Good Morning

More Than Friends

Morning arrived in the blink of an eye and Jay was greeted by the sunlight shining on his face. He groaned and pulled the covers up as he turned to the side, the corners of his lips twitching up. Events of yesterday bombarded his mind and his smile grew wider. After you two left the café, you guys decided to go to the mall; completely blowing the concept of a “lunch date.” Although you didn’t have enough money to go shopping, you two decided to look around. Jay noted in his head about a certain cute store filled with cute plushies and how you couldn’t take your eyes off of a Pikachu doll.

Your eyes widened three times the original and your mouth hung open. You pressed your face up the display glass. “I must have it!”

“You have plenty of those.” Jay rolled his eyes, smirking at your expression. He chuckled at the customers and staff inside of the store staring strangely at you.

Ignoring them, you tilted your head to look at the price tag and you looked at your wallet. Your face fell knowing the difference you had. I only needed 10 more bucks.

Jay leaned in close to check out the price as well, “Hm, 25 bucks. You should get it.”

“I don’t have enough.” You looked at him and pouted.

He smirked and turned the other way, “Too bad

You pressed your face up more on the glass, “Oppa I have to have it! Look! It’s so cute, its laying down on an—apple…” You stared at the red thing on the bottom and  tilted your head. Is that an apple?





Jay looked at you and raised an eyebrow, “Apple?”

You stared blankly at him before pulling him, “Oppa please buy it!” You whined earning a chuckle from Jay.

“Nope.” He said before pulling you to another store as you sulked.

A small buzz interrupted Jay’s thoughts and he looked at the source on the side table. He grabbed his phone and saw a new message.

Min Jee: [I never got a thank you, insensitive prick.]

Sent: [Geez, good morning to you too xD]

Min Jee: [Morning -_-]

Sent: [That’s better :P]

Min Jee: [Shut up. I still didn’t get a thank you.]

Sent: [Why do you need to get one?]

Min Jee: [I had to cancel my plans just so you could hang out with my best friend T^T]

Sent: [Oh... right… thanks xD]

Min Jee: [ you.]

Sent: [When?]

A smirk grew on his face as he pictured her cringing at the sight of that message.

Min Jee: [I hate you.]

Sent: [<3]

An aroma filled the room and Jay sniffed the air. He got up and fixed his hair before leaving the room.

Jay softly closed the door behind him as he followed the trail of the aroma. He found himself walking down the stairs and heading to the kitchen. He stopped and stood there while his gaze was fixated on something; a small smile grew on his face. A few feet in front of him, a goddess was standing and cooking something quietly. She wore a simple white tee and some jean shorts with an apron draped over it. His gaze fell down to her slippers and saw yellow. He chuckled softy when he realized that the goddess was wearing pikachu slippers. The goddess was you. Jay didn't know why you looked so beautiful. Judging by your messy tied-up bun, you had just woken up a while ago. 

You hummed a tune as you flipped the pancakes to the opposite side and saw that it had turned golden brown. The volume of your hums increased as your body started moving along to it and soon you were flailing around in the kitchen. Jay's eyes widened and he covered his mouth to hold in his laughter. Your hums became clearer and the words of Jay's song "Demon" we're escaping your mouth. 

The spectating Jay smiled and shook his head. My fan is so silly. 

You turned the knob of the stove and carefully slid the pancake onto a plate. Jay squinted his eyes to see that the pancake was shaped like a happy face and he noticed that there was a star-shaped pancake on the side. You picked up the plates and faced Jay with his arms crossed. You jumped a bit. 

"Oh, you're awake." Your eyes widened. 

He chuckled, "Yeah I've been for quite some time."

You quickly recovered and began to set the table. "Oh really? How long? 

"Long enough to see you act like an idiot." He held in his laugh. 

You froze and looked up at him, "What?" 

He said nothing but mocked your moves with a smirk on his face and a blush appeared on your cheeks. 

"Oh... You saw that..." You looked down at the floor. How embarrassing. 

The silence made you look up and Jay appeared smiling down at you. You didn't even know how he got in front of you so quickly and quietly. He grabbed a hold of your cheeks and stretched it a bit. "You're so cute." 

You rolled your eyes and slapped his hand away, setting the plates down on the table. You sat down with your eyebrows knitted together while you poured syrup onto your pancake. “Hurry up and sit down.”

He followed obediently and noticed that you were glaring daggers at him.

“I’m still mad at you.”

He shook his head and smiled, “Is it because of Pikachu?”


“You’re such a kid.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”






“Yes.” Your eyes widened while he smirked in victory, taking a bite out of his pancake. You  pouted and stabbed your fork into yours.

“Hey Shinhye.”

“Hm?” you answered,  not looking up at him.

“Let’s go out.”

You choked and looked up at him immediately, “w-what?”

“Let’s hang out today. I don’t wanna stay home.” He smiled.

“Oh.. that’s what you meant…” you mumbled as you stuffed your face with pancake.

“So… yeah?” he asked while you replied with a nod.



hellooo~ long time no update huh? xD 6 months wow.

i'm really sorry T^T

but i'm back sort of...

oh oh! so your name in this story is shinhye ^^

i have a tumblr c: click here

thanks for not unsubscribing and being patient ;A;

i appreciate it

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#MoreThanFriends: I'm back! Sort of... Gonna be editing all of my stories. Some edits will be minor and some will be major. I'll try to update.


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sel1987 #1
Chapter 15: Can u pleas update, pretty please:)))))
BigBang_VIP #3
Chapter 15: Arghh someone has to confess!! :/
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 12: How sweet these two are!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 11: So cute! Someone's gotta confess...I'm dying!!
Chapter 10: Been a while you haven't updated, but it's not too crappy. Update soon^^
Chapter 10: such a short update /cries forever. but a cute chappy. update again soon oppar jess.
Chapter 9: Aww.. I just startes reading this. Update soon. <3
I'm sick this Halloween ._. for me but really love the update! ^-^ It was cute!
shebraee #10
Chapter 7: Can't wait for another update! <3 :3