He's Back.



His eyes widened as he watched them walk hand in hand. It was dark and he was taking his usual stroll around the empty park.
Hiding behind a tree, Xiumin inched closer, being sure to remain unnoticeable. His eyes became glassy seeing her smile and laugh so freely. How long had it been since he last saw her so carefree? A wave of emotions hit him at once--happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy. What was it that Kris had that he didn't? He shook his head at the thought and realized, 'what didn't Kris have?' 
His thoughts became irrational and before he could think straight, he took out his phone and snapped a shot of the two as the kisses under a street light and another of them holding hands. The jealousy grew and tears came running down his eyes and before he could regret it, the pictures were sent to a familiar number. 
He but his lower lip as he took one last glance at the two, walking away with his head hung low, feet dragging behind. 
"I'm sorry, Hana. I'm so sorry..."
His contagious laugh filled the room as his co-workers cheered him on for treating them to another round of drinks. His arm slung casually around his best friend's shoulders, taking another shot for himself. Chanyeol watched in glee as his boss' voice cracked during his solo turn on karaoke when his phone vibrated. His smile slowly vanished seeing the images on his screen and before he could try to make sense of the situation, it was too late. The drift had taken over. 
With darkened eyes and a smirk playing in his lips, the drift shut his phone and pulled his best friend closer. 
"Chanyeol? What are you--" Baekhyun was cut off by a lustful kiss. More cheering was heard from his coworkers and a few seconds later he pulled away, swiping his thumb against his lower lip. 
"Thanks Baek." He winked, ruffling the shorter man's hair before standing up and stumbling out the door. Baekhyun was quick to grab his sleeve, speaking loudly over the speakers for Chanyeol to stop, but it wasn't Chanyeol he was speaking to anymore.
The drifter laced his fingers with Baekhyun's and tugged him along. He lazed a short goodbye to the others and wrapped his arms around the shorter male as they made their way to his car. 
"Chanyeol, you need to snap out of it." Baekhyun tried to get through to him, already knowing it was close to useless. 'Chanyeol' laughed and squeezed the smaller a thighs as he watched him drive. 
Baekhyun pulled into Chanyeol's complex and hauled the taller out. After dumping him onto his couch, Baekhyun left with his shoulders slouched, "be careful, Hana." He whispered taking a look back at the door. 
Chanyeol took out his phone and continued calling Hana. He got voicemail every time, but did not cease until his phone was as good as dead. On his last call, his voice dangerously whispered into the receiver after the beep, "It's been a while, sweetie." 
Her hands began to tremble as her phone slipped from her fingers. The voice echoed in her mind as she tried to process everything. 
Kris had gone to take a shower after their walk and she tripped over her phone. After finding the battery that was tossed away, she turned her phone on to find 37 missed called and 1 new voicemail, all from the same person. Hesitantly she dialed voicemail but regretted it as soon as she pressed send. 
Kris came out with a towel draped around his waist. While drying his hair, he noticed her expression and quickly paced to her, his questions of worry and concerned mute to her ears. Her body began shaking and her panic levels rose. And the next thing she knew, it became harder to breathe and her eyesight fuses between pitch black and blurred colors. 
"Hana! Hana, calm down. Breathe baby, breathe." He held onto her shoulders and forcefully made her look into his eyes. His voice was mum but soon cleared to her.
"That's it, baby. Just breathe. Slowly." She stumbled into his arms and her body became limp. 
"He's...he's back."

A/N: so who thought I wasn't ever going to update this story ever again? Don't lie! Lol~ my writing is very very rusty so please bare with me! I have to update from my phone now so noting is edited orz because of this, my updates will probably be shorter than usual but I'll try my best to make them more frequent!

To everyone who waited patiently and every new subscriber, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I would have abandoned this story if it weren't for you all! xoxo
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Chapter 12: It is NOT lame.
It's a beautiful story :) Fighting <3
Chapter 11: Kris fighting, great story author nim
Chapter 11: Kris is going to end up with her.
Please? D:
And omg...Bao Zi; how could you :( TT^TT
Chapter 11: Daaaamn after that chapter, you post a poll?!
Omg XD I seriously need another chapter. I"M DYING jk hahah XD
Kris Kris Kris omg who would choose Chanyeol D: I'm glad Kris has won =u= FIGHTINNGG ;; <3
Chapter 11: I hope she ends up with Kris<3
Hi! New reader here. This story is getting better and better. Please update soon :)
tkexozation #7
Chapter 1: I adore your story so much <3 For your poster, the 3 anime gifs that are on it, can you please tell me which anime they are from? Thank you -3-
Chapter 10: Thumbs up! I can't wait to read more!
coolme #9
Chapter 10: OMG....double update!!! Haha the best thing that happened all day :D
haha BUT how could she betray Chanyeol ?! aklfnvndfvkn
okay haha should stop cursing *faints again* -__-
lol OMG but how could she!!!! *chanyeol supporter forever!!!*
Anyways, thanks for the double update and i have to admit that the was good ... >< *hides self*
Chapter 9: Oh noooooooo!!!!! I did not seee it coming!!!

