Walk in the Winter

Perfect...Truly Perfect
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[CONTENTID2]Walk in the Winter[/CONTENTID2]


They walked outside, experiencing the chilly air. It wasn't snowing today, but the wind was still crazy. It had only been a few minutes and Mei Li’s cheeks and nose were already pink. And no, it wasn’t because she was blushing this time. She had only worn a jacket – no earmuffs, hat, scarf – not even mitts.

A gust of wind blew again and Mei Li shivered. She was so cold that she didn't even notice she was walking a lot slower than Luhan. She wanted to put her hands in her jacket pockets, but unfortunately, the pockets were on the inside of her jacket. All she could do was rub her hands together.

Just then, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Luhan peering at her over his scarf. "Here," he said, taking off his gloves.

She shook her head, "No, they're yours. You use them."

He took off his scarf and proceeded to wrap it around her, but she stopped him.

"Yah! Are you crazy?" she exclaimed. "What if people recognize you?"

"You say that now? We were at the amusement park with no disguises at all. And that was with all of EXO too," he pointed out.

Oh...yea. Why did I say that? Mei Li wondered. "Well n-no one pays attention at amusement parks. They're all too h-hyped out about the rides, junk food, and prizes," she countered, stuttering.

He rolled his eyes at her, "You're still a horrible liar, I see."

"Whatever, just put your scarf back on," she mumbled.

"Fine, just take one of my gloves then, alright?" he insisted, shoving it in her face.

Her fingers were practically frozen now, just itching to grab the glove. "Fine..." she muttered and took it.

She put it on her left hand and let out a sigh of relief when she felt the warmth it gave her. Suddenly, Luhan grabbed her right hand and enveloped it in his, intertwining their fingers, placing it in his jacket pocket that was conveniently on the outside of his jacket like it should be. He wore his other glove on his right hand that was also tucked into his other pocket.

He continued to walk normally like nothing happened. "Before you argue and be the stubborn you, just save it. Your right hand is still ice cold,” he stated.

He wasn't looking at her as he spoke and Mei Li was glad about that. She was definitely blushing, but she thought of using the cold as an excuse if he decided to say something about it.

She hadn't felt his hand wrapped around hers in so long. She loved how it fit perfectly – it felt so secure and protected. She knew it wasn't right to still do these things with each other, but she couldn't help it. She missed it.

Only for today. She promised to herself. But she knew that if he ever decided to do this again, she wouldn't be able to resist. She kept shut as they continued walking to Costco.

Luhan occasionally glanced over at her as they walked hand in hand – or rather, hand in hand in pocket.

Mei Li’s cheeks were pink, but so was her nose, so Luhan assumed it was from the cold. I wish she'd still blush for me.

Anywho, he was content with being able to hold her again, even if it was just her hand. He was surprised she didn't argue back, but he wasn't going to say anything about that and ruin it for himself.




They arrived at Costco and went in. The minute they stepped through the doors, Mei Li reluctantly let go and took her hand out of his pocket. She handed him back his other glove and thanked him. He looked a little disappointed, but she brushed that thought away.

We're just friends. If I was here with anyone else from EXO, they would've done the same thing. We're comfortable with each other, that's why. She kept trying to convince herself that she wasn't doing anything bad. If Anne found out they were holding hands, she'd freak. She might even snap his neck off.

Mei Li took out the list Ayi gave her and started heading to the directions of everything they needed to buy while Luhan

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 77: I love it!!!!! luhan~~~~ uri luhan~~~
Chapter 77: finished reading this story again ><
FanficToNonFic #3
Chapter 70: awwwwww the ending is so sweet !
The story is nice and well planned but there are minor errors :)
Chapter 68: Aw, this chapter is so cute!!
chocolatemuffins #5
Interesting! :D
Chapter 70: It's done?! Pouts..bu. it was so nice
Chapter 52: Dongjun u jerk... Good thing EXO M came...I missed the EXO k now~ XD
Chapter 41: O my god... The mothers are already pairing kris and mei!!
I dot wanna mother like that to be honest..too hyper
Chapter 29: Aww the poor maknaes~ sehunnie and Tao..don't cry
Chapter 28: My heart is hurting..huhu