Chapter 7

Hyung, I like you

Daehyun found himself happily munching the white bun he received everyday. He would come home from work, and find the same thing in front of his doorplace. It was the same routine for almost two weeks now and Daehyun was getting used to it, but last night there wasn't any bun waiting for him and he was now having a bad morning because of it.

Daehyun huffed loudly as he sat up on his bed, scratching the back of his head in frustration. He proceeded to the bathroom, dragging his feet all the way until he was fully awake.

"I'm surprised that your feet still have its prints," Yongguk said when he walked past him to go downstairs and Daehyun only replied with a lethargic "shut up" earning a low chuckle from his hyung.

Daehyun looked into the bathroom mirror after splashing water on his face. He picked his toothbrush and applied a good amount of toothpaste before stucking it in his mouth harshly.

"What's up with you?" Yongguk asked once Daehyun slumped down the kitchen counter, his cheek pressed against the wooden surface. "Are you in the mood to eat? Or else I wouldn't cook for you..." his voice trailed teasingly, and he laughed when he ducked a spoon thrown in his way.

Yongguk placed the breakfast in front of Daehyun's face, clearly entertained at his dongsaeng's moody morning. He ruffled the younger's hair as he sat on the stool opposite, chin propped on his hand.

He stared at Daehyun playing with his food until the younger sat up straight, finishing his breakfast quickly without words. Before Yongguk could even finish his second scoop, Daehyun had already darted out of the house.


Youngjae could sense his friend's resigned aura as soon as he entered the cafe. Daehyun passed without noticing him and headed straight to the back room. Youngjae followed behind afterwards.

He panicked when he opened the door in time when Daehyun had his head on his locker door, so he quickly pulled him away.

"Did you just bang your head?" Youngjae asked, his words uncanny to Daehyun's ears.

Groaning as he pulled his hand out from Youngjae's, he voiced out, "What do you mean?"

Youngjae stuttered a reply, feeling stupid, "O-oh, Nothing, it's look scary."

Daehyun shrugged his friend off then went on to changing into his uniform. Youngjae watched in disbelief at how Daehyun only pulled the uniform down over his shirt and how he exited the room with a loud slam of the door.

Himchan entered afterwards, seemingly not bothered by the moody slam of door for he looked like he was in his own thoughts and had his own worries. Youngjae left the room. Little that he knew his friends' states continued until the end of the day.


My hands immediately made its way clutching my throbbing head as the pain radiated inside me. My whole body ached as I picked myself up from the ground.

I didn't know where I was.

As I took small steps along the unfamiliar road, memories started rushing in and everything was suddenly clear. I ran my hand on the bandage around my head then slipped my hand into my shirt to cease the pain on my abdomen.

I remembered waking up in a comfortable bed and a caring woman took care of me... For once, I regretted declining her offer to stay for another night. I missed 'home'. I had left saying that I was fine, but actually I was holding in the pain on my lower back and legs.

Now I was barely walking, dragging my feet along this gruesome road, curling my arms around my body heavily. But I had to work. My manager wasn't informed where I had gone last night. I carefully unwrapped my head bandage and folded it carefully, stucking it between my waistband.

I was thankful that the kind woman had washed my bloodied clothes before letting me wear it again. I arrived in front of my workplace and entered. My workmate took a glance as I pushed through the door and immediately made a disgusted face.

I turned away from him, unable to take in the affront. I made my way to the manager's room, but he wasn't in, so I dared to talk to him.

"Hyung," I called, but he ignored me and walked past as if I was invisible. I took it he didn't hear me because it was loud, so I came closer to him and tapped his shoulder.

The pain jolted inside my body as he roughly tugged on my shirt and pulled me inside. He shoved me to the ground, throwing what he had on his hand aside, before bending down to pull me up by my collar. I hissed when his nails dug in my skin on my neck, and I tried to pry his hands off.


"What do you want?" his voice spat like venom and all I could do was take a shaky breath and say my intention.

"M-manager hyung...h-his number. I-I need to call him-"

He pushed me to the ground again and I curled to my side. My stomach hurt so bad... I had starved for three days before... What happened? A hard kick was sent to my back before a piece of card was thrown to my face, and I brought my trembling hand to pick it up.

My hyung left the back room and I sat up, feeling sore all over my body.

That was when the door opened and my other workmate came in.

I quickly but carefully picked myself up. He asked me what I was doing on the floor, and I just said I fell, giving him a smile to obscure the tears that stung my eyes. He nodded then took what he needed before leaving the room.

I went out as well, mustering up a healthy posture and went to the locker room to give my manager a call. He took my lies well, but he informed that I had to have my pay for yesterday cut. I was thankful to have such a nice hirer, and even grateful that tomorrow wasn't my workday.

One of my hyungs called for me and I immediately stood up, stucking the card in my pocket then went out. He handed me three boxes for delivery and I took it.

I held in the pain in my body which thankfully begun to lessen as the day went on. Without me noticing, it was already time for the shop to close. I bowed to my hyungs, and even to him but he shot me a glare and brushed past my shoulder gratingly and left the shop ahead.

With my head hung down as I walked out of my workplace, I passed the familiar road and my feet stopped itself in front of the bakery. My mind suddenly ran to last night's events. I remembered taking a shorter route to this area, and that was when everything happened.

I made my way inside, bowing to the ahjumma slightly and came closer to the counter.

"You didn't come last night," she said as she took a brown paper bag from under the counter, "One or two?"

I lowered my head, putting myself in thought as her question lingered in me. I didn't do what I usually did for the past three weeks last night, and disappointment rushed inside me.

"One," I said without thinking.

Soon, I let my feet drag itself, and I found myself in front of Daehyun hyung's neighbourhood again. It was a strange habit of mine after that day, and before long, one day led to another.

I took a step on his varandah and placed the bag in front of his doorstep. I apologised to no one in particular, feeling myself tear up all of a sudden.

A choked sob left my throat, and I brought my hand up to rub away the tears. I stood there, my legs feeling heavy and I shivered, sobbing uncontrollably.


A voice startled me from behind, and I abruptly turned around to the said caller. A fulminent pain jolted inside me, and I found my vision starting to blur. I held my pulsating head, my eyes rolling to the back of my skull.

I didn't remember anything afterward besides falling in a warm embrace and mouthing the name of the person lingering in my head.

"Jung Daehyun hyung..."

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Chapter 18: Hwaaa feeling are building up
Thanks for the update <3
shindiyoung #2
Chapter 18: hoho ,, I know dae start to hav more feeling for junhong ,,

n who's jongup ?? Is he would be someone between dae n junhong ,, ??
Chapter 17: There's not enough daelo fanfics (or maybe it's because I've already read every single daelo fanfic? xD)
Chapter 17: Awwww there's no more chapters but oh well
I hope u UPDATE this cause this is very good and I really want to see wat happends next
(Ummm if u could write a chapter of zelo being pregnant OMG I'll be sooo thankful but u don't have to if u don't want to)
I loved ur story <3
Chapter 17: Hwa this story is awesome!
Update soon <3
shindiyoung #6
Chapter 17: it's short ,,

Who's this worker actually ,, why he love to hurt junhong ,, bully him ,,
I think he like junhong ,, but he can't express his feeling ,, so ,, just like that ,,

Yeah junhong n dae already fine .
daelo is just too cute >_<
I love to read fanfic about it and i like your story
update soon =)
shindiyoung #8
Chapter 16: I think daehyun jealous ,, >,<
Chapter 15: oh my god it's so awasome i like it ^^
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 14: I love it love it love it ,,

This story is just too cute ,, n junhongie is soooo cuuutteee ,, I like when everybody love him ,, haha n n