


She flinched as she lifelessly lay on the cold bedroom floor. With as much strength she could muster, she brought her hands to graze the dark purple and blue splotches on her arms. Her fingers reclined into a tiny fist as she pressed a little too hard on the darkest one. Her head tilted towards the ceiling as a tear slowly slid down her cheek. With as much energy as she could, her lips twitched into a lopsided smile and slowly, she propped herself into a sitting position. A mirror stood before her, but she furrowed her eyes in confusion. As always, she didn’t recognize the person ridiculously staring back at her.

It was a routine—a routine she became accustomed to every weekend. With her clothes tattered and strewn around the room, she clutched onto whatever she had left. Her disheveled hair stuck out in an unruly manner, sticking onto her cold skin. Taking a deep breath, she hauled herself up, swaying dangerously back and forth as the room around her started to spin. Her hand clutched onto her head, shutting her eyes tightly, and waited for the sensation to drift. Slowly opening her tired eyes, she took faulting steps towards the restroom.

The steaming water washed away what was left of his drift and lifted the emotional pain. She shut her eyes and scrubbed every inch of her body, flinching here and there, but she was used to it.

It was a routine—a routine that she forced her mind into memorizing. Soon enough, the water stopped flowing and she limped her way back inside the bedroom. She steered away from the foggy mirror, afraid of what she might see and walked to her closet. She tugged clothes onto her body, scrunching her face when the cloth hugged the dark spots. It was only until she was fully clothed, that she dare step in front of the mirror. Absentmindedly, she began brushing the tangles out of her jet black hair.

Her thoughts drifted back to the night before, but no emotion was present. She swallowed back the lump in and plastered a smile. She turned to face the full length mirror, eyeing herself from head to toe. Her eyes stared at the pendant in her reflection and in a second, her hand was clutching onto it tightly. Her sleeve slid down as she did so, slightly revealing one of the many darkened spots. Quickly, she tied her black ribbons on each of her wrists and gently patted down any wrinkles on her shirt.

Inhale. Exhale.

Her expression changed in the blink of an eye. There before her stood the smiling, bubbly, and kindhearted girl everyone knew her as.

Ignoring the way her body yelled at her movements, she grabbed her bag and skipped out the room.

His back faced hers as she sneakily glanced into the kitchen. He was preparing her breakfast as he did every Monday morning. Tip toeing her way to him, he gasped a little as her fragile arms encircled his waist.

“Good morning, oppa!”

A smile etched his face and he put down a spoon, turning to face her.

“Good morning, angel.” He chuckled slightly as he tipped her chin up, placing a soft kiss on her delicate lips. She couldn’t help but smile into the kiss then leaning her forehead against his.

“Oppa, did you sleep well?” She tilted her head slightly and gave him another peck, waiting for his reply. His deep voice mumbled against her lips, “As always. What about you?”

She bit her lower lip, but pulled away with another smile, “As long as you’re watching over me, I’ll always have a good night’s rest.”

“You always know what to say to make me smile like an idiot.”

“It’s because you are an idiot!” She playfully stuck her tongue out at him and he just pulled her into a tight embrace. She bit down on her tongue to stop herself from screaming as the pain flowed throughout her body.

“You’re lucky I love you so much.”

“Can’t---breathe…” In realization, he quickly let go of her and pulled her away, holding onto her shoulders, “Mian~”

Her smile distorted as his hands squeezed her shoulders. In an unnoticeable manner, she pulled away from him and held his hands in hers.

“It’s okay, I love you too, Chan.” She tip toed and placed another kiss on his lips, “I have to go or else I’ll be late,” she gently spoke. He nodded his head with another smile and passed her lunch to her. “I’ll pick you up at the same time?” “Mmm~” She nodded and grabbing the bag lunch bag.

She walked to the door, shoving her shoes on rapidly and turned to wave at him again. She blew a kiss in his direction, and being the dorky boy she fell in love with, he pretended to catch it and place it inside his pocket.

“I’ll save it for later!” He smiled his winking smile. “Silly oppa~, bye!” She waved to him and jogged around the corner out of his peripheral vision. Her back leaned against the stone wall as she found herself sliding onto the floor. Tears blurred her vision as she felt her skin burn through the thin fabric.

She sat hopelessly on the floor, hugging her knees, fully covered from head to toe.

It was the middle of summer, and she was the only person who stuck to wearing her schools winter uniform; sweats, long sleeve, etc.

“Oppa…I love you and I’m sorry..”


A/N: And you have the sneak peak of this story. /not corrected.


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Chapter 12: It is NOT lame.
It's a beautiful story :) Fighting <3
Chapter 11: Kris fighting, great story author nim
Chapter 11: Kris is going to end up with her.
Please? D:
And omg...Bao Zi; how could you :( TT^TT
Chapter 11: Daaaamn after that chapter, you post a poll?!
Omg XD I seriously need another chapter. I"M DYING jk hahah XD
Kris Kris Kris omg who would choose Chanyeol D: I'm glad Kris has won =u= FIGHTINNGG ;; <3
Chapter 11: I hope she ends up with Kris<3
Hi! New reader here. This story is getting better and better. Please update soon :)
tkexozation #7
Chapter 1: I adore your story so much <3 For your poster, the 3 anime gifs that are on it, can you please tell me which anime they are from? Thank you -3-
Chapter 10: Thumbs up! I can't wait to read more!
coolme #9
Chapter 10: OMG....double update!!! Haha the best thing that happened all day :D
haha BUT how could she betray Chanyeol ?! aklfnvndfvkn
okay haha should stop cursing *faints again* -__-
lol OMG but how could she!!!! *chanyeol supporter forever!!!*
Anyways, thanks for the double update and i have to admit that the was good ... >< *hides self*
Chapter 9: Oh noooooooo!!!!! I did not seee it coming!!!

