


A couple of days passed, but her seat remained empty. Kris found himself sitting in the midst of five rowdy boys who constantly bickered and joked about anything. He never said much, but he did appreciate their company. 

“Hyung, that’s the third one already!” “Chen, give that back, I haven’t eaten anything!” “Fatasses.” “s.”

“Is it always like this?” Kris turned to Lay who also seemed to watch the others fight. He chuckled quietly to himself, nodding. “Every single day.”

“You don’t get tired of them?” With a sigh of contentment, he answered, “When you find friends like these, you just become used to their habits and grow closer together. We’re not friends, but family.”

Kris nodded in understanding, a tiny smile forming on his lips.

Rumors got around that he had become the new member of a group everyone called EXO-M. Not once did he question the rumors, as long as it kept the cameras from flashing.

“I wonder why she’s out again…” Xiumin suddenly blurted. “She’s probably just sick or something.”

“Who are you guys talking about?” Kris, interestedly asked. He was certain it was about Hana and he too was curious as to why she hadn’t been at school.

“Hana Lee. Do you know her?” Kris shrugged and nonchalantly replied, “I guess. We usually eat lunch in together—“

A sudden surge of rice and mixed vegetables scattered across his face, as all eyes glued to him, “BWOH?!”

Wiping away the half chewed food, he blinked at them with a cold stare. “Is there something everyone in this school has against her or?”

“Aniya!” Xiumin answered. “The only reason why people don’t go near her is because we don’t let them.”

“And why is that?” He curiously leaned forward, arms resting on the table.

“She saved hyung’s life.” “She..saved your life…?”

“Yeah, haha. It’s a long story. Not really, but—“ Xiumin was abruptly cut off by Luhan who finished his sentence, proudly. “She stopped him from killing himself and nursed him back to normal. Technically, she just kept an eye out for him. She’s a sweetheart. Gentle. She didn’t even know him back then, but she continued to stop by the hospital, giving him lectures and advice and reasons why he has something to live for.” The table turned quiet and every member had a small smile of content playing on their lips.

“We’re grateful she did that, because we wouldn’t have been the same without Xiumin hyung.”

“Chen, you’re acting as if I was some sort of god.” He chuckled. “Shut up.” With that, Chen stuffed a meat bun into his mouth and the table turned lively again.

Except for him. He stayed quiet, taking in everything they all said. She’s like an angel.

As if Lay had read his thoughts, he muttered, “She’s an angel. She secretly writes us little notes on our birthdays and even tutors us when she has the time. The only reason why so many people dislike her is because of the fact that she keeps to herself. She doesn’t join any clubs or the student council. Her grades are top notch, and I guess everyone just envies her. Don’t get me wrong, It’s only a handful of girls that dislike her and a couple dudes who couldn’t manage to take her on a date or two.”

Kris could only smile at the thought of her, before a blur of darkness clouded his vision.

“Kris, how did you manage to get so close to her?”

“We aren’t exactly close, Tao. Will you stop doing that?” Once he pushed Tao’s head away from his, he leaned back in his chair, shoving his hands in his pockets. He thought back to the first day and a flash of her bruises entered his mind.

“I guess we just have a lot in common.”


A/N: Another filler/background info. Heh. n/e

*n/e: Not edited.


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Chapter 12: It is NOT lame.
It's a beautiful story :) Fighting <3
Chapter 11: Kris fighting, great story author nim
Chapter 11: Kris is going to end up with her.
Please? D:
And omg...Bao Zi; how could you :( TT^TT
Chapter 11: Daaaamn after that chapter, you post a poll?!
Omg XD I seriously need another chapter. I"M DYING jk hahah XD
Kris Kris Kris omg who would choose Chanyeol D: I'm glad Kris has won =u= FIGHTINNGG ;; <3
Chapter 11: I hope she ends up with Kris<3
Hi! New reader here. This story is getting better and better. Please update soon :)
tkexozation #7
Chapter 1: I adore your story so much <3 For your poster, the 3 anime gifs that are on it, can you please tell me which anime they are from? Thank you -3-
Chapter 10: Thumbs up! I can't wait to read more!
coolme #9
Chapter 10: OMG....double update!!! Haha the best thing that happened all day :D
haha BUT how could she betray Chanyeol ?! aklfnvndfvkn
okay haha should stop cursing *faints again* -__-
lol OMG but how could she!!!! *chanyeol supporter forever!!!*
Anyways, thanks for the double update and i have to admit that the was good ... >< *hides self*
Chapter 9: Oh noooooooo!!!!! I did not seee it coming!!!

