Mishaps and Their Benefits

Corner Store

Title: Mishaps and Their Benefits 
Pairing: Sehun/Jongin
Summary: Sehun is embarrassing as .
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1,967
A/N uhm so like suits/devil wears prada inspired?


The first time they meet Sehun is waiting in line at the Starbucks around the corner of the office where he works. His boss had ordered a non-fat hazelnut latte with two shots of espresso and a side of cream. Why have cream on the side when the latte was non-fat? Sehun didn’t know but he knew better than to question his boss.

She’d answer with something along the lines of,  “Sehun, because I ordered a non-fat hazelnut latte with two shots of espresso I can have the cream on the side.”

He sighs at the sight of the line, seemingly endless despite the shrill calls of various drinks and names. Restlessly, he stares at his watch, the second hand ticking obnoxiously when someone bumps into him. Sehun stumbles for a brief second then balances himself on the balls of his feet. The cause of his struggle turns to him and apologizes profusely, their voice rich with fatigue. Sehun looks at him after a few seconds of fumbling with his wallet in his hands.

It’s a young man that looks no older than Sehun himself with blotchy, uneven skin and deep purple bags hanging below his eyes. The man rubs at his eyes with the end of his sleeve, just like a child would before begging his parents to let him stay up late as he tries to stifle a yawn. Sehun suddenly catches himself staring, the mans face becoming more and more familiar the longer he looks but his concentration is broken when said man clears his throat with an awkward cough.  Heat makes its way onto Sehun’s cheeks, embarrassed at being caught staring so blatantly but the young man with tired eyes only smiles in response and gestures behind Sehun towards the empty front counter where a barista is waiting patiently to take his order.

Sehun rattles off his order, the non-fat hazel nut latte with two shots of espresso and a side of cream for his boss Victoria and an Iced Americano for himself. He pays for the drinks with his boss’ credit card and waits by the counter for his them. The man with tired eyes appears beside him once again to wait for his drink as well and looks at Sehun with a droopy smile. Sehun is suddenly so engulfed in embarrassment that when his drinks are done he bolts out of the coffee shop, forgetting the side of cream. He doesn’t look back as the flush of his warm skin contrasts with the frosty winter air.

The second time they meet Sehun is picking up Victoria’s dry cleaning. Sehun sighs as he steps to the front of the dry cleaners, eyeing the chic design of the obnoxious, possibly French sign that he can’t read. Maybe it’s Italian. He sighs again for the nth time that day and walks in. The place looks way too fancy to be a dry cleaners, with stylish round lights hanging from the ceiling, monotone furniture and subtle accents of red vases and flowers. The whole place reeks of expensive.

When he reaches the front desk where an employee is stationed he gives her a grimace and hands her the receipt for Victoria’s dress. She returns his grimace with a nod and heads to the back of the store to retrieve it. Sehun barely has enough time to sigh again before the employee returns, a black garment bag in her arms where the dress is protected in. She carefully hands him the bag over the counter along with the receipt and offers a smile. He nods again, grimace permanent on his face and turns to leave.  His life flashes before his eyes when he makes contact with another body, the dress crumpled in between them.

“Oh no, oh my god. I am going to lose my job,” he sobs hysterically as he clutches the dress in his hands. The garment bag had been forcefully folded in half, the black plastic crinkled and creased.

Before Sehun could get on his knees to pray, the body that collided with him began to emit laughter and finally spoke, “Relax, the dress should be fine.”

Sehun slowly cranes his head towards the speaker and blanches when he sees their face. It was the guy from Starbucks. Sehun opens his mouth to say something, to save himself from embarrassment again but coffee guy beats him to it.

“The dress is a piece by Alexander Wang,” he starts, “So the material of the dress should be very soft and loose.” Coffee Guy takes the garment bag from Sehun and begins ping the bag as he explains further.

“No matter how much you crumple this dress, it would never ruin the design because the point of it are the creases of the chiffon and the ruffles of cendal.” Coffee guy pulls out the dress, revealing it to Sehun. It wasn’t beautiful per se, but it was stylish and chic, just like Victoria.

Sehun sighed in relief and released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Thanks,“ he begins, then stops when he realizes he doesn’t actually know Coffee Guy’s name.

Coffee guy laughs while holding his hand out to introduce himself. “My name’s Jongin, and no problem.” Coffee Guy- no, Jongin said.

He hesitated before he spoke again. “Sehun right?”

Upon noticing Sehun’s look of confusion Jongin rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before speaking up again.

“It was on your cup. Your coffee cup, I mean. I see you there quite a bit; you always get coffee for yourself and someone named Victoria.” The haired man said, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 

“Oh,” was all Sehun could say before muttering another, “Thank you,” and bolting out of the dry cleaners.

The third time they meet Victoria is strutting into the venue of an important gala where only the most important people in the fashion industry are invited. Sehun trails right behind her like a puppy with its tail between its legs as he cowers away from sharp eyes and calculating glances. As usual Victoria is dressed head to toe in designer clothes worth more than Sehun’s life. Tight black fabric hugs slight curves and slender legs that hide her real age. Her ebony hair hangs high off the top of her head in a slick ponytail, exposing high cheekbones and sunken skin. The wrinkles around her eyes hint at her age but the ferocity and depth in her them reveal only passion and years of experience.

After working as the primary assistant to Etude Magazine’s editor-in-chief for three months Sehun is finally able to identify the varying styles of different designers. Just judging from the simple yet elegant design of the dress Victoria’s wearing he can tell it’s another expensive piece by Alexander Wang. He ignores the scathing looks from the other guests and watches in interest as many of them greet Victoria with firm handshakes and hugs. Sehun closely examines the clothes everyone’s wearing; the venue full of people in expensive clothes. He spots Alexander McQueen, Givenchy, and Armani. Everyone is saturated in luxury and Sehun is kind of ashamed of his suit he bought from The Bay.

After an hour of listening to Victoria mindlessly chatter with guests, they’re finally left in piece by the bar. Sehun sighs in relief as he takes a seat on the stool, resting his head on the cold marble tabletop. Victoria laughs and pats Sehun on the back gingerly, manicured nails reflecting light. 

“You don’t even know the half of it kid, at least you don’t have to talk to all of these fools.” Sehun only grunts in response and earns himself another stretch of laughter from the chic woman.

She orders them drinks, hard liquor for herself and an apple martini for her assistant. Sehun scowls when he realizes the apple martini is for him but doesn’t argue as he takes it in one gulp. Sehun stops drinking after the second apple martini and takes responsibility over his already tipsy boss. Although she looks cool, calm and collected, he can tell from the flush of her cheeks that it’ll be difficult for her to walk with her 5-inch Christian Louboutin. Sighing, he looks around the venue once more and plays the game Victoria often challenges him with where he must identify the designer of a piece and which season it was from. He always loses.

Something catches his eye in the middle of the game. A Louis Vuitton suit, accessorized with a Hermès scarf tucked neatly into the side pocket is headed towards him. Behind him he can hear Victoria let out a sound of surprise as the man wearing the suit nears them. Sehun looks up to see charismatic eyes, a sharp jawline and plush lips. He looks familiar, Sehun think but loses his train of thought when the man smiles. Although the smile isn’t directed at him he inwardly swoons and tries his hardest to make the heat on his face go away. Victoria finally speaks once the man is right in front of them, hands tucked suavely in his pockets.

“Jongin,” she exclaims and gets up to wrap her arms around him. She smiles up at him, all adoring and motherly before she begins to ask him numerous questions. Sehun thinks that name sounds familiar but loses his train of thought once again when the man laughs with a deep, sultry voice.

The fourth time they meet Sehun is taking notes and adjusting Victoria’s schedule as he follows her throughout a photo-shoot for Balenciaga. The lights and sets have just been set up when the models walk in, lithe bodies leisurely walking into the plain white sets. There’s only four of them for the entire photo-shoot but just by their burning gazes Sehun can predict the successful outcome of the shoot.

One of the models happen to be Jongin. However, Sehun tries to avoid him as much as possible. He vividly recalls a memory in embarrassment. Right after he closed the door to the taxi that sent his boss home Jongin called out his name from the entrance of the venue and walked over to him. His face looked a little flushed and he seemed stiff and hesitant but he pulled out a small slip of paper with 9 digits and proceeded to hand it over to Sehun. The dark haired man folded his hands together as he waited for a response from Sehun but said man only looked up at him with wide eyes and said, “Uh, okay cool, “ and promptly began to run home.

Sehun can’t believe how dumb he is but at the same he can kind of can. As much as he wanted to avoid Jongin he couldn’t help staring in awe during the photo-shoot. Sehun had seen Jongin without makeup, with his tired and playful eyes lighting up his face and the slight upturn of his lips. It kinda made Sehun’s stomach do things. Sehun had also seen Jongin with makeup, like right now. Dark kohl lined his eyes, the black accentuating their ferocity and charisma. He worked the angles of the lights to his advantage and revealed a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. Sehun couldn’t decide which one he liked better and it made him angry because how can someone be so perfect like that.

Throughout the entire photo-shoot he stole glances every now and then, very careful not to let himself get caught in the act because how embarrassing would that be. As the shoot comes to an end and Sehun is finally allowed to go home he comes face to face with dark kohl and tanned skin.

“Why don’t you stop staring at me and go to dinner with me already? And don’t you dare try to run away again.”


don't know how i'm going to end unrequited let's see how that goes
 and if u have tumblr follow me on @joonmyvn for drabbles and more fics and i'm more likely to respond to requests there

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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 1: ive been searching for this gald i found it again. sehun and luhan dynamics is cute and funny
MinnMinnMeow #2
Chapter 1: Can I translate this fanfic into Vietnamese ?
I promise I will add the author's name and the link of your fanfic
Chapter 1: Lol this sort of is true beacause sehun is shipped with everyone theses day but wateva becuase sehun is hot
crapola #4
Chapter 2: HOLY SHIZ UNEXPECTED ENDING. I found it rather funny, though, which is weird since Sehun is basically friends w/ benefit-ing 3 guys.

But you gotta admit,

Sehun got game.
Tina08 #5
Chapter 4: more sudo pls
kpoppandachan #6
Chapter 7: I agree with ilovekpop please make more fanfics where Sehun is bottom in hunhan!! That is if you can :)
NickkyYApple #7
Chapter 6: please write more!!!
Chapter 7: My sekai heart is now healed ^w^
brattyhun #9
Chapter 7: Maybe Unrequited part 4? When they are finally become official? Hehe, up to you though author-nim, gimme more Sekai please~
chunjoe1004 #10
nice story!