A Special Someone

More Than Friends

(No one’s POV)

Both of them looked at each other and laughed at the sight of the other’s face covered in the cold dessert.

Shinhye lifted her hand and touched her face, “Yah! My face is sticky now.” She whined.

“Whose fault is that?” Jay looked at her accusingly before smiling and standing up, helping Shinhye who had her eyebrows scrunched together in thought and her lips pursed up. “It was you who started it!” she playfully smacked his arm in which he replied with a shrug and an innocent smile.

Knowing that he was going to keep on fooling around, she rolled her eyes and gazed at the ice cream that spilled on the floor and pouted a bit, “What a waste of good ice cream…” She said, her voice drifting away slowly. She was now in her thoughts, thinking about what could have been. She was thinking about the feeling of the cold ice cream going down and how it tasted on her tongue. While she reminisced about the ice cream, she didn’t notice that Jay had gotten closer and was now facing her, gazing down at her. That was when he realized how short she was compared to him. If she looked straight, she would be facing his chest.

Shinhye was very short and petite for her age, considering Jay is only 5’9 and she could only reach his chest. She always had a baby face and looks like she is 17. Jay thought this made her very adorable. Plus she had “cute” written all over her and he was a er for girls who had aegyo. He loved the faces she made and how she always looked completely adorable without even trying. Unconsciously, his gaze moved from her eyes, to her nose, to her pink and plump lips. The urge to press his lips against hers right then and there grew, despite the fact that both of them were covered in sticky ice cream. Trying to shake the feelings away, he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. He noticed that you were focused on somewhere else.

“That was such a good ice cream.” You murmured.

He smiled, “The vanilla was really good.”

“I didn’t even get to try it…”

“I didn’t get to try the chocolate.” He said, inching closer.

“It was your fault that you started the whole thing.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He leaned in closer to her face.

“It’s alright. You just owe me another ice cream.” She sighed before looking at him. Her eyes widened double in size when she saw how close their faces were. She looked up at her face and saw him looking somewhere that wasn’t her eyes. Jay raised his hand to cup her cheek, making her shiver at his touch.

“Oh look, there’s chocolate ice cream on your lips.” He smiled.

Shinhye looked confused before slightly her lips, the taste of the chocolate settling on her tongue once again. She saw Jay lean in closer, their faces merely inches apart.

“Should I have a chance to taste?” His breath touched her skin.

She stood frozen, couldn’t speak, and couldn’t move. He was getting closer and closer and she closed her eyes on instinct. It was awkward if you were kissing someone and your eyes were open. Her heart was beating so fast and hard at that moment that she was afraid Jay could hear it. He moved past her lips, missing it by an inch and leaned towards her ear. “Just kidding.”

Her eyes shot open to see a smirking Jay and she shot a glare at him, “You’re a ert.”

“Hey, you looked like you wanted it.” He chuckled, making her look away with pink tinted on her cheeks.

Jay looked around as he patted his face, “We should wash this off.” His eyes landed on a water fountain that was nearby and he took Shinhye’s hand without warning, dragging her to the fountain. She obeyed and glared at his back, still a bit ticked off about that little situation he did earlier. I actually thought he was going to kiss me…

He stopped and the faucet, splashing his face with the water and gently rubbing his skin. Shinhye stayed behind and watched him. For some reason she couldn’t look away from the sight in front of her. Something about water on Jay’s skin interested her. He looks gorgeous. She blushed at the thought and tried her best to look away. Jay had finished washing his face and he gently pulled her in front of him, cupping the water in his hand. He brought his hand close to her face before saying, “Try not to drown again.” earning a glare from Shinhye.

He gently wiped her face with the water, being very careful. He made sure that there wasn’t any more sticky residue on her face and when he was finished, he turned off the faucet while she stood back up straight, patting her face. “Hey oppa, do you have something to dry our faces?”


She frowned. “What the heck.”

“We can use my sweater.” He looked back at her and smiled.

“But…it’ll get dirty…”

He stood in front of her as he gently patted her face with his sleeve, the smile never leaving her face. “It’s alright. You’re doing the laundry anyways.”

The frown appeared on her face again and Jay laughed, “Stop frowning. You’re gonna get wrinkles on that pretty face.” He squeezed her cheeks. She blushed a bit and slapped his hand away, rubbing her sore cheeks.

“Come on. We still have to find that present.”


(Your POV)

Jay and I have been inside many stores just to find the perfect present for this friend of his. He asked me for my opinion on the things he was picking out. Apparently, this friend was a girl. Not going to lie, but the little jealousy monster had awaken. We looked at clothes, shoes, hats, etc. but they still weren’t good enough. Just how special was this “friend” anyways. I began to get annoyed. Jay went inside a jewelry store and I just followed him in, my patience running thin. He started looking at necklaces and bracelets and the bags that were in the store. I looked at one of the price tags and cringed at the sight. These prices were definitely exaggerated.

I casually looked around before Jay asked me a question, “Shinny, what would you give someone that is very close to you and you want to show them that you cherished them a lot?”

I shrugged, “It depends on what they like. What does this girl like?”

Jay thought a bit before smiling, “She likes cute stuffed animals. She also likes fashionable Asian clothes. She has a hat obsession just like me and she has a thing for jewelry as long as it wasn’t over the top. She likes simple things.”

I looked at him, a bit taken back about his description. I began to feel down. This girl must mean a lot to him. “Then get her a stuffed animal. Is the present for her birthday or something?”  

He shook his head and continued to look around, “No, it’s for something much more special. I have to give her something that symbolizes a lot of meaning.”

My mood was certainly going down with all of this information. This girl seems like she was his world. My heart feels like it’s about to rip apart. But since he is my best friend, I will help him in any way I can.

I looked up to see him looking at me with a sad look. I tilted my head. He looked so happy. Why the sudden mood change? “What?” I asked and he just shook his head in response.

An idea popped into my head.

“How about a charm bracelet? Like a Pandora?”

He shook his head. “She doesn’t really wear bracelets. She tries to but she ends up losing them.”

I sighed. Wow this girl must be a handful. Wait… “What about a ring?”

Jay perked up, “A ring?”

“Yeah, a ring. Having something engraved in it.” I nodded.

He smiled and ran to me, giving me a bear hug, “That’s a great idea! Thanks Shinny, you’re the best.”

I smiled and looked down after he went to look for another store, I stared down at my feet, my lips curving into a frown. Second best…


(No one’s POV)

Jay smiled while he undressed, thinking about how the day went as he had planned. His phone vibrated and he looked at it, seeing a new message.

Min Jee: [How’d it go? Did you ask her out yet?]

Sent: [It was great :D and nope, I didn’t]

Min Jee: [Why? -___-]

Sent: [I told you I have everything planned out for it >.>]

Min Jee: [Meh alright. So… Care to explain why she’s sad right now]

Sent: […she’s sad?]

Min Jee: [Yeah, I know how she is and she’s talking differently with me right now]

He thought back earlier and thought that everything had went perfectly. His eyebrows connected when he realized that you looked sad when he was explaining who the present was for.

Sent: [Now that you mentioned it… She did look a bit down when I was talking about the special someone that the gift was for]

Min Jee: [Special someone? Wasn’t the gift for her?]

Sent: [Yeah. I was describing her]

Min Jee: [Oh… I know what’s going on now]

Sent: [What?]

Min Jee: [Don’t worry about it]


Bestie: [I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a secret girlfriend. Don’t worry about it :/]

Shinhye set down her phone to the side and sighed. She looked up at the ceiling. I wonder who this girl is.

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#MoreThanFriends: I'm back! Sort of... Gonna be editing all of my stories. Some edits will be minor and some will be major. I'll try to update.


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sel1987 #1
Chapter 15: Can u pleas update, pretty please:)))))
BigBang_VIP #3
Chapter 15: Arghh someone has to confess!! :/
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 12: How sweet these two are!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 11: So cute! Someone's gotta confess...I'm dying!!
Chapter 10: Been a while you haven't updated, but it's not too crappy. Update soon^^
Chapter 10: such a short update /cries forever. but a cute chappy. update again soon oppar jess.
Chapter 9: Aww.. I just startes reading this. Update soon. <3
I'm sick this Halloween ._. for me but really love the update! ^-^ It was cute!
shebraee #10
Chapter 7: Can't wait for another update! <3 :3