Chapter 3

Hyung, I like you

Daehyun woke up to the beeping of his alarm clock; he groaned as he sat up, his head throbbing painfully. He blinked confusedly to his surrounding -not that anything was different- but it was just a strange feeling.

He looked to his bedside table and saw that it was 5:47AM. He rubbed his eyes, then proceeded to do his morning routine. Once he was done dressing up, he picked up his cellphone and his wallet and slipped it into his pockets out of habit.

"Hyung?" Daehyun called to the other side of the hallway as he passed it to go downstairs. "Yongguk hyung, are you awake?"

He snapped his head back when he heard rustlings of utensil on cooking pan from downstairs, so he assumed his brother had woken up. Shuffling down the stairs, Daehyun fixed the upper buttons of his shirt then made his way to the kitchen.

"Morning hyung," Daehyun said as he bent to grab a carton of milk. He was about to drink it when his brother halted his movement.

"Don't. Use a glass."

Daehyun snickered at his brother, "You're such a mom."

Yongguk put on a smug smile as he continued frying eggs. He picked two toasts from the toaster then placed it on two plates, scooping out the scrambled eggs on top, before serving it in front of his hungry brother.

"Thanks hyung!" Daehyun said quickly and ate his breakfast.


Daehyun walked to his workplace like usual. After slipping into his thick jacket, he bid goodbye to his hyung (who immediately retreated to bed after a whole night shift work). Daehyun always hated the morning coldness. The sun was barely out, but he was already familiar with the streets so he had no problem of reaching his workplace.

The front glass door was strangely unlocked. He remembered locking up the previous night, so he assumed that either Youngjae or the other workers had came in early.

He went to the back of the shop and opened the door to the locker room, to be greeted with Youngjae, his uniform halfway down his stomach.

"Oh, sorry Youngjae," Daehyun apologised when he saw that Youngjae was looking slightly uncomfortable after pulling his shirt down properly. He decided to change the topic to make it less awkward, "You came in early today."

The question came merely as a statement, so Daehyun settled with how Youngjae would take it as.

"Yeah, I woke up early this morning."

Daehyun nodded knowingly and proceeded to change into his uniform as well. He worked with the combination on his locker, then pulled out his wallet from his back pocket, slipping it into his locker.

"Hey, you got your wallet back?" Youngjae was now close beside him as he slipped his hand inside Daehyun's locker to take the blue case out. He flipped it open and inspected the insides. His identity card was there. Money still intact. "What happened? You didn't lose anything?"

Daehyun suddenly became aware of the uncomfortableness running in him all morning. Something was surely bothering him from the moment he woke up. And he had found the cause so he looked at Youngjae and just nodded pragmatically.

"Last night," was the only words that he could muster because he hadn't actually had the real explanation for everything.

"Did you catch the thief?" Youngjae looked at him disbelievingly, holding the wallet up for emphasis and Daehyun laughed.

"No, silly," he grabbed the wallet from him and ruffled the younger's hair, "I was too tired to even walk last night, let alone running to catch a thief."

A blush was evident on Youngjae's cheeks so he looked down, his bangs covering most of his face. Turning around, he pretended to be busy with keeping his bag in his locker then asked: "Then?"

"It just happened...I thought it was a dream..." Daehyun said, trailing in his words when he noticed Youngjae wasn't looking at him, so he took the opportunity to slip out of his shirt and put on his uniform shirt then continued, "Someone left it at my front door last night."

Youngjae turned to look at him again -his eyes went to Daehyun's shirt for a brief moment- before giving him an odd look.

Daehyun stuffed his bag into his locker and closed the door, "I know it's weird, but it really happened," then left the room after putting on his apron.

Youngjae followed after him, "Hyung, I didn't say I didn't believe you!"


I walked up to my manager, a smile etched on my face even though I knew he called me for more work. I was in a very good mood today. All the guilt left my body when I successfully carried out my plan last night and returned the wallet to its owner.

I had watched the large smile that sprung on his face when he held the wallet. I couldn't help but feel more sorry that I took it from him. At first, my hopes fell when I knocked a lot of times but no one opened the door. I was at the verge of giving up when suddenly, I heard the door being unlocked from the other side.

I had smiled widely, and quickly placed the wallet on the floor of the front door then ran to hide behind a wall of the verandah. I could clearly see everything from there. When the door closed and I heard the owner locked it again, I slipped out from my hiding place and took a last look of the house.

"I'm sorry Jung Daehyun hyung, I didn't mean to..."

My manager called to inform me that I have a delivery for tonight. Since my shift for this work was early morning and late night, he chose me to deliver. He gave me a piece of yellow paper- an address written on it with the name Bang Yongguk. Somehow, the address seemed familiar...


It was already late at night but my friends were still awake. They were playing the same bet. Of course they pulled me in to play with them but I had to refuse because I needed to work.

My heart was beating faster as I processed a lie in my head. What should I say? What if they didn't believe me? Trying my best luck, I shook my head and muttered that I didn't want to.

"You're boring," was all my friend said and went back to the others.

It took me a while of mentally processing what happened. I had expected a blow on the stomach, or perhaps a fist on my face? But neither came. Somehow, luck was on my side today.


I fixed the boxes of chicken inside the company's motorcycle, then started the engine and left the shop, heading for the address. My mind was comprehending the route and somehow it felt familiar to the one I took last night.

When I came to the vicinity of the said address, I had this bubbling feeling in my stomach. The feeling grew more as I slowly approached the orderer's house.

It was confirmed by now that all the queasy feeling I had was because of this.

I am now standing in front of Jung Daehyun hyung's house.

But who was Bang Yongguk?

Gulping down the thick lump of saliva that formed in my throat, I took small steps up the familiar verandah. I rose my knuckles to knock on the door nervously.

It didn't take more than half a minute for the door to open, but to me, it felt an eternity.

Time seemed to stop at that very moment. My hands that held the boxes of chicken felt so weak that I was afraid it would fall. My eyes couldn't seem to leave its gaze from the stunning boy that stood in front of me.

He stood shorter than me, but everything else was perfect. His eyes were friendly, his cheeks rising up from the charming smile he had on his lips.

I broke out of my trance when he called me.

I couldn't look in his eyes. Why am I feeling so nervous? This wasn't a familiar feeling. I had never felt this way. I gathered up all my courage to speak up.

"P-please sign h-here," I pointed to a spot on the folder I was holding, cursing myself when it was a wrong one. I had my breath knocked out once again when he chuckled and signed on the correct spot.

"Sorry, t-thankyou," I stuttered, handing him the boxes before turning back and shuffled back towards the company's motorcycle.

"Hey!" he called and I turned around, mentally face palming myself- too embarrassed because I was actually behaving like a fangirl. He placed the boxes on the window seat inside then made his way over to where I stood.

"I haven't paid," he said and handed me the money. I was too dazed to do anything, and at that moment, I felt sparks running down my right hand.

He was holding my hand as he placed the right amount on it and patted it close.

"Thankyou, blondie," he said and shot me another of his wizardly smile before heading back inside.

I lost count on how long I stood there completely frozen, then dropped to my knees.

I freaking dropped to my knees.

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Chapter 18: Hwaaa feeling are building up
Thanks for the update <3
shindiyoung #2
Chapter 18: hoho ,, I know dae start to hav more feeling for junhong ,,

n who's jongup ?? Is he would be someone between dae n junhong ,, ??
Chapter 17: There's not enough daelo fanfics (or maybe it's because I've already read every single daelo fanfic? xD)
Chapter 17: Awwww there's no more chapters but oh well
I hope u UPDATE this cause this is very good and I really want to see wat happends next
(Ummm if u could write a chapter of zelo being pregnant OMG I'll be sooo thankful but u don't have to if u don't want to)
I loved ur story <3
Chapter 17: Hwa this story is awesome!
Update soon <3
shindiyoung #6
Chapter 17: it's short ,,

Who's this worker actually ,, why he love to hurt junhong ,, bully him ,,
I think he like junhong ,, but he can't express his feeling ,, so ,, just like that ,,

Yeah junhong n dae already fine .
daelo is just too cute >_<
I love to read fanfic about it and i like your story
update soon =)
shindiyoung #8
Chapter 16: I think daehyun jealous ,, >,<
Chapter 15: oh my god it's so awasome i like it ^^
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 14: I love it love it love it ,,

This story is just too cute ,, n junhongie is soooo cuuutteee ,, I like when everybody love him ,, haha n n