Chapter 6

Hyung, I like you

I found it somehow strange that the air tonight was a bit too quiet. I neared myself into the alleyway on my way to the bakery then adjusted my eyes to the dark. The streetlights flickered above my head, a shiver crept down my spine at the sudden coldness.

Something is up.

I shoved my hands into the front pocket of my jeans, and continued walking. The feeling of being watched was screaming inside me, telling me to just run and leave the area, but I didn't.

The feeling started firing inside me again when a snap of a twig startled me from the deafening silence. I could feel my pulse throughout my body, trembling as I willed myself to turn around.

"Come out," my voice came out so vulnerable they would see through my calm front. I took a sharp breath when a group, no, it was two groups of people started appearing from places- behind walls, trash cans and one even close to where I stood. I backed up a little, but there was no hope since I was already surrounded by them.

"What do you want?"

It was amazing that my voice came out perfectly composed. I hope they didn't see fear in my eyes. I really hoped they would leave me alone.

My wish didn't come true, though. One male ran in my direction, his hand holding up a stick and at that time, I lost my hearing. All I could see was him, the stick, and how I would end. My head started spinning heavily, my knees limp under me and soon I felt kicks on my stomach and my back. I dropped on my knees and could only curl in them, before the next thing I saw was pitch black.


My head throbbed painfully, the sunlight blinding me as I sat up on a comfy place.

Where was I?

My question was answered when the door suddenly opened and a woman came in with a tray of food. My stomach rumbled quietly and I couldn't help but to look elsewhere.

"Oh, you're awake!" she went to my side with the tray in her hands. "Here, I cooked this for you." She pulled a chair and sat beside me as I took the food tray from her.

"Thank you," I mumbled, taking a small scoop of the treat. Silence consumed then, and I hoped she would actually start a conversation. I looked at her, then back to the food. My eyes accidentally scanned the clothes I was wearing.

"Are you okay?" she asked, taking my hand in her's. I did not feel comfortable at the sudden touch. What was this feeling?

Suddenly, my head hurt and I went to clasp it immediately. I felt something different with my head and I looked to her as if I was mentally asking her a question.

"Don't worry, honey. It's just a bandage," she said but I had to cut her off.


She ignored me with a smile, then continued, "You got hurt last night. Your head was bleeding I'm so glad Himchannie found you and took you home."

Home. What a warm word. How I wish I could have a home.

"What's your name?" she asked and I lowered my head. "What's wrong, dear?"

I shook my head, my eyes beginning to water as she took hold of my hands again. I longed this feeling. This feeling of being loved and cared about. I quickly let go of her hand and finished my breakfast.

"Thankyou," I said once I blinked away the tears and looked at her.

"Take a rest," she said lovingly, her hands warm against my cheek as she it, and I closed my eyes, drowning into the simple motherly touch. She pushed my shoulders backward gently to lay me down on the bed as she moved the tray to the bedside table.

"H-how long was I unconscious?" I asked. "A-and who's bed is this?"

"Channie brought you home last night. This is his bed," she said and pecked my forehead and I didn't respond, completely dazed at the foreign feeling running inside me.


"Himchan-ah you there?" Youngjae waved his hand in front of Himchan's face. Youngjae tilted his head when he didn't get any response. He had witnessed Himchan standing, staring deep into his locker when he walked pass him in the locker room, twice.

Youngjae peeked into the locker, but found nothing engrossing.

He stood in front of the seemingly lost boy and stared at him, amused as the other was still too strayed to notice. He cleared his throat.

"Oi," he called and at last Himchan shook awake and looked at him.

"O-oh Youngjae-yah," he spoke, startled.

Youngjae laughed, "You were spacing out there...a terrible one if you ask."

Daehyun entered the room to grab a spare cloth from the back cupboards, glancing at them and was about to leave the room when Youngjae stopped him.

"Hyung, are you feeling okay now?" Youngjae asked, utterly concerned because both his co-workers were behaving strangely since that morning.

Daehyun gave him the slightest nod and Himchan left after taking out what he wanted. Himchan went to the counter, glancing at the clock stuck at the wall frequently as the seconds ticked by nearing to the closing time.

He even missed the counter bell that rang twice for his attention, and Youngjae had to attend the customer in his place. After the customer paid, Youngjae bowed at her and apologised, before turning to Himchan, and glared at him.

Himchan stood behind the counter, fidgeting with the hem of his long sleeves. His eyes scanned to the almost empty cafe, and panicked, snapping his head up to check the time. Three seconds had passed after the closing hour, and Himchan apologised repeatedly before stumbling towards the locker room.

He changed back into his normal clothes at record time, and before he knew he was already running his way home.

"Mom!" he yelled, knocking furiously on the door, and when it opened, he staggered up the stairs and barged into his room. His eyes fell to his empty bed, then scanned nervously around the room for a certain blonde.

Himchan called for his mom again, his breath coming out uneven from all the rush. "Where is he?"

His mom sighed after taking the last step up the stairs, holding one of her hands out to Himchan's shoulder, "He asked to leave, Channie, I told him to stay for another night, but he refused."

Himchan's exitement fell tremendously, feeling his stomach quiver in the unexpected statement.

His mother kissed him goodnight, her hand fondling down his arm before retreating downstairs.

Himchan could only withdraw to his room and dropped to his bed. A crumpling sound grabbed his attention when he landed, so he searched for the cause beneath the sheets.

A relieved sigh escaped from his mouth when he saw the note the blonde had left for him.

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Chapter 18: Hwaaa feeling are building up
Thanks for the update <3
shindiyoung #2
Chapter 18: hoho ,, I know dae start to hav more feeling for junhong ,,

n who's jongup ?? Is he would be someone between dae n junhong ,, ??
Chapter 17: There's not enough daelo fanfics (or maybe it's because I've already read every single daelo fanfic? xD)
Chapter 17: Awwww there's no more chapters but oh well
I hope u UPDATE this cause this is very good and I really want to see wat happends next
(Ummm if u could write a chapter of zelo being pregnant OMG I'll be sooo thankful but u don't have to if u don't want to)
I loved ur story <3
Chapter 17: Hwa this story is awesome!
Update soon <3
shindiyoung #6
Chapter 17: it's short ,,

Who's this worker actually ,, why he love to hurt junhong ,, bully him ,,
I think he like junhong ,, but he can't express his feeling ,, so ,, just like that ,,

Yeah junhong n dae already fine .
daelo is just too cute >_<
I love to read fanfic about it and i like your story
update soon =)
shindiyoung #8
Chapter 16: I think daehyun jealous ,, >,<
Chapter 15: oh my god it's so awasome i like it ^^
shindiyoung #10
Chapter 14: I love it love it love it ,,

This story is just too cute ,, n junhongie is soooo cuuutteee ,, I like when everybody love him ,, haha n n