


Her body became numb as she lay on the hardwood floor, erasing the memories of the weekend. She was beginning to think that within time, she will become immune to all the pain. She tried forcing herself up, but a sudden pain shot up her left leg. She gasped and clutched onto it tightly, before stumbling back down.

She attempted again, but without prevail, she lay there, tears glistening in her eyes, slowly slipping out each eye.


An unfamiliar croaked, raspy and hoarse. She paused, as did the voice. That’s when she realized it was her own. Water.  She pleaded to no one in particular. She turned her head to glance at the calendar. It was the 3rd of September. He would be gone this week—but he’d return by Sunday evening. Relief washed over her, as did pain. She would miss his smile and his tender kisses. She would miss the part of him she craved to come out every weekend instead of the drifted one.

It’s been this way for three years. Three years of love and violence, yet she kept silent. She believed she would be the one to change him; to make him stop. But that faith she held onto since the beginning was slowly slipping away.

In those three years, this was the second time he actually broken something other than her shattering heart. She was stubborn. He gave her everything she wanted—love. But love came with a price, a price she wasn’t sure it was worth paying anymore.

She shook her head out of the thoughts and listened to the ticking of the clock. 12PM. She missed half the day of school, there would be no point in going now. Instead, she shut her eyes and let her mind take her to a place where the pain subsided and none of this existed.

That day, Kris found himself eating alone. For a few minutes, he wondered if she’d suddenly show up, but after the first hour, he knew she wouldn’t be arriving soon. The only thing heard was the sounds of his chopsticks against his plastic container. He hated eating alone.

As if something answered his grumbling thoughts, a few boys walked in, the leader, he assumed, casually spun a basketball on his finger as if he was trying to show off. The others rolled their eyes at him and Kris found his eyes locking with this supposed ‘leader.’

“Sup.” Kris only nodded in return before going back and enjoying his meal. Or at least he pretended as if he was enjoying it.

“Oh? Hana isn’t here today?” The one with the round cheeks questioned. Upon hearing her name, he looked up again, watching them stare at her empty seat.

“I guess you can ask her another day, Xiumin.” “Aw damnit, I needed those notes…” The one called Xiumin pouted. Kris couldn’t help but picture him as a—“BOAZI!” Yes, that. His eyes turned to the one with the baby face, smiling at the baozi.

“Luhan, that’s getting reaaaaaaalllly old.” “Hah, pfft.” He began poking at his cheeks, and Kris couldn’t help but let out a low laugh at the sight. He must be the maknae, he thought to himself. Heads turned to face him, and when Kris looked up, his eyes meeting dark ones.

“Who are you?” For a second, Kris had forgotten his own name, admitting to his mind that he did become frightened for a brief moment. He regained his composure and monotonously answered, “Kris.”

“Kris?” The dark haired one pondered for a minute before turning back, “Hyung, his name is Kris!” “MAKNAE!” They all called out in unison.

Maknae?! Kris’ eyes widened, looking at this ‘maknae’ and back to the deer eyed one. No way in hell.

“Tao.” He cut his thoughts off as a hand stretched before him. He stared at it blankly and met eyes with him again, with a curious brow raised.

“Sorry about that, Tao can be a little…curious. I’m Yixing, or as everyone calls me, Lay. That’s Xiumin, Luhan, and Chen. And this one here, as he’s already stated, is our maknae, Tao.”

They all smiled at him, and Kris could only nod back. He stood up and gathered his trash, walking to the front of the classroom and tossing them in the bin.

“Whoa.” He turned, seeing eyes boggle at him. Chuckling, he crossed his arms and his smile formed into a smirk.

“Kris. Nice to meet you all.”


What has he gotten himself into?


A/N: Filler chapter. Heh. n/e.


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Chapter 12: It is NOT lame.
It's a beautiful story :) Fighting <3
Chapter 11: Kris fighting, great story author nim
Chapter 11: Kris is going to end up with her.
Please? D:
And omg...Bao Zi; how could you :( TT^TT
Chapter 11: Daaaamn after that chapter, you post a poll?!
Omg XD I seriously need another chapter. I"M DYING jk hahah XD
Kris Kris Kris omg who would choose Chanyeol D: I'm glad Kris has won =u= FIGHTINNGG ;; <3
Chapter 11: I hope she ends up with Kris<3
Hi! New reader here. This story is getting better and better. Please update soon :)
tkexozation #7
Chapter 1: I adore your story so much <3 For your poster, the 3 anime gifs that are on it, can you please tell me which anime they are from? Thank you -3-
Chapter 10: Thumbs up! I can't wait to read more!
coolme #9
Chapter 10: OMG....double update!!! Haha the best thing that happened all day :D
haha BUT how could she betray Chanyeol ?! aklfnvndfvkn
okay haha should stop cursing *faints again* -__-
lol OMG but how could she!!!! *chanyeol supporter forever!!!*
Anyways, thanks for the double update and i have to admit that the was good ... >< *hides self*
Chapter 9: Oh noooooooo!!!!! I did not seee it coming!!!

