Unrequited (3)

Corner Store

Title: Unrequited (3)
Pairing: Sehun/Jongin
Summary: so here is the highly demanded part three lol
Rating: PG-13
Word Count1,500
Status: Complete


After a sparse lunch, Sehun’s phone rings, an unfamiliar number flashing on the colorful screen. He picks it up with hesitation, eyeing the numbers on the screen, trying to remember who it belonged to. He sighs and decides to answer, a soft voice heard on the other side.

"Sehun," the familiar voice says in a gentle whisper. He sits up immediately despite the fact that no one would be able to see him.

"Soojung.. What’s up?" He asks as casually as possible, regardless of the circumstances. Over the phone he could hear her take a shaky breath before she spoke again.

"Jongin’s not picking up his phone." Sehun could hear the frown on her face and the clench of her fist.

"He won’t come out of his room either, his parents say he’s locked himself in for some reason." Sehun didn’t know what to say, his mouth opening and closing but said nothing. So she continued for him.

"I don’t know what’s been going on between you guys but it’s obvious there’s been a.. rift in your friendship. Jongin doesn’t think I notice, but I do. Can you talk to him? Please? For me?" Sehun wanted to laugh at the situation but held his composure. Talk to Jongin? After weeks of ignoring one another? Sehun was still at a loss for words so he simply replied.


Sehun took a turn at the corner of Jongin’s street, shoes skidding on the concrete as he walks at a slow leisurely pace. He avoids confrontation. He’s never had to do this kind of thing, ever. And he’s kind of scared. He arrives at the front of his best friends(?) house, noting the empty drive way and drawn blinds. Sehun walks towards the front door and knocks five times and waits. There’s no reply. He knocks another five times. Still no reply. He’s about to turn around and head home when he remembers the hurt look on Jongin’s face at the convenience store and picks up the flower pot by the edge of the stairs. Under it hides a silver key that he picks up and grips it in his hands. He takes a step forward, face to face with the door again and slides the key into the door knob and twists it. With a soft click the door unlocks and he takes a step inside, daintily placing his shoes on the familiar rack.

The house is dark, all the lights are turned off and the blinds are closed but Sehuns been in Jongin’s house enough times to find his way into his room with his eyes closed. But before he heads to Jongin’s room he heads for the fridge and takes a couple of sodas and snacks. It’s when he’s finally right outside Jongins door does he stop to take a deep breath, somehow scared of facing his own best friend. But he gulps down the fear and walks in, socks shuffling against the wooden planks of their floor.

"Jongin?" Sehun says in a whisper. Again there’s no response but there’s a lump in the middle of Jongin’s bed indicating his presence. Sehun places the sodas and snacks on Jongins desk and walks over to the side of his bed, watching intently over Jongin’s sleeping frame.

Sehun pulls the fluffy Spider-Man blanket away from Jongin’s face and sighs at the restless expression on the older boys face. His eyebrows are furrowed and the skin on his lips are peeling. Stupid, Sehun thinks before pulling the blankets away completely and crawling into bed with his best-friend.

Jongin wakes up and it’s warm. Like, really warm. He wants to look out the windows of his room but something heavy stops him. He looks down at himself and squeaks in surprise when he sees Sehun’s left arm and leg draped over his body. The older boy can feel his own left arm and leg go numb from the weight of Sehun’s limbs but he doesn’t want to disturb the younger boy’s sleep. Instead, he watches the Sehun's lashes flutter as he breathes softly into Jongin’s chest. But he notices that there seems to be some disturbance on his face. He can’t tell what’s wrong but he just knows it, something’s missing.

Jongin’s hand starts roaming around in search of Sehun’s hand. When he finds it he begins to link their fingers together and holds on tight. Jongin can only savor the moment for a few seconds before Sehun stirs awake, hair matted to one side and eyes barely open.

"You’re awake," he mutters softly to himself but suddenly realizes something and bolts into a sitting position. "You’re awake!"

Jongin wants to say something, there’s apologies and reassurances on the tip of his tongue but his mouth goes dry and he’s incapable of saying anything. So Sehun does.

"I came to check up on you," he says in a strained voice. "Soojung called me telling me how pathetic you were acting so I came over to check if you were still alive."

"Oh," was all Jongin could say before unconsciously tightening his grip on Sehun’s hand that he realized he was still holding.

Sehun noticed this and looked down at their entwined hands and immediately tried to take his hand back but Jongin had no intention of letting go.

"What are you doing?" The younger boy asked in exasperation.

"What does it look like," Jongin mumbles, "I’m holding your stupid hand."

This time it’s Sehun who’s at a loss for words. “Oh,” is all he can say.

They sit in silence for what seems like forever until Jongin speaks up.

"I’m sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"What are you talking about? I’ve been the tiest friend."

"It’s ok."

"No it’s not. Sehun, look at me."

The younger boy hesitates for half a second but brings himself to face Jongin. The moment their eyes make contact Sehun shivers at the ferocity in Jongin’s eyes.

"Can I kiss you?"

Sehun’s mind flashes to a boy with chocolate colored hair and a girl with deep ebony locks.


With his unoccupied hand Jongin reaches up to cup the back of Sehuns neck and pulls him forward. He can feel Sehun’s breath fanning his face, their lips less than a centimeter apart. It comes as a surprise to Jongin when Sehun is the one who brings their lips together but it’s Sehun who pulls away too quickly. He’s not looking at Jongin when he pulls away but he stares at the older boys lips. He stares for a moment then promptly his lips before bringing them back to Jongin’s.

It’s slow and languid the way their lips move as heat builds up in their bodies from the tips of their toes to their ears. Jongin’s grip on Sehun’s hand only gets tighter as the younger boy responds by squeezing Jongin’s hand in reassurance and sweeping his tongue over the swell of Jongin’s bottom lip. Jongin maneuvers his hand from the back of Sehun’s neck to his waist where he holds onto a bony hip, massaging the pale skin. Just as Sehun opens his mouth to let Jongin kiss him deeper he raises himself on his knees to sit right on top of Jongin, his thighs resting on either side of Jongin’s legs.

They’re all over each other now, hands roaming bodies and mouths latching onto unsuspecting skin. Right as Jongin finishes a deep red bruise onto Sehun's clavicle they hear the slam of the door and a shrill, “JONGIN! MOMMY’S HOME!”

"," they groan in unison.

Sehun unwillingly mounts off of Jongin and straightens out his clothes, trying his best to tame his unruly hair. Jongin does the same but panics when he hears his mothers footsteps approaching. He raids his own room in search for the tv remote and a pair of controllers that he eventually finds and places in Sehun’s hands the moment his mother opens the door.

"Ah, Sehunnie you’re here!"

Sehun manages a smile as Jongin’s mother places a plate of fruits by the foot of his bed.

"We’ve missed you around here Sehun, come over more often ok? Oh, why don’t you sleep over today hmm? Sounds like a good idea to me." Jongin’s mother rambled on.

Sehun laughs as Jongin whined for his mother to leave. She patted their heads like they were small children and left them to their own devices.

"Urgh, she so embarrassing."

"I think she’s so cool."

"Well you’re dumb."

Sehun laughs again as the corners of his eyes crinkle and his canines peek out from his mouth.

"You’re cute."

He stops immediately and flushes red then punches Jongin’s arm. Hard.

"What? It’s true!" Jongin argues while rubbing at his arm.

Sehun mumbles curses under his breath and fiddles with his fingers but Jongin pulls him close and kisses his cheek.





had no idea how to end this lol so i just did the thing
oh and if u have requests for fics/drabbles leave me a message on tumblr @joonmyvn where i'm more likely to see ur message



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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 1: ive been searching for this gald i found it again. sehun and luhan dynamics is cute and funny
MinnMinnMeow #2
Chapter 1: Can I translate this fanfic into Vietnamese ?
I promise I will add the author's name and the link of your fanfic
Chapter 1: Lol this sort of is true beacause sehun is shipped with everyone theses day but wateva becuase sehun is hot
crapola #4
Chapter 2: HOLY SHIZ UNEXPECTED ENDING. I found it rather funny, though, which is weird since Sehun is basically friends w/ benefit-ing 3 guys.

But you gotta admit,

Sehun got game.
Tina08 #5
Chapter 4: more sudo pls
kpoppandachan #6
Chapter 7: I agree with ilovekpop please make more fanfics where Sehun is bottom in hunhan!! That is if you can :)
NickkyYApple #7
Chapter 6: please write more!!!
Chapter 7: My sekai heart is now healed ^w^
brattyhun #9
Chapter 7: Maybe Unrequited part 4? When they are finally become official? Hehe, up to you though author-nim, gimme more Sekai please~
chunjoe1004 #10
nice story!