
You Are My Princess [Discontinued]


Footsteps approached the room and knocked on the door before opening it. A middle aged maid in and found a sleeping Mi Yung and Luhan on the bed. The maid sighed a little and decided to wait on waking them for a few more minutes and opened the closet door and walked in. It was a large walk in closet that was already filled with tons of clothes that were bought previously for Mi Yung before she came. The maid pulled out a dark red dress for her to wear today. The Queen requested the maids to pretty her up a bit since she would be meeting her fiancé in a few hours. The maid pulled out several accessories, a pair of shoes, and set up the makeup table.

Within a few minutes, more footsteps were heard from outside and knocking came at the slightly door again. The maid looked over and found Prince Tao and Prince Kris already dressed in formal attire. The moment Tao peeked in, his eyes widened at the sight of Luhan sleeping with Mi Yung. He pointed accusingly with his mouth agape while Kris just looked over at the bed with a small smile.

“Gege… Luhan gege’s slept with Mi Yung?!” Tao exclaimed a bit too loudly which caused Luhan to stir and begin waking up.

Tao ran over to the bedside and shook Luhan who was still half in slumberland. “Gege! Gege! You got to sleep here last night?! That’s not fairrr! I want to sleep with meimei!” Tao was complaining until Kris quickly came over and put a hand over Tao’s mouth.

“Be a little quieter Tao, you’ll wake Mi Yung up!” he told the younger one who was still mumbling through his hand.

“Ah, yeah. I slept here last night,” Luhan said drowsily and ruffled his hair. Letting out a yawn, he squinted tiredly at Kris and Tao.

“UNFAIR!” Tao managed to shout while twisting away from Kris’s grip.

Luhan plugged his ears and winced after hearing Tao and before Kris could make Tao be quiet again, Mi Yung began to move around on the bed.

“Mmm… What’s going on…?” she mumbled with her eyes still closed.

“Tao! You woke her up!” Kris scolded the crazy panda.

Tao quickly became silent and ran over to the other side of the bed where Mi Yung laid. He crouched on the ground and put his hands on the edge like a little kid peeking.

“Meimei~” he whined and prodded at her until she finally opened her eyes. Pushing herself up, she squinted and rubbed her eyes to see who was in her room at 8am in the morning.

“Um… good morning. What’s going on?” she repeated with a tired voice and glanced at Kris and Tao who she hadn’t expected to find first thing in the morning. Turning to see Luhan still sitting half awake on her bed, he just gave her a good morning smile.

Tao stared at her with big pouty panda eyes while still in the same position he was earlier. Mi Yung looked at the boy with a bit of confusion. “W-what?” she asked still not sure why he was looking at her like that, but she couldn’t bear to look at him because it was too cute.

He pouted even deeper and finally latched onto her waist. “You let Luhan gege sleep here but not me?! That’s not fair! Not fair not fair not fair not fair! I want to sleep with meimei too!”

Mi Yung’s eyes widened. Unsure of what to do, she tried to pry Tao’s arms off of her but of course, Tao, being a guy, was obviously stronger than her and she couldn’t get him off.

“Tao… Tao!” she tried to shake him off and both Kris and Luhan came over to help. Kris grabbed onto Tao and pulled but ended up pulling Mi Yung almost off the bed as well and so he stopped.

“Tao! Let go of Mi Yung,” Kris said sternly and beckoned Luhan to hold onto Mi Yung as he tried to pull Tao off.


“Never!” Tao shouted and fastened his arms around her waist even tighter.

Luhan grabbed hold of Mi Yung and the elder brothers tried to pry Tao away from Mi Yung. Much to their frustration, Tao held on so tight that there was no way. After a few minutes of trying over and over again, Kris leaned against the wall tired and Luhan was now wide awake from all the shouting and pulling. Tao however, stayed latched onto Mi Yung like a child clutching onto his mom. It was then that Tao peeked up at Mi Yung with a childish smile.

“Tao, come on. Mi Yung needs to get dressed, Ms. Li has been waiting here for a while now,” Kris said glancing over at the maid who had been watching the whole thing in amusement.

Being stubborn, Tao pouted again. “Not until meimei says that I can sleep with her too next time!”

“Tao!” Kris scolded him again.

Although Mi Yung had been exhausted from all the commotion right in the morning, she couldn’t help but find Tao adorable. The first time she saw him yesterday, she never expected him to act like such a clingy child but it turns out he was. Suddenly, Mi Yung started to giggle while watching Tao act like a stubborn 5 year old. Kris, Tao, and Luhan went silent went they heard Mi Yung laughing and looked at each other questioningly.

Mi Yung continued to have a laughing fit as the other three tried to figure out what was going on.

“Err… meimei, are you okay?” Luhan asked and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Mi Yung put a hand over for a second trying to calm down and nodded. At this point Tao loosened his grip around her waist slightly but still held on while looking up at her.

“S-sorry,” she managed to speak and stop laughing finally. “I just thought the way you guys were acting was funny, especially Tao.”

There was a slightly pause before Tao smiled again along with Luhan too. Kris gave a small cheeky smirk as if he was trying to not smile but it kind of failed. Within a split second, Kris found the opportunity to pull Tao off of Mi Yung and held onto him.

“HEY! WHAT-“ Tao exclaimed realizing he had been caught off guard.

“Alright, time to go. We just were coming by to check up on you,” Kris said to Mi Yung and turned back to Tao. “She needs to get ready.” Kris began pulling Tao away from the bed and towards the door. But Tao was fighting back and tried to go back to the bed where Mi Yung and Luhan sat.

“Nooo! Meimei didn’t say I could sleep with her yet!” Tao yelled but Kris continued to drag him. Tao then grabbed onto the door frame and wouldn’t let go.

“Urgh! Tao!” Kris yelled and tried pulling the boy.

“No! No! No!” Tao whined like a baby except he looked like a giant baby which made it even funnier and Mi Yung began laughing again.

“Okay, okay! I’ll let you sleep with me next time,” Mi Yung finally gave in and told him.

Tao immediately stopped whining and looked at her. “Really? Promise, meimei?”

She nodded. “Promise.”

“Say promise, Tao gege.”

Mi Yung paused but finally said it. “I promise, Tao gege.”

He finally let go of the door frame with a huge smile on his face and let Kris drag him away. This left Luhan, Mi Yung and the maid in the room. Mi Yung then looked over to Luhan.

“Did you say he was older than me?” she asked him and broke out into a smile.

Luhan laughed and nodded. “Ah, yeah but… he’s like that. Really childish and clingy to things and people he loves. But even though you see this side of him, he’s got a masculine side to him too. He’s a good fighter, very strong, so don’t underestimate him.”

Mi Yung’s mouth shaped in an ‘o’ and nodded.

“He’s a good kid. Very protective like all of us older ones. If anything, that’s the one thing we all share in common,” Luhan said and gave Mi Yung a smile that gave off a very brotherly vibe she hadn’t seen before. “Well, we better get ready. Ms. Li is already here and has been waiting. We only have a few hours anyway, so I’ll leave you and get ready as well.”

Luhan gave her a small hug before getting up from the bed and giving the maid a smile. “See you in a bit meimei,” he said and headed out of the room.

With that, Mi Yung took a shower and the maid helped her with her hair and makeup. As time started to go by, she suddenly felt nervous. She wasn’t as angry or sad as before. After Luhan comforted her last night, she didn’t feel out of place when it came to being around a few of her newfound ‘brothers.’ Unlike her apartment back in Seoul, there were people other than just her friends to be there for her. After losing her adoptive parents, she had thought she had lost her only family. It turns out she did have family alive still, and they were her real family. Though she still loved her adoptive parents like they were her real family, she was beginning to like this new one also.

As the maid was finishing her hair, Mi Yung nervously looked mirror and felt a bit awkward being all fancy and such. She didn’t dress up much and she didn’t know how she’d fair with having a maid always helping her pretty herself up for special occasions. But not only was she nervous about looking like this but also because she was nervous about the meeting. Her heart told her that there was no way she’d be able to fall in love with someone she had never met before, and love at first sight was something so rare. Not only that, but the biggest thing was this boy was a prince. She, who had only found out she was a princess for not even the past 24 hours, had to marry a prince.

“All finished Lady Mi Yung,” the maid said.

Mi Yung snapped out of her daze and stood up and walked in front of the mirror. She looked fit to be a princess but her insides were screaming nervousness.

“You look very pretty my Lady,” the maid said and began putting the things away. “You can head down the hall and take the stairs. I believe your brothers are waiting down there and the Exo-K family should be arriving soon.”

Mi Yung nodded and bowed to the maid. “Thank you very much,” she said before heading out of the room and down the stairs.

At the bottom floor, all six brothers were standing around waiting dressed in formal attire for the meeting. The first to look up for Chen.

“Mi Yung!” he greeted her which caught the attention of the rest of the boys. They turned to her as she got to the bottom and smiled seeing their baby sister all dressed up. Each of them began complimenting her making her blush and look down in embarrassment.

“Father is out front, I think the Exo-K Family just arrived,” Xiumin informed her. “We’re meeting in the main room so let’s go.”

Mi Yung nodded and followed the rest of them into a large room. It was decorated with chandeliers and extravagant paintings. Large vases and statues were placed everywhere with flowers dangling for décor. There was a long table that could surely fit at least 24 people where they were to sit. Food was already being placed out and Xiumin directed them to their seats. Mi Yung sat between Lay and Chen as they waited for their guests along with their mother and father to arrive. Mi Yung felt her nerves getting to her again and began fidgeting in her seat. Lay noticed her uneasiness. He placed a hand over hers and she jumped a little. Looking over at Lay, he didn’t say anything but held her gaze. His eyes showed reassurance and she relaxed a little. When it came to words with Lay, it was like he didn’t need them. His actions and eyes told everything.

It was then that the door opened and their father and mother walked in. Xiumin beckoned everyone to stand up and they did. Lay dropped his hand to his side and Mi Yung felt her stomach turn again. Behind their mother and father, walked in another elder man and woman followed by six men. She vaguely remembered seeing them on television the other day and knew that they were the Exo-K princes. Which ones were which, she didn’t know.

“These here are my children,” their father announced. Looking over to them, he beckoned them to bow. “And this is the Exo-K Royal family.”

Each one of them introduced themselves to the Exo-K family. As they were doing so, Mi Yung’s noticed one boy out of the group of Exo-M princes. She had seen him before on the tv yesterday and for some reason felt like he was familiar. Before she could look at him closely, it was her turn.

“Anyeonghaseyo, Mi Yung imida,” she bowed and gave a small nervous smile. The Exo-K king smiled at the sight of Mi Yung.

“Ah, so this is the young princess I have not seen in so long. You’ve grown up so much,” the Exo-K King said.

Mi Yung gave a shy, unsure smile. She didn’t recall ever meeting him or seeing him in her life but apparently she didn’t remember a lot of things like her princess-status.

“And these are my sons, please introduce yourselves,” the Exo-K king said and one by one each of them began introducing themselves.

“Anyeonghaseyo, I’m the eldest, Suho,” a boy with warm smile greeted.

“Anyeonghaseyo, second eldest, Baekhyun imida,” a young looking cute boy introduced with a small bow.

“Anyeonghaseyo, Kyungsoo imida,” the third said a bit short and shyly.

“Anyeonghaseyo, Chanyeol imida,” the tallest boy said with huge grin on his face.

“Anyeonghaseyo, second youngest, Jongin,” a darker skinned boy said with a small smirk.

The last was the boy caught Mi Yung’s attention. Not only was he the one she had felt her eyes drawn to, but also because of the way he greeted. “Anyeonghaseyo, Sehun imida,” the youngest said in a monotone voice. He was expressionless.

As the Exo Kings gathered everyone to sit, Mi Yung found herself sitting directly in front of the youngest Exo-K prince, Sehun. For some reason, he kept staring at her which made her feel uneasy. Good thing, she was distracted by Lay and Chen who were putting food on her plate so she didn’t look up to make eye contact. At the same however, she kept wondering which one was the one she would have to marry, but by first glance, if she had to pick she would’ve picked the eldest. He seemed so kind gentle. Meanwhile, the Kings were talking and she was barely listening until she heard her name.

“Yes, Mi Yung dear,” her father called to her. She quickly looked up from her plate. “We told you that today you’d meet your fiancé. He is right in front of you, Prince Sehun.”

Mi yung almost dropped her fork in surprise and looked over to Sehun. He was still staring at her. It seemed as if he hadn’t stopped from earlier. His face showed no expression yet again but his eyes seemed to bore into her. He didn’t say anything nor did he react to what her father had said. Her eyes finally met with his and she felt something familiar about his eyes. It was then that one corner of Sehun’s lip turned up slightly. She blinked in surprise.  Quickly realizing that she was staring at him as much as he was staring at her, she looked down at her plate and felt her cheeks burn. What was that? That scared me.... she thought to herself and felt her heart beat a bit faster. 

Sehun’s small grin immediately turned into a frown after seeing her reaction. For a reason unknown to Mi Yung, Sehun felt a pang of frustration hit him. He stared at Mi Yung as if trying to see into her mind. He gripped his spoon a little tighter as he stared at her intensely. He wanted her to look up again. To look at him. To recognize him. 



Author's note:

Sorry if it's a bit confusing. And for the slow updating.
But please leave comments! I love comments, it motivates me to write more and faster. Sometimes my motivation goes down if I think no one likes my story ;-;
But thank you for those of you who do like it! <3

Ah! btw, I went to 2NE1's New Evolution Concert and omg it was AMAZING! I loved it! I couldn't believe I was actually watching them live! It was my first kpop concert and first concert in general and it was awesome! 


Oh and here are some cute Exo gifs. They aren't mine so credits go to owners. But they're adorable so I want to put them here for you guys~ ^^

And to top it all off:

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will update tomorrow, i promise. i had work all day today :(


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Please update. -_-
Chapter 8: please update!!! :D
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!!
Can't wait for next update *o*
2pm_21 #5
when are you going to update i'm getting impatient!
I will wait forever for you to update :D
Good luck with your studies also!
Seoul-Less #7
Oooooooooooooooooooo, sounds cool. Lack of merch is always dissapointing. I just drained what little there was in my bank account by buying B2ST's Midnight Sun limited edition.
Anyway, enjoy your vacation and good luck wirh school starting!!! Hwaighting and all that jazz. ^_^
xxacee #8
Unfortunately, they didn't sell any merch which was a little disappointing :/ but my seats were pretty close, kind of to the side of the stage that came out. i'll try writing a fan account (i've never done one before haha) and post it... on my tumblr? i'll put a link to it in the next update! :)
Your so luuuuuuuuucky!!!!!!
I wanna see a 2ne1 concert *o*
Anywayz, Update soon please~ I love your story a lot~~
You're soooo lucky!!! Ugh.. So jealous b/c I want to go to New Evolution as well.... ;(
I really like this story!! Ajja ajja hwaiting!!!