Ch. 7

You Are My Princess [Discontinued]


Here is the Fan Account of 2NE1's Concert. I did it kind of quick, sorry!
And here's a chapter update before I have my hectic schedule of classes starting Tuesday...
Leave comments please~ :)




The meal felt like it lasted forever with mostly chattering amongst the kings and queens. There was few people who did small talk amongst the princes but it was very minimal. It seemed that the hostility was still present though the elder princes seemed to tone it down a little. Kris, Xiumin, and Luhan seemed to easily engage in conversations if they needed to. The same went for the three eldest in the Exo-K line, Suho, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were very easy to talk to. The three youngest on both sides were seemed more quiet, some shy, some just didn’t seem to want to talk. Mi Yung kept quiet the entire time as she tried to avoid the youngest Exo-K Prince’s gaze. Lay kept his eyes on Sehun whom he now knew was his sister’s betrothed. If anything, Lay wanted to observe him in order to make sure that he wasn’t any harm to Mi Yung.

When Sehun noticed Lay’s eyes on him, he met eyes with him. Neither said anything and both had poker faces on. It wasn’t until Mi Yung asked Lay to pass her an extra napkin that Lay broke what looked like a staring contest at the dining table. Sehun watched as Lay handed her a napkin and she smiled while thanking him. Sehun’s gaze softened slightly after seeing Mi Yung smile. Lay looked up at Sehun again to which Sehun quickly put his poker face back on and continued to finish eating.

“Alright then, Mi Yung dear since you will be marrying Sehun soon, we would like you two to get to know each other a little more. In order to do so, you will be staying in the Exo-K palace for the weeks before the marriage,” her father announced.

The whole Exo-M Prince line’s eyes shot towards their father in shock. Mi Yung was in the midst of taking a sip of water when she heard her father and quickly began coughing. Covering , she tried to calm her coughing fit when all eyes turned to her. Both Chen and Lay began rubbing her back to help her with her coughing.

“You okay?” Chen whispered quietly and Mi Yung quickly nodded.

Kris turned his attention back to his father. He couldn’t believe his father agreed to let Mi Yung stay alone at the Exo-K household. She didn’t even know anybody there.

“Father, you can’t be serious,” he began but his father’s eyes were telling him to be quiet and not act up in front of the Exo-K family.

Before either Kris or his father could speak, Xiumin spoke up.

“What he means is that perhaps Mi Yung should stay here and have Sehun-ssi stay here as well for the time being. She has only been back for a day,” Xiumin said.

His father turned to the Exo-K King who thought for a moment but then shook his head slowly.

“But as a daughter, eventually, she will have to come stay in our palace before we can construct a full Exo palace. So it would be better if she got used to the Exo-K palace since she will be living there,” he countered Xiumin’s offer.

Mi Yung’s father couldn’t do anything because what the Exo-K King said was true. Eventually, she would have to stay in the Exo-K household. At least until a new palace was built in order for all of them to stay in but that palace might take a while since it was a sudden decision to join the two families.

The Exo-M Prince’s fidgeted in their seats. They were each thinking of a way to change the plan because they didn’t want to leave Mi Yung in the hands of people she didn’t know. They wanted to keep their promise of being there for her.

In the midst of the strange silence, the eldest Prince of Exo-K, Suho, noticed the tense atmosphere that was present amongst the Exo-M Princes. Not them but, he also noticed Mi Yung’s distraught expression. Carefully, he made his way into the conversation that would’ve died any second due to silence.

“Excuse me for interjecting,” he said and the Exo Kings turned their attention to the Exo-K eldest son. The six Exo-M Princes warily looked at Suho but went back to thinking of a way to change the Exo-K King’s mind.

“But, since the young Princess hasn’t seemed to gotten used to things even in her own home yet, maybe we can arranged so that a few of the Exo-M Princes can accompany her during her stay at our palace. This way she’s a bit more comfortable and not only that, but since we will brother-in-laws soon, we all can get to know each other a little better,” Suho suggested.

After hearing Suho’s proposition, the Exo-K Princes suddenly perked up and looked at the Exo Kings expectantly. Mi Yung held her hands together tightly in her lap and held her breath as they waited for the Exo Kings to answer.

“Hmm… perhaps that wouldn’t be a bad idea. Why don’t we do that?” the Exo-K King asked the Exo-M King.

Mi Yung’s father nodded. “But I can’t let them all go at the same time, a few of them will need to stay for their studies and to help out. So yes, I will let a two go at a time,” he said.

Mi Yung let go of her breath and sighed in relief. She glanced over to the Suho who she was thankful made the suggestion. He noticed her gaze and gave her a warm smile with a nod. She blushed at his gesture and returned a meek smile.

“Alright then, we will be discussing a few more things but I need the Princes all to stay. Except for Sehun that is. Mi Yung will need to go pick out things to pack so Sehun, you can help her since she is your bride,” the Exo-K King said.

Before Mi Yung could protest and say it was alright, Sehun stood up almost immediately and pushed in his chair. He walked slowly over to the door to exit the dining hall and waited. Looking over to her father, Mi Yung saw him give a small gesture to listen and go. Hesitantly, she got up from her chair and walked over to where Sehun was standing waiting for her. He opened the door the minute she reached him and walked out with her following.

Not knowing where to go, she found herself looking at her feet but once she looked up, Sehun had already started walking down the hall so she frantically followed since she was unsure of what to do. The two walked for a quite a while in silence which made Mi Yung even more nervous around the Exo-K Prince. She was terrible at starting conversations and really didn’t know what to say. Keeping her head down, she followed him like a puppy.

Suddenly, Sehun turned around causing Mi Yung to bump into him.

“Why are you walking behind me?” he said with a slightly annoyed expression.

“U-um… I…” Mi Yung stuttered not knowing how to answer while avoiding eye contact.

Sehun noticed her avoidance and became a little more irritated. He grabbed her wrist and turned to continue walking.


Sehuns POV:

Seriously, she doesn’t even recognize me. How does she not remember me? And she won’t even look at me, what the hell? I’m so annoyed right now. I thought that after seeing her again, she would’ve remembered.

I grabbed her wrist and briskly began walking again even though I didn’t know where the hell I was going. It didn’t matter, I was too irritated that she wouldn’t even look at me.

“Ah!” I suddenly heard her yelp but ignored it because I was too angry.

“S-Sehun-ssi,” she said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

“What?!” I answered with an irritated tone and looked at her.

She flinched and looked at her wrist. “M-my wrist… it hurts…” she said timidly.

I looked down at her wrist that I had been holding on to and saw that her wrist was red. I hadn’t realized that I was gripping onto her so tightly. Immediately, I let go and she rubbed her wrist. , I didn’t mean to hurt her, but I can’t say that. I then quickly put my poker face back on.

“Where’s your room?” I asked.

“Upstairs,” she told me and I nodded.

“Walk beside me,” I told her and she did so without looking at me still. Geez, why won’t she look at me? Does she really not remember me?


Author’s POV:

Mi Yung walked quietly beside Sehun while constantly avoiding looking him in the eye. There was no conversation as the two reached Mi Yung’s room. She opened the door and walked in with Sehun following behind.

“You don’t need to bring everything,” Sehun said. “My mother has been talking to yours so she already bought a few things for you at our palace.”

Mi Yung nodded while still looking at the ground and turned away to go to her closet. Meanwhile Sehun sat on her bed and looked around. There were no pictures and the room looking furnished the way it would before anyone stayed in it.

Getting up, Sehun walked over to the closet. Mi Yung’s back was facing him as she picking out clothes to bring. After a few minutes, she turned around and saw him leaning against the door frame watching her. She suddenly made eye contact with for the second time that day and quickly looked away. Sehun furrowed his eyes after seeing her reaction and pushed himself off the door frame. He slowly walked up to her and she watched as his feet approached her. Instinctively, she backed up while still looking at the ground when she suddenly hit bare wall behind her. Panicking, she closed her eyes hoping that he would just go away. However, Sehun approached her and placed his right arm on the wall beside her head. He was only a few inches away from her face. She peeked one eye open and quickly closed it noticing how close he was.

“Look at me,” Sehun suddenly said but Mi Yung didn’t budge. Instead she squeezed her eyes shut tighter.

Sehun placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head up.

“Open your eyes and look at me,” he said again but this time his voice was slightly lower and husky.

Scared, she hesitantly peered her eyes open and found herself staring straight into Sehun’s eyes. He was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her lips. Her heart was beating so fast that she was afraid it was jump right out of her body. His stare was intense and as much as she wanted to look away, for some reason she couldn’t. Although, he showed no expression, his eyes seemed to searching for something. There was a hollow, longing feeling that she felt and again with a hint of familiarity.

After what like hours, Sehun whispered something to her that caught her off guard.

“Don’t you remember me?” he asked quietly.

Mi Yung looked at him with confusion. Huh?

Before she could say anything, he gently let go of her chin and took a step back.

“Nevermind,” he told her. “Just stop avoiding my gaze. I’ll go get a maid to help you bring out your things to the car.”

He then walked out of her closet and exited her room.

Mi Yung stared at the empty doorframe of her closet. Slowly, she slid down the wall and sat on the ground. Her heart continued to beat at a rapid pace and she felt her face was slightly warm. Moreover, she was confused at his question.

Remember? What is he talking about?

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will update tomorrow, i promise. i had work all day today :(


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Please update. -_-
Chapter 8: please update!!! :D
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!!
Can't wait for next update *o*
2pm_21 #5
when are you going to update i'm getting impatient!
I will wait forever for you to update :D
Good luck with your studies also!
Seoul-Less #7
Oooooooooooooooooooo, sounds cool. Lack of merch is always dissapointing. I just drained what little there was in my bank account by buying B2ST's Midnight Sun limited edition.
Anyway, enjoy your vacation and good luck wirh school starting!!! Hwaighting and all that jazz. ^_^
xxacee #8
Unfortunately, they didn't sell any merch which was a little disappointing :/ but my seats were pretty close, kind of to the side of the stage that came out. i'll try writing a fan account (i've never done one before haha) and post it... on my tumblr? i'll put a link to it in the next update! :)
Your so luuuuuuuuucky!!!!!!
I wanna see a 2ne1 concert *o*
Anywayz, Update soon please~ I love your story a lot~~
You're soooo lucky!!! Ugh.. So jealous b/c I want to go to New Evolution as well.... ;(
I really like this story!! Ajja ajja hwaiting!!!