mei Li in Korean.

Before she could ask him how he knew when she got off work, Suzy interrupted. "Well you two should go first. We got it all covered!" They pushed them away, making a mental note to ask Mei Li about him later.

"Ready?" Luhan asked again.

"Uhm, yea," Mei Li answered, putting on her jacket, scarf, and mittens.

Luhan glanced at her and pulled out a red tuque from his inner jacket pocket. "Here,” he said, putting it on her head.

"Huh? Who's is this?" Mei Li asked.

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 77: I love it!!!!! luhan~~~~ uri luhan~~~
Chapter 77: finished reading this story again ><
FanficToNonFic #3
Chapter 70: awwwwww the ending is so sweet !
The story is nice and well planned but there are minor errors :)
Chapter 68: Aw, this chapter is so cute!!
chocolatemuffins #5
Interesting! :D
Chapter 70: It's done?! Pouts..bu. it was so nice
Chapter 52: Dongjun u jerk... Good thing EXO M came...I missed the EXO k now~ XD
Chapter 41: O my god... The mothers are already pairing kris and mei!!
I dot wanna mother like that to be honest..too hyper
Chapter 29: Aww the poor maknaes~ sehunnie and Tao..don't cry
Chapter 28: My heart is hurting..huhu