Chapter 13

Hyung, I like you
Here's Daehyun's side of story :)


Daehyun couldn't help being reminded of the previous night as he entered his workplace after separating with Junhong to go to their respective workplaces that morning. He the air conditioners and switched on some lights around the place, smiling to himself. What Junhong did was unexpected to him; Junhong had been so shy with the skin ships he'd initiated the previous days that the kiss on his cheek seemed like he'd imagined it.

But it had really happened. Junhong had become so shy from it that he had to chuckle at the apparent shyness the other was displaying. Junhong looked shocked, too; as if he hadn't expected that he'd do it himself. Daehyun chuckled at the memory, and started to wear his uniform and start the day.

Himchan came in early after him, immediately giving a teasing reaction to Daehyun's cheerful mood. "Yah, uri Daehyunnie here is cheered up by uri lovely Junhongie. Where is he?" He cooed playfully, and started looking around for Junhong.

"He's not in today hyung," Daehyun informed, unable to hold back his smile. "He'll come in on Wednesday."

"I need to know his working days so I won't miss him too much," Himchan said wonderingly, and Daehyun felt almost threatened by his words. Daehyun didn't like how Himchan had made it sound like they were very close. Had they known each other long before Junhong had known him? "Yah Daehyun-ah you have such a nice fellow brightening your days from now. I'm jealous of you," Himchan said laughingly, and Daehyun couldn't help but feel like he'd accomplished something big.

"Yah, he's mine," Daehyun joked back and Himchan laughed it off.

But Daehyun knew, in the back of his mind, that he had meant it.


After wiping the bar clean Daehyun left to the books section and placed himself on one of the sofas there. Somehow his energetic morning had taken a toll on his body and he was tired now. The cafe had been filled with businesspeople who'd gone to have their quick breakfast before work and the rush had only started to subside now.

What made it tolerable was how the customers had respected the nature of libraries in that library cafe; they'd keep their voices low. And as a cafe was made inside a library, Daehyun praised how clever his manager was for making the cafe serve with paper cups and containers. That way the place wouldn't be filled with clinking of utensils. Ceramic mugs were still a customer's request, though, for some who liked the classic image brought by them.

Willing his thought away, Daehyun looked at the particular sofa he was sitting on: the one where he'd always seen the quiet boy sit. Looking at the time, there were four hours before the boy would come in. Daehyun was fascinated of how he'd notice these details about the boy. He was suddenly reminded of the day he'd cut his finger and how the boy had taken care of him. How the boy seemed to also take notice of Daehyun in his workplace. Daehyun made a mental note to talk to him later that day.

Lunch rush subsided, so there were more intermediates between his jobs. Daehyun went back to the corner again, but now he had something in thought. As he absently fiddled with his phone, he wished he would somehow receive a message from Junhong; perhaps asking if Daehyun was doing well on his job. Daehyun wanted to ask that to Junhong. He wondered if Junhong wasn't too overwhelmed with his job or if his workmates were making his working experience better. Daehyun had Youngjae to cheer him up; did Junhong have someone like him too?

Daehyun was thinking of buying Junhong a phone when he was suddenly drived out of his thoughts when there were taps on his shoulder. The quiet boy came into focus in front of Daehyun, and the faraway look in Daehyun's eyes became warm as he smiled at the boy.

"Annyeong," he greeted happily, motioning for the boy to sit beside him.

The boy only nodded his head at both the greeting and invite, and Daehyun couldn't help but notice the stutter in his actions.

"What books do you read?" Daehyun asked, peeking at the book the boy was holding. He had always seen the boy read, but he hadn't known the kind of books he preferred. The boy seemed to know his way around the library too so Daehyun had never known from showing the bookshelves to him.

"It's fine whatever fiction I put my hand on," the boy said in a small voice, eyeing the book he was holding as if he'd only read the title then. Daehyun was more interested in how the boy's voice had sounded softer than what he'd remember from the last time he'd heard him talk.

"Oh. Um, how do you like it here?" he tried again, wanting to know more about the boy. It wasn't a good question considering how frequent the boy came, but Daehyun was keeping his role as a worker there, and in his question he wanted to know the boy's reason for coming there. If Daehyun hadn't noticed it before, Daehyun noticed now that his hair was a bit wet, like he'd gone there as soon as he showered. He tried to recollect their previous encounters but he hadn't paid that much attention aside from the time he knew the boy would come.

"It's nice to come here after practice. Home is noisier," the boy said with a quiet laugh, and Daehyun took in the boy's cute front teeth. Daehyun absently chuckled, and he quickly cleared his throat and mentally cursed himself for being rude.

"Practice, you said? Do you sing? Or dance?" Daehyun asked, trying to keep their conversation going.

"Dance," the boy answered, and finally met Daehyun's eyes as he said it. Daehyun found that that was what the boy was most enthusiastic in.

"Woah, cool," he responded with interest. "So you come here everyday after practice?" He asked again and received a vigorous nod in response. Daehyun was really interested now because he'd always admired how people work hard to pursue their interests. Daehyun had an interest in singing, but he hadn't put in enough thought to actually work on it. He had a long way to go if he'd only started now, so that idea could only be best to put in the back of his mind.

The call of his name pulled him out of his thoughts and he shook awake when he heard Youngjae call again.

"The dishes are calling," Youngjae informed in a light manner, motioning for Daehyun to go, then nodded his head to the boy beside Daehyun, before going back to where he came from. Daehyun quickly stood to attend to his job, but not before asking the boy's name.

"I'm Jongup. Moon Jongup," the boy introduced, and Daehyun put his hand out for a handshake.

"My name is Daehyun," he smiled, and released his hand to show his nametag to the boy.

The boy nodded with a smile, and Daehyun had an idea that the boy knew his name even before this. Nodding his head at the boy once again, he turned to leave for his job.


That night when Daehyun saw Junhong again, he felt at ease. When the younger walked up to him, he couldn't control his elation and just showed how happy he was to see him. He wanted to just hug him tight and twirl their bodies right then. He couldn't describe the emotions running in him when he saw Junhong.

The joy was impossible when he saw the brown paperbag in Junhong's hands. He voiced what he thought it was and by the way Junhong had shyly lowered his head Daehyun knew he was correct. When Junhong turned his face away, though, what he saw made his heart flip. A million thoughts raced in his head, informing him that no, Junhong had had a bad day and there he was smiling like he was retarded.

However, he wouldn't press for the younger to tell him everything. Because he would try to find out. But first he needed to treat the bruise before it would really mar Junhong's beautiful face.

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Chapter 18: Hwaaa feeling are building up
Thanks for the update <3
shindiyoung #2
Chapter 18: hoho ,, I know dae start to hav more feeling for junhong ,,

n who's jongup ?? Is he would be someone between dae n junhong ,, ??
Chapter 17: There's not enough daelo fanfics (or maybe it's because I've already read every single daelo fanfic? xD)
Chapter 17: Awwww there's no more chapters but oh well
I hope u UPDATE this cause this is very good and I really want to see wat happends next
(Ummm if u could write a chapter of zelo being pregnant OMG I'll be sooo thankful but u don't have to if u don't want to)
I loved ur story <3
Chapter 17: Hwa this story is awesome!
Update soon <3
shindiyoung #6
Chapter 17: it's short ,,

Who's this worker actually ,, why he love to hurt junhong ,, bully him ,,
I think he like junhong ,, but he can't express his feeling ,, so ,, just like that ,,

Yeah junhong n dae already fine .
daelo is just too cute >_<
I love to read fanfic about it and i like your story
update soon =)
shindiyoung #8
Chapter 16: I think daehyun jealous ,, >,<
Chapter 15: oh my god it's so awasome i like it ^^
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 14: I love it love it love it ,,

This story is just too cute ,, n junhongie is soooo cuuutteee ,, I like when everybody love him ,, haha n n