Let's Have A Lunch Date - Part 1

More Than Friends

“Hey… Watcha doing?”

“I’m doing work. Get away from me.” You pushed Jay’s face that was inches from yours away in annoyance before setting your hand in front of you on top of your notebook that had unsolved problems.

“Can I help?”




“Why not—“

A girl raised her hand.

“Uh, yes?” The professor pointed at her.

“Can you please separate these two? They’re causing a disturbance in our education.” She glared at you and Jay at the corner of her eyes.

He looked over at you guys in disapproval knowing that she was right but because he was dealing with THE Jay Park, he had no choice but to leave you guys alone unless he wanted to say goodbye to his job. But of course, Jay wasn’t even that kind of guy. What a .

He looked down at his desk. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. Jay is an important visitor to us and he seems to know Shinhye so we cannot separate them.” He said before turning back to the whiteboard.

The girl glared back at us and muttered, “Why the hell is he here anyways?”

Suddenly the door opened and in came Min Jee.  “Mianhe Professor Chun, I overslept.” She bowed and looked at her occupied seat which was next to you. Jay looked back at her and winked which made Min Jee scoff and shake her head and looked for an empty seat.

Thanks for the seat Min Jee. Jay smiled.


So your classes went by mostly with almost all of the girls giving you glares for getting a seat next to Jay. You couldn’t really blame them either. Come on, if a super-hot and famous guy was in your class, you would definitely want to be the lucky girl that gets the privilege of sitting next to him. Other than you sitting next to him, the gift of glares were directed to something else too. What was it? Well, the constant interruptions because Jay kept his attention on you and he wouldn’t stop bothering you.

At all.

You were starting to get a bit annoyed… but you just couldn’t blow your top off just yet.

You walked to your locker and looked at Jay who had his eyes focused on your hand. You raised an eyebrow and slowly put in your combination. A smile grew on his face.

“Your locker combination is my birthday?”

You looked to the side to hide your slightly pink cheeks as you opened your locker. , I forgot to change it. You stayed quiet as you organized your unneeded books.

“Did you put it as my birthday?” His smile grew wider.

“N-no… It’s the school lock. It was just like that…” You crossed your fingers, hoping he believed it.

He shook his head and smirked, “Alright.” His tone didn’t sound like he believed it.

You pursed your lips and closed your locker. You turned to look at him. You had a pissed-off face now. His smile disappeared once he saw you.

“B-bwoh?” He asked nervously.

“Why the hell are you in my school?”


“You were ing bothering me while I was trying to listen.”


“How the did you get in here anyways?”

“You talk too much. Can you please let me answer your questions?”

That made you shut up. You nodded and looked at him.

“I got bored at home so I decided to visit you. I’m sorry; I got bored in class too. And I’m Jay Park, I could get in anywhere.” He smirked.

You shook your head and sighed. “Please don’t bother me again oppa…”

“Sorry…” He looked down a bit.

You gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s fine. I forgive you.”

He looked at you and blushed a bit. You didn’t really acknowledge this though.

You closed your locker and looked around, looking a bit lost.

“Uh Shinhye?”


“I’m kinda hungry… You wanna get lunch?”

You looked at your watch and looked around, you were looking for someone. “Hmm… but I made plans with Min Jee…” Where is she?

Your phone beeped and vibrated in your pocket. You looked at it and you had a new message.


Bestie: [Shinhye! Mianhe! I can’t hang out with you today… I have to help my parents with something T^T maybe next time?]


Sent: [Ah chinja? It’s fineee. I’ll just hang out with Jay then :P]


You put your phone back in your pocket and a small smile grew on your face. You were kind of happy that you got to spend time with your crush. Jay waved his hand over your face.

“Hello? Come back to earth.” Jay said with a small worried face.

You looked at him and smiled big, “So where are we going?”

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, “I thought you had other plans.”


“Oh so I’m your rebound plan now?” He said with a bit of disappointment but you could sense the sarcasm in his voice.

“Yep.” You coolly remarked and walked in front of him, walking towards the exit of the school. You tried your hardest to keep calm and not just freak out because of his adorableness and how he was easily “offended”.

He looked at your figure with his mouth slightly hanging open. This girl is amazing.

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#MoreThanFriends: I'm back! Sort of... Gonna be editing all of my stories. Some edits will be minor and some will be major. I'll try to update.


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sel1987 #1
Chapter 15: Can u pleas update, pretty please:)))))
BigBang_VIP #3
Chapter 15: Arghh someone has to confess!! :/
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 12: How sweet these two are!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 11: So cute! Someone's gotta confess...I'm dying!!
Chapter 10: Been a while you haven't updated, but it's not too crappy. Update soon^^
Chapter 10: such a short update /cries forever. but a cute chappy. update again soon oppar jess.
Chapter 9: Aww.. I just startes reading this. Update soon. <3
I'm sick this Halloween ._. for me but really love the update! ^-^ It was cute!
shebraee #10
Chapter 7: Can't wait for another update! <3 :3