


Her mind wandered off as her hand lingered above his shoulder. The sound of his pencil rolling off his desk woke her from her trance and she swiftly pulled her hand away.

Soon, she too, found herself resting her head in her arms, facing him. With a contented smile, she drifted off into dreamland. Little did she know, he had secretly been watching her through his fallen bangs.

Once her eyes shut, his fully opened. He stayed in his position, watching her closely.

“Hana, if you need a friend, I’ll be here for you…” he whispered. His hands brushed against her finger tips and rested against hers. A small smile came upon her face and she whispered back, “Nado…”

He bit back a smile and for the rest of the lunch break, they peacefully lay silently, enjoying each other’s company.

The door closed silently as he watched them together. His knuckles began to whiten and he bit the inside of his cheeks to prevent a string of curse words from flowing.

“Kris Wu…you don’t know how lucky you are.” And with that, he turned and walked back to the table full of loud chatter.

“Hey hyung, where’s Kris?” Bitterly, he replied, “He’s busy.” The others looked at each other and eyed him secretly before shrugging it off. At the other end of the table, he let out a small sigh and started poking at his food, suddenly not so hungry anymore.

After that day, the two got closer. There were days when they never said a word to each other and other days where they’d spend their entire lunch period talking about whatever came up.

This was new for the people around school to witness. He was able to melt away her ice and she was able to make him smile again.

Day after day, he helped her to class, and assisted her with little things. It was purely just an instinct he had. In return, she offered to cook him dinner.

“Come on, Kris! After all you’ve done for me, let me at least do this.”

“It’s unnecessary. You really don’t have to. Stop making it seem like you have to do it. You don’t.”


“What did you bring today?” He quickly changed the subject, staring at her unopened lunchbox. She smiled lightly and began opening the mini bento, “Again? Seriously?” “Chan’s been busy…”

“So busy, he can’t even make his girlfriend a proper meal?” He raised an eyebrow and grabbed her lunchbox from her and switched it with his. She protested, but he held his hand up and shoved kimbap inside .

She pouted, chewing angrily, and he stared at her, genuinely amused. She nudged his arm and made a face, before breaking into a smile. These past few weeks, and Kris probably knew her better than anyone else ever did.

For once, she talked to someone about her oh-so-loving boyfriend. She kept out the bad and let the good flow through. Kris, being able to read her eyes, knew she was hiding something, but never pried. He had a feeling he knew where her injuries were coming from, but never questioned. He did, though, make a silent promise to himself, that if things started getting worse, he would step in.

He just didn’t think he’d have to step in soon.


A/N: Filler chapter. Sorry for the lag guys^^ bare with me, I go to school from 8AM-10PM LOL. n/e


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Chapter 12: It is NOT lame.
It's a beautiful story :) Fighting <3
Chapter 11: Kris fighting, great story author nim
Chapter 11: Kris is going to end up with her.
Please? D:
And omg...Bao Zi; how could you :( TT^TT
Chapter 11: Daaaamn after that chapter, you post a poll?!
Omg XD I seriously need another chapter. I"M DYING jk hahah XD
Kris Kris Kris omg who would choose Chanyeol D: I'm glad Kris has won =u= FIGHTINNGG ;; <3
Chapter 11: I hope she ends up with Kris<3
Hi! New reader here. This story is getting better and better. Please update soon :)
tkexozation #7
Chapter 1: I adore your story so much <3 For your poster, the 3 anime gifs that are on it, can you please tell me which anime they are from? Thank you -3-
Chapter 10: Thumbs up! I can't wait to read more!
coolme #9
Chapter 10: OMG....double update!!! Haha the best thing that happened all day :D
haha BUT how could she betray Chanyeol ?! aklfnvndfvkn
okay haha should stop cursing *faints again* -__-
lol OMG but how could she!!!! *chanyeol supporter forever!!!*
Anyways, thanks for the double update and i have to admit that the was good ... >< *hides self*
Chapter 9: Oh noooooooo!!!!! I did not seee it coming!!!

