Just A Little Secret

Corner Store

Title: Just A Little Secret
Pairing: Joonmyun/Kyungsoo, Jongin/Sehun
SummaryKyungsoo doesn't really know how to keep a secret.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,245
Status: Complete (may make it a two-shot???)





From what Kyungsoo sees, he's keeping his relationship hidden quiet well.


He only ever speaks to Joonmyun on the phone when his roommate Jongin is out at the dance studio or trying to pry Luhan off of his pretty boyfriend Sehun. He savors his phone calls with Joonmyun, asking about everything and anything that happened that day. He's caught himself smiling widely in the mirror once or twice as he walks by the bathroom, animatedly conversing with Joonmyun over the phone.


But when Jongin is around, or any of his other friends for that matter; Kyungsoo sticks to texting Joonmyun. It's something that everyone does all the time so surely he wouldn't be suspected of doing anything out of the ordinary like texting his secret boyfriend. He usually slips his phone out and quickly reads his messages from his secret lover and tries to suppress his smiles when he reads something sweet or humorous. Quickly, before he thinks anyone would notice, he slips his phone back into his pocket and looks back at his friends nonchalantly as if the text he read didn't make his heart skip a few beats.


They see each other maybe three times a week, four if Kyungsoo is really desperate. He'd excuse himself to the library; I need to get some books. But really he'd make his way to Joonmyuns cozy apartment, a spring in his step as he gets closer to his destination. He memorized the key combination to Joonmyuns apartment and quickly stumbles into the elevator, giddy to see his handsome lover. Joonmyun would open the door; a gentle smile gracing his face as Kyungsoo shyly makes his way into his arms. They usually spend the night watching movies together until Kyungsoo has to get back home before his roommate got suspicious. Sometimes when Kyungsoo is sure that Joonmyuns fridge would be empty he'd buy groceries before going to Joonmyuns and cook him dinner. From Chicken Alfredo to Kimchi Spaghetti, Joonmyun always sincerely compliments Kyungsoos cooking. And maybe when Joonmyun doesn't looks so tired, Kyungsoo would crawl into his older lovers lap and give him a soft kiss which quickly escalates to clothes strewn all over the apartment, creating a path to Joonmyuns bedroom. But Kyungsoo never forgets to grab a few books from Joonmyuns shelf, proving to his roommate that maybe he really did go to the library.


So for the last four months Kyungsoo has been secretly and happily in love with Joonmyun, the prodigy pre-med student. And although it had been exceedingly difficult to sneak around, it made Kyungsoo excited. He felt a sort of adrenaline rush whenever he'd tell white lies to keep his friends from finding out his secret. He felt as though he'd been living in a novel, a constant buzz keeping him on his feet for fear of being found out.


It was only the first few weeks they'd been dating that Kyungsoo wanted to keep it a secret. He didn't want to be teased for finally having a relationship that wasn't with his favorite frying pan. But after a few weeks he didn't really mind if his friends knew or not. Now he just wanted to keep up the little charade. It added a little spice to his life of a culinary student barely making ends meet.


And so from what Kyungsoo sees, he's keeping his relationship hidden pretty well. But that's what Kyungsoo sees and sometimes Kyungsoo is practically blind.


It's obvious to Jongin that when Kyungsoo hastily ushers him out of their shared apartment, Kyungsoo has something very exciting to do by the wide grin plastered on his chubby face. So Jongin leaves the apartment with a smug grin and makes his way to Sehuns apartment to share the juicy gossip.


Really, Kyungsoos friends aren't blind. Baekhyun never fails to notice the light blush on Kyungsoos cherubic cheeks whenever he whips out his phone to read a new text or the way Kyungsoo would slightly bite his lip to avoid smiling too wide. It's all very obvious that he was texting someone more than just a friend or classmate.



At first when Kyungsoo started excusing himself to the library, Jongin thought of it as all very normal. It is Kyungsoo we're talking about. But when Kyungsoo comes home later and later, Jongin is nothing short of suspicious. He watches the way Kyungsoo nervously stumbles in through the threshold of their apartment, a bag of books precariously hung over his shoulder. He smiles and makes his way to his bedroom. And sometimes he'd come home; his face flushed pink and clothes just a bit array. It becomes obvious then what Kyungsoo has been doing.


Too bad Kyungsoo is really too blind to notice how embarrassingly obvious he is.





"So where's Kyungsoo now?" Jongin takes a sip from his tea before he answers Baekhyuns question. "He said he was going to the library again, for the fourth time this week actually." Jongin grins a knowing grin and Baekhyun cackles at the answer.


"We should really find out who it is." Sehun looks at his phone with a bored expression before looking up at the older boys. "He could be going out with some really scary guy that wears spiked leather jackets or pants that sag and show their entire ." Chanyeol eagerly nods in approval of Sehuns suggestion. "Okay, next time he goes to the 'library' lets follow him." Baekhyun grins and Jongin smirks at the idea.






It’s Thursday night and while Baekhyun and Jongin anticipate the rest of the day Sehun comes to ruin everything.


"Sorry guys, I can't make the stake out. My older brothers schedule finally cleared up and I want to spend some time with him." Jongin slumps onto the couch with a sigh, reading a new text. "It's okay, Kyungsoo's spending the whole day at home. But that means we have to wait another day for him to go out." Baekhyun pats Jongin on the back, understanding his disappointment. Everyone was really eager to find out who Kyungsoo's secret boyfriend is so this little set back brought on the endless pouting on Baekhyun and Jongins part.


"Ok, I'm out. Don't want to be late." Before Sehun walks out the door he glances back at the two slumped on the couch and rolls his eyes. He shuffles towards Jongin and kisses him gently on the forehead. “Cheer up you dork.”





Kyungsoo has no choice but to spend his Friday night alone. Joonmyun had said he was busy that night, unable to spend anytime with Kyungsoo. So now he's at home with Jongin, Chanyeol and Baekhyun who seem to look pretty down. Why? He doesn't bother asking, only offering to make dinner for the three boys, cheering them up just a little.






Sehun waits for his older brother at the diner they used to frequent all the time before he became a college student and before his brother became a pre med student. He checks his watch as the door chimes and it’s exactly six o'clock as the chair in front of him slides back and someone takes a seat.






"So it's a Friday night and you guys are just hanging out in the apartment?" Jongin nods after Kyungsoo gives him an inquisitive look. "Where's Sehun?" Jongin finally looks up from the video game they're playing and gives Kyungsoo a bored look. "He's out having dinner with his brother or something." Kyungsoo nods back and goes back to mindlessly watching the television screen. He glances at his phone, no new messages, and sighs. He decides to send Joonmyun a goodnight text, before getting up from the couch and preparing for bed.





Joonmyun smiles fondly at his younger brother as he looks around his apartment in interest. "It's a lot cleaner than I thought it'd be.." Joonmyun laughs a bit and ruffles his brothers hair. "Hey, I'm not that messy Sehun." The younger boy shrugs and takes a seat on the couch, looking impressed at the cleanliness of his brothers home. Never had he seen his brothers room so clean, so it was a real surprise seeing the place spotless.


He remembers that no matter how responsible Joonmyun was he was never able to clean his room. Joonmyun was always too busy with school, extracurricular projects and volunteering. Sehun had always watched him bustle around with a bored look on his face, while his brothers smile never faltered. That's what made the younger boy look up to the older man. Joonmyun had the patience of a monk, but he couldn’t clean for .


“Lets what a movie?” Sehun shrugs and takes a seat on the couch. Joonmyun just smiles again while he turns on the television and opens up Netflix.


“You choose a movie, I’ll go get us some popcorn.” Nodding, Sehun takes the remote and scrolls through the movie selections.


While they wait for the popcorn to finish, Joonmyun rattles on and on about school and Sehun barely listens, nodding his head to keep Joonmyun from being suspicious. Of course he's interested about his older brothers life, just not the school part.


The timer rings, indicating the finished popcorn so Joonmyun gets up from the couch and enters the kitchen. Sehuns waiting patiently until he sees that Joonmyuns just received a new message. Really, Sehun would have ignored it if it wasn't for the copious amount of hearts in the message. He arcs an eyebrow upward as he picks up Joonmyuns phone and quickly reads the message.


It's too bad we couldn't spend the day together; I'll miss being with you tonight. Have a good nights rest love, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Message from: Soo <3

Received at: 9:58 pm


Sehun almost barfs at the cheesiness of the text but smiles at the newfound information. He sneakily puts Joonmyuns phone back in its original place before Joonmyun comes back and his usually bored expression is replaced with a cheshire grin.


"What's with that smile?" Joonmyun chuckles, amused with Sehun rare smile.


"Oh nothing, just start the movie already."





Sehun doesn't focus on the movie because how can he when he just found out his brothers gotten himself a girlfriend or boyfriend. If he remembers correctly, the last time Joonmyun had been in a relations ship was in his senior year of high school. He had been dating a very pretty girl who had been on the honors list along with him. The relationship started out fine, they both looked like they were having fun and it was all good until she had started losing patience. As the relationship had begun becoming more serious Joonmyun just wasn't up for such a commitment. The only commitment he could truly follow through with was with his family and his future plans of becoming a doctor. So when his relationships got in the way he cut them off quickly without looking back.


As angelic as his brother was with his smile that reached his eyes and his soothing voice, Joonmyun was really cruel.





It's almost midnight as Sehun makes his way to Kyungsoo and Jongins apartment; happy with the time he's spent with his dear brother.


It's when he gets his key into the lock when he hears someone on the phone.


"It's fine, I don't mind waking up if it’s you." And he hears someone giggle. "I'm glad you had a good time with your brother.” Another laugh and Sehuns eyes open comically wide, his jaw slack. Sehun bursts through the door catching Kyungsoo's attention, whose eyes quickly grow wide. The younger boy snatches the phone out of Kyungsoo's hand and listens to the voice on the other side.


"Kyungsoo? Soo? Hello?"


Oh my god that's Joonmyuns voice on the other side.


He stares at Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo stares back completely confused about their current situation.


"Oh my god you're dating my brother."




"Sehun? Sehun is that you? What's going on?"


"You're dating my older brother Joonmyun, oh my god."


"He's your older brother? Oh my god."


Finally Sehun speaks into the receiver.


"Sorry hyung, I'll talk to you later.." Sehun puts the phone down and stares at Kyungsoo yet again.


"So that's why you've constantly been sneaking off to the library. You're seeing my brother."


Kyungsoo frowns at the tone of disdain Sehun is speaking in.


"Is there a problem?" Sehun quickly looks up at Kyungsoo, an evident frown on his face.


"No! Of course not.. It's just weird, my brother had been dating someone without telling me..." Kyungsoo's softens at the pout on Sehun face and pats his shoulder in what he thinks is comforting.


"He always tells me everything.."


"That might be my fault, I asked him not to tell a soul. Now that I think about it, it was a silly wish. Sorry about that."


Sehun instantly looks up into Kyungsoo's eyes and smiles. "That's okay, my brother looks happy anyway. So there's no problem." But then quickly his voice turns chilling and cruel, "But if you hurt my hyung I'm not going to forgive you."


Kyungsoo gulps down a nervous laugh and pats Sehuns back, surprised at the malice in his voice. "Just kidding." The two erupt into giggles, but they quickly die down when they see the lump of bodies that look like Baekhyun and Chanyeol on the couch.


"I won't tell if you won't."


"Sure, they're trying to find out who you're spending all your time with anyway. It's kinda fun watching them act like idiots.



Hi guys, um sorry for taking so long to update. This is only like 2k words but it took me a month to write because of all the I have to do.
So, enjoy???

I really, really like this pairing but I don't see enough of them :((((((

Btw, it's not really complete.. I just don't know how to finish it. So if you have any suggestions on how to finish it, please message me or comment.
And I'm still taking requests, but my warning is that I may take forever to process it and finish it LOL

So anyway, ENJOY!!!



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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 1: ive been searching for this gald i found it again. sehun and luhan dynamics is cute and funny
MinnMinnMeow #2
Chapter 1: Can I translate this fanfic into Vietnamese ?
I promise I will add the author's name and the link of your fanfic
Chapter 1: Lol this sort of is true beacause sehun is shipped with everyone theses day but wateva becuase sehun is hot
crapola #4
Chapter 2: HOLY SHIZ UNEXPECTED ENDING. I found it rather funny, though, which is weird since Sehun is basically friends w/ benefit-ing 3 guys.

But you gotta admit,

Sehun got game.
Tina08 #5
Chapter 4: more sudo pls
kpoppandachan #6
Chapter 7: I agree with ilovekpop please make more fanfics where Sehun is bottom in hunhan!! That is if you can :)
NickkyYApple #7
Chapter 6: please write more!!!
Chapter 7: My sekai heart is now healed ^w^
brattyhun #9
Chapter 7: Maybe Unrequited part 4? When they are finally become official? Hehe, up to you though author-nim, gimme more Sekai please~
chunjoe1004 #10
nice story!