Chapter 4

Hyung, I like you

The next day, Daehyun went to his workplace like usual. He changed into his uniform, then went to the kitchen to grab a cloth to wipe the countertop. The library cafe was filled with customers that morning - soft whispers exchanged occasionally as they conversed. A female's voice was though, clear as she called to grab Daehyun's attention. He looked to his sides to look for his workmate that worked on the counter just in case the woman wanted to order something, but the latter was nowhere in sight.

"Excuse me, could you please..." her voice trailed as she turned to point to her table and Daehyun followed her finger to see her coffee spilled on the floor. He wondered how he had missed the sound following the broken pieces of mug.

"Oh, of course," he bowed to her then shuffled to the back room to grab a mop and dust pan. Youngjae came up to happily greet him; instead Daehyun asked to make a new cup of cappuccino. He nodded confusedly and watched as the older hurried with the cleaning equipment.

Youngjae served her with a new treat after moving her to a different table. He glanced sideways to her previous seat to where Daehyun was now cleaning, then back to the woman that was now seated. "I'm sorry, the damage to our book has to be compensated." The woman's mouth curved to an 'o' when she stared at the stained book on the table and dug into her purse.

"I'm sorry for troubling you two," she said as she gave a folded dollar into Youngjae's palm and she glanced at Daehyun. "Please apologise to him too." Youngjae nodded, but when he saw the amount in his palm, his eyes widened.

"This is too much!" He handed the money back to the woman, but she pushed his hand close and the money was securely inside. "Take it and share with your friend. You two are lovely people." Youngjae lowered his head at the compliment. With an assuring nod from her, Youngjae said his 'thank you's and finally left for the back room. Concurrently, Daehyun cleaned the mess. He bent down to pick up the broken pieces onto the dust pan. A light hiss followed as a sharp pain jolted in his finger when a piece pricked his skin. Carelessly wiping it on the cloth of his jeans, he started to mop the floor.

When he was done, he went to the back to place the equipment and threw the pieces safely before making his way to the bathroom. After running his finger under the tap, he held it to his mouth.

Unknown to him the door had opened and a boy came in and rushed to his side. Only when he suddenly pulled Daehyun's finger out that he noticed the boy beside him.

"Hyung, are you okay?" the boy brought the finger close to examine the cut. Daehyun's mind wasn't focused on the action, rather to the fact that it was the first time he had heard the boy speak. Daehyun noticed it was the boy that usually sat in the corner. "It's not too deep..." that was when Daehyun acknowleged the action and he was definitely startled when the boy took the finger in his mouth.

"Y-yah what are you doing," Daehyun spoke haltingly, trying to pull his hand back, "It's okay. It's my job afterall-"

The boy's voice was stern when he spat the word "Hyung" and Daehyun couldn't help but flinch, "But it isn't your job to get hurt."

Daehyun stayed quiet after the boy pulled back and let his hand rest on his thigh while he watched the boy dig for something in his back pocket. Unwrapping the plaster from its cover, he sticked the tape carefully to Daehyun's finger, then patted it lightly.

He stepped back and smiled at Daehyun as if nothing unusual had happened.

"Get well soon hyung," the boy said and waved to him before leaving the room.

Daehyun broke out of his daze when the door clicked close and then looked down to the band on his finger.


Youngjae peeked through the locker room when he couldn't find Daehyun anywhere. He asked his other workmates but none saw him. When he checked in the bathroom, Daehyun was not there.

"Hyung?" He called, closing the door behind him when he saw the older at the far end of the room. Sighing in relief, he walked closer to his friend, only finding his hyung asleep. He sat beside him quietly.

Daehyun's body was leaned against the lockers, soft breaths leaving his parted lips as he slept. Daehyun was always a light sleeper, so Youngjae was careful not to wake him up.

Youngjae watched as emotions run across his friend's sleeping face. Sometimes he would frown and sometimes he would smile. Youngjae liked his smiling face better. He wondered what his friend was dreaming about. Five minutes later, Daehyun shook awake, startling Youngjae.

"O-oh hyung, you're awake," Youngjae backed away a little and scratched his head while Daehyun blinked slowly as he yawned.

"Did I fall asleep?" he questioned and Youngjae just nodded.

"Are you tired hyung?" Youngjae asked as he picked himself up from the bench and made his way to his locker. He took out a shirt to change back into, then shuffled to his hyung again when he remembered something.

Daehyun blinked at him sleepily as Youngjae towered above him. Pulling out a crumpled piece of paper, he showed his palm to Daehyun.

"What is this?"


"I know it's money stupid, but why?" Daehyun craned his neck up to look at Youngjae with a chuckle, but looked back down because his neck hurt.

"That woman earlier," youngjae sat beside him, "she gave us tip."

Daehyun nodded absentmindedly; then when it came to him, his face showed one of disbelief. At the same time, both of them looked down when Daehyun's stomach suddenly grumbled.


It came unnoticed to Daehyun when he eagerly pressed the numbers on his cellphone to call the restaurant his hyung ordered from last night. After bidding goodbyes to their workmates, Daehyun and Youngjae stayed back and while Daehyun made the call, Youngjae went to the back room.

While waiting for the other line to pick up, Daehyun's eyes accidentally landed to a pair of shoes dangling from the seat in the furthest end of the room. The memory of what had happened in the bathroom earlier came to him. Quickly pressing the 'end call' button, he made his way to the seat.

"Excuse me," Daehyun tapped on his shoulder when he found the said person curled in the seat with a book shielding his face. Daehyun chuckled when the boy only replied with a few grunts. He shook the other's shoulder harder and he quickly retracted his hand back when the boy suddenly shot up, fully awake.

"S-s-sorry!" the boy stuttered as he looked around him to find no one but Daehyun and himself. "I-I must have dozed off- I-I'll go now, bye!"

With that the boy disappeared leaving swinging glass doors and an amused Daehyun. Subconsciously, he brought his phone to his ear and called back the previous number.

Thirty minutes later, the door chimes sounded and Daehyun went to get it briskly. Youngjae's eyebrows furrowed at his hyung's weird behaviour. Earlier on, he had suspected on why Daehyun was so excited on calling for their takeaway. Sure Daehyun loved to eat despite his small frame, but there was something else to his excitement. Now, even though they had waited a good thirty minutes for their food to come, Daehyun was close to beaming when he got to the door.

Daehyun's anticipation unseeably faltered when the person that stood in front of him wasn't who he had expected. He quickly mustered up a smile and took his order from the other.

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Chapter 18: Hwaaa feeling are building up
Thanks for the update <3
shindiyoung #2
Chapter 18: hoho ,, I know dae start to hav more feeling for junhong ,,

n who's jongup ?? Is he would be someone between dae n junhong ,, ??
Chapter 17: There's not enough daelo fanfics (or maybe it's because I've already read every single daelo fanfic? xD)
Chapter 17: Awwww there's no more chapters but oh well
I hope u UPDATE this cause this is very good and I really want to see wat happends next
(Ummm if u could write a chapter of zelo being pregnant OMG I'll be sooo thankful but u don't have to if u don't want to)
I loved ur story <3
Chapter 17: Hwa this story is awesome!
Update soon <3
shindiyoung #6
Chapter 17: it's short ,,

Who's this worker actually ,, why he love to hurt junhong ,, bully him ,,
I think he like junhong ,, but he can't express his feeling ,, so ,, just like that ,,

Yeah junhong n dae already fine .
daelo is just too cute >_<
I love to read fanfic about it and i like your story
update soon =)
shindiyoung #8
Chapter 16: I think daehyun jealous ,, >,<
Chapter 15: oh my god it's so awasome i like it ^^
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 14: I love it love it love it ,,

This story is just too cute ,, n junhongie is soooo cuuutteee ,, I like when everybody love him ,, haha n n