#1 - Two years before

Twist of Fate

"Alyssa," the 11 year old girl tilted her head away from her desk to see her best friend with a solemn expression on her face. "What's up?" Alyssa asks, scribbling down notes onto her notebook. "I'm moving to Seoul," Kate said, flipping the pages of her textbook. "I'll probably be back during summer time."

Alyssa stayed quiet, and tried taking in what her best friend had just told her, moving to Seoul and only could see her when the next summer comes. "I'll maybe come back for Halloween," she patted the younger girl on the back, smiling at her for the last time. "I promise I will visit you again in California, alright? Trust me, I will."

"Have you told Sophia and the others then?" 

"Of course. I'll be leaving tonight. I'll see you soon, alright?"

"Okay. Make sure you visit, alright."

Alyssa gave her best friend one last hug, probably thinking she won't ever see her again.

That year's Halloween, Alyssa went trick-or-treating with Sophia, and life goes on pretty usual except for that Thursday when she came back home from her Volleyball tournament. 

"Pack up, dear, we're going to Seoul," Alyssa's mother clapped her hands in excitement. "Your dad found a job similar to his there. So, we're moving." 

The twelve year old could not contain her excitement. She could see her best friend again! She called Sophia about the news, but was also sad she had to leave her good friends alone as well. 

"I can see Kate," she mumbled. "I can see Kate!" 

"The name's Alyssa," she extended a hand, "But you can call me Seukhee." she told a boy whose name was Hoya, and she was now seventeen. "Hey, my name's Howon," he shook Alyssa's hand, "But call me Hoya. I like when people call me Hoya. I'm nineteen!" he grinned, showing his canine teeth. "I see, i'm seventeen! Nice to meet you!" 

"Hey, Hoya!" a familiar female's voice shouted, Alyssa turned around to see her best friend. "Kate!" she ran up to her, giving her a big hug. "Seukhee! Why are you here?" she ruffled her best friend's hair, smiling widely. "My dad had a job back here again, so.. yeah. Hi!" Alyssa gave her a hug again, only to be interrupted by another boy. "I'm still here," a boy who looked like he was four laughed, signalling Kate to introduce Alyssa to him. "Oh, right," Kate pulled away from the hug, her hands guiding along with the introduction. "Ally, this is Dongwoo, Dongwoo, this is Alyssa. But you can call her Seukhee. Now shake hands.

"Hi! You're in my Biology class right?"

"Really? I am?" 

"Yeah! You were seated behind this boy called Woohyun, if I'm not wrong? By the way, I'm seventeen."

"Oh Woohyun? Yeah, I sit behind him. And i'm twenty. nice to meet you." 

"Now, we're all friends!" Kate exclaimed, pulling the left alone Hoya. "Let's go munch on some kimchi!" 

author's corner.

hi so now everything is in the flashback format, and it's a pretty short chapter tbh hehe. 

but i hope you enjoy! 

will be updating another later~ 



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i think this won't be a twoshot. lmao.


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candyface #1
Chapter 5: i want alyssa and hoya katie and dongwoo.basically i want the girls to get their crush.
Leepurples #2
Chapter 4: Love it~~^^
Chapter 6: i know right? Eunmi feels like the person we all hate the most... anyway intresting story
sparkly-rainbows #4
Hi! It's a nice plot btw! But the colour of the font is kinda light and difficult to read when using mobile. Update soon! :)
Ahahahah Hoya looks so bored on the foreword xD
Will read it~^^