#2 - His secret

Twist of Fate

"Seuk, meet me at the school library after school, I want to tell you something." 

"What is that.. something? And what is up with the Seuk?"

"Something important. I guess.. I don't know."

"Hoya, you never had something important in your life."


"Hah, just kidding. See you around." 

Hoya was actually acting weird in front of Alyssa today. 

It was at least 15 minutes before class started and Hoya was already talking about what is going to happen in six to seven hours.

Alyssa walked away from the lockers to see Kate and Dongwoo both indulging in fast food at the cafeteria, as if it was going to run away. "Guys," Alyssa coughed, "Hello.. guys, stop indulging in your food and look at me." she waved a hand in front of Dongwoo, but all he did was still just eat. "Oh, hi, Als," greeted Kate, munching on her fries. "Where were you?" she still continued on.

"Was just having a small talk with Hoya and I'm on my way to collect my graphic designs for the graduation banner stuff," Alyssa was starting to mix Korean in with English whenever talking to Kate, and both Hoya and Dongwoo were always in the state of confusions.

"Oh my god," Dongwoo finally spoke, "Stop mixing Korean and English together," he chewed on his nuggets, "It's clearly not easy for me to understand." Dongwoo continued chewing on his nuggets, soon after that drinking his soda. 

"I think I am going to leave you two alone," Alyssa stepped back a few steps. "I am probably late to collect my design or something." Alyssa ran towards the design room. 

School for the day was... the usual. 

Except for the fact that she had P.E today. 

And yeah. The others were the same. 

Even how Hoya was being followed around by the girls was like second nature to her. 

The dismissal was finally announced and Alyssa was found running towards Dongwoo, forcing him to give her a piggy back around the basketball court where apparently no one goes unless it's a basketball training. 

"Oh my god, you're heavy." he coughs, still carrying her. "Shut up," Alyssa smacked him on the head. "I weigh at least a 45! You're like a 60!" she smacked his head again, then began whining to ask him to put her down. 

"First you want a piggy back now you whine to put you down. What's next?" Dongwoo spoke in pants, arms akimbo, body bent down. "Nothing, I was just excited school is over. So where is Kate and Hoya?" Alyssa asked, panting as well. 

"Hey Seuk!" a familiar voice shouted across the basketball court. "Dongwoo! You're here too!" the boy ran towards Alyssa and Dongwoo, grinning. 

"Hi Hoya, whats up with your mood?" Dongwoo asked, wiping his sweat with his sleeve.

"Nothing. School is over! Seuk, let's go." Hoya grabbed the girl's hand, running to the cafe beside their school. 

"Whoa, Dongwoo, you got ditched." laughed Kate, running to him. "Exactly! What's up with them anyway?" he asked, obviously dumbfounded. "Seukhee said Hoya wants to meet her at the library today, so yeah. Their probably on their way there now." Kate explained, passing Dongwoo some water. 

"Come on, Kate, we're going to Lotte World."


"Just come with me!" 

"Okay, fine." 

"Mocha latte and Double Chocolate Frappucino please," Alyssa ordered, both for her and Hoya. "Oh my god, I love you Seuk. Thanks for treating me." Hoya thanked, mocking Alyssa. "Shut up, I'm just buying this to save time since you wanted to go to the library." she snapped jokingly. "Let's go." 

Upon reaching the library, Hoya suddenly stopped Alyssa. "I think.. I'll just tell you here." He suddenly kept quiet, taking deep and slow breaths. "What's up? You know you can tell me anything." Alyssa reassured, not knowing about the impact that was going to hit her, bad. 

"Seuk, I.." 


"I.. I like Kate." 

author's corner. (this time, it's a must read.)

this all in the like 'now' format, so it'll stay like that until it becomes a flashback, again. 

and now ummm Alyssa's name has the Korean name Seukhee, but as for narrating it'll stay Alyssa. So please get this straight, thank you! and yeah! I know that was kind of a suspended ending and it's a Saturday in Singapore, and at least I get some goody time to update. 

i'll update soon, definitely. oral exams are over so i can probably update every week, probably? haha. i'll update the other one too, definitely, it won't be on hiatus but it will not be updated today since..... writer's block for the next chapter. 

I only wrote 13 lines. 

okay... bye. 

im probably gonna get a poster yeah bye

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i think this won't be a twoshot. lmao.


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candyface #1
Chapter 5: i want alyssa and hoya katie and dongwoo.basically i want the girls to get their crush.
Leepurples #2
Chapter 4: Love it~~^^
Chapter 6: i know right? Eunmi feels like the person we all hate the most... anyway intresting story
sparkly-rainbows #4
Hi! It's a nice plot btw! But the colour of the font is kinda light and difficult to read when using mobile. Update soon! :)
Ahahahah Hoya looks so bored on the foreword xD
Will read it~^^