
You Are My Princess [Discontinued]


When they finished eating, they went back to work. It was a pretty slow day and Mi Yung was cleaning a table when the door jingled signaling a customer entering. So Ra greeted the three men that walked in with suits on. Two of them had sunglasses on that made them look like bodyguards while the one in the middle looked much younger, most likely in his early twenties with blonde hair.

“Welcome to Breeze Café!” So Ra greeted them with a smile while Daehyun looked over to the three men with a weird expression. Daehyun scanned the blonde boy. He felt like he’s seen him somewhere before.

The younger man stood much taller than Daehyun and So Ra which made him look intimidating, not to mention the bodyguard-like guys around him. “Yes, thank you. I’m actually looking for someone by the name of Park Mi Yung,” he answered in a cool voice.

So Ra tilted her head slightly before glancing over to Mi Yung who had been oblivious to the whole scene since her back faced the entrance while cleaning one of the tables.

“She is right over there,” So Ra said although she was a little hesitant because she wasn’t sure what this was all about.

The tall boy nodded and walked over to where Mi Yung was cleaning and watched her for a second. It was then that Mi Yung looked up to see the tall blonde man watching her intensely.

“Mi Yung?” the boy asked quietly but still audibly.

Mi Yung blinked and nodded at the boy with a hint of confusion. “Y-yes?”

The boy quickly broke out into a gentle smile and Mi Yung felt herself falter a little but grabbed the table just in time to balance herself.

“Will you come with me please?” the boy asked her.

“U-um… why? Am I in trouble? Who are you?” she blurted out still absolutely confused at the random handsome man appearing before her without any forewarning.

The boy chuckled a little before shaking his head. “Just come with me, I’ll explain a little later but it is urgent that you come. It has to do with your family,” he told her.

He turned to walk towards the door but then looked back as if waiting for her to follow. Hearing the word ‘family,’ she quickly snapped out of her daze and found herself hesitantly following the mysterious boy to the front door.

“Yah, where are you taking her? Who are you?” Daehyun suddenly blurted out. He had been watching the whole scene while So Ra had run to get their manager and they were coming out of the kitchen.

Mi Yung didn’t know how to answer, so she stood their dumbfounded realizing that she didn’t even know if she could trust this blonde guy.

He’s right, what am I doing? Maybe I should trust him. I don’t know what’s going on, only that it has something to do with my family.

It was then that she took a step back from the front door. The blonde boy noticed this and his smile faded slightly.

“Excuse me, what is going on? Did you need something sir?” Mrs. Kim then asked.

The blonde boy turned his attention to the manager and nodded. “Anyeonghaseyo, I came to get Mi Yung. So if you’ll please excuse her from work for today, we’d appreciate it.”

Mrs. Kim was about to say something but Daehyun quickly cut in. “And like I said, who are you?”

Daehyun stepped forward with his arms crossed. He was suspicious of this guy randomly coming in and taking Mi Yung. Not to mention, he looked really familiar and Mi Yung herself looked like she didn’t know who he was.

The blonde boy sighed and pulled something out of his coat pocket. It was an elegant and expensive looking wallet. Flipping it open, he walked up to Daehyun, So Ra and Mrs. Kim while showing them his ID. It read:

Wu Fan
Exo-M Island Royal Family
Third Prince
Birthdate: Nov. 6th, 1990

The three stared at the ID card until he closed it and put it away. They gawked at him and it was then that Daehyun realized where he’s seen him before, on television.

“Y-you’re…” Mrs. Kim stuttered in disbelief.

“Yes, ma’am,” Kris answered her knowingly. “Now I must be going with Mi Yung. Thank you.”

Kris looked back to Mi Yung who stood there confused at why her co-workers and manager just froze up after seeing his ID. She was the only one he didn’t show his ID to. Deciding to stick to what he said earlier about explaining later, he gently took Mi Yung’s hand and tugged her out the door.

Outside the store there was a big limo waiting for them and Kris opened the door for her to go in. She hesitated but realized that the two bodyguards were around her so there was no way of escaping even if she wanted to. Getting in, she sat very close to the window looking like she was squishing herself up against the opposite door. Kris got in as well and sat in the seat next to her. The limo was spacious yet Mi Yung stayed where she was up against the door and window. Kris noticed this.

“Sit comfortably,” he told her but she didn’t move. She warily glanced at him and then quickly looked down. Kris sighed, not knowing what to do.

“Where are we going? And who are you? Why did they react like that when you showed them your ID?” she then questioned him cautiously.

Kris glanced over at Mi Yung before smoothing his suit jacket slightly. “My name is Wu Fan, but you may call me Kris-gege,” he paused for a moment when he noticed Mi Yung give him an odd look. “I’m Chinese and gege means older brother or also the equivalent of ‘oppa’ in Korean. But anyway, I am a part of the Exo-M Royal Family and that is where we are headed now. Exo Island, or at least the Exo-M territory.”

Mi Yung’s eyes widened when she realized who he was. She wasn’t paying much attention to the tv when she had the news on that morning and only got a glimpse of the Exo-K Royal Family.

“W-wait, but why- Exo-M? What? Why are you taking me? Gege? I don’t even know you. What’s going on?” she fumbled with her words trying to figure out what was really going on. Then her eyes went even wider thinking of the worst situations possible. “I didn’t do anything, I swear! I’ve never broken a law! I didn’t even know about Exo or anything until recently because I saw you guys on the news! Please don’t tell me I’m in trouble! Can you let me out now?!” Mi Yung became frantic and tried to wrack her brain thinking if she had ever done anything bad in her life that she’d be sent to a Royal Family for punishment. “I- I- I-“ she stuttered and waved her hands frantically. “Please forgiv-“ she began to yell in a matter of seconds, as she rose from her seat but was quickly cut off when she abruptly hit her head on the roof of the limo so hard that she passed out.

Kris’s eyes went wide and quickly grabbed her. “Mi Yung! Mi Yung! Mi Yung!” he tried to wake her up but she had been completely knocked out. 

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will update tomorrow, i promise. i had work all day today :(


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Please update. -_-
Chapter 8: please update!!! :D
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!!
Can't wait for next update *o*
2pm_21 #5
when are you going to update i'm getting impatient!
I will wait forever for you to update :D
Good luck with your studies also!
Seoul-Less #7
Oooooooooooooooooooo, sounds cool. Lack of merch is always dissapointing. I just drained what little there was in my bank account by buying B2ST's Midnight Sun limited edition.
Anyway, enjoy your vacation and good luck wirh school starting!!! Hwaighting and all that jazz. ^_^
xxacee #8
Unfortunately, they didn't sell any merch which was a little disappointing :/ but my seats were pretty close, kind of to the side of the stage that came out. i'll try writing a fan account (i've never done one before haha) and post it... on my tumblr? i'll put a link to it in the next update! :)
Your so luuuuuuuuucky!!!!!!
I wanna see a 2ne1 concert *o*
Anywayz, Update soon please~ I love your story a lot~~
You're soooo lucky!!! Ugh.. So jealous b/c I want to go to New Evolution as well.... ;(
I really like this story!! Ajja ajja hwaiting!!!