
You Are My Princess [Discontinued]


The room was quiet with a small figure sleeping on an elegant queen sized bed. It was Mi Yung who laid in the bed still unconscious and unaware of where she was. It was just then that rustling at the door was heard and the door clicked open. A pair of eyes peered from behind the door and looked over at the bed where Mi Yung was sleeping.

“Gege, is she awake?” a loud whisper was heard from behind the door.

“Shhh! Speak quieter Tao, you’ll wake her if she isn’t already,” another voice was heard from behind the door.

“No, not yet,” the boy with a roundy face who had peered in answered.

The roundy-faced boy, Xiumin, slowly opened the door and five other boys including Kris from earlier quietly entered the room.

“Geez Kris gege, did you scare her that much? She’s been out for a while now…” the boy with sharp facial features, Chen, joked at Kris.

“I told you I didn’t do anything, she just suddenly freaked out and I didn’t know how to calm her down…” Kris said feeling a bit guilty.

“Ah, hopefully she’ll be awake soon. After not seeing her for so long, I was excited to see our baby sister after all of these years. This isn’t the coming home reaction we were hoping for…” Luhan gave a small pout and walked over to the side of the bed and sat down. He swept a strand of hair away from Mi Yung’s face.

“Yeah… and meimei’s not going to be happy with what mom and dad have in store either. I still don’t agree with this marriage thing too,” Tao scowled and narrowed his eyes at the thought of his baby sister, who had been hidden away for so long because they didn’t want her involved in any of the Royal Family disputes, was now being brought into it all on the contrary.

The boy who stood at the end of the bed stayed quiet but his face darkened slightly after hearing Tao’s comment. He didn’t like the idea of his sister being married off either especially under such circumstances. But he didn’t say anything and only nodded to himself slightly.

“Tao, we can’t do anything… as far as we know, the Exo-K King specifically proposed the idea of a joining marriage between the two families. Mom and dad already tried to think of other propositions but it seems the Exo-K King is dead set on it. He already chose which one of his sons would get married too,” Xiumin tried to explain. He too didn’t want it to happen but he also understood his father and mother’s standpoint on the situation. Extremist groups have been getting out of hand on both sides and in order to stop it and bring peace back, joining together as one again after all these generations was the only option. But along with that agreement to join together, something had to be given from each side in order to ensure the joining of the Royal Families.

“But it’s not fair! Meimei doesn’t even have a choice, let alone she probably doesn’t even remember that she’s a part of our family after being given to adoptive parents! This-” Tao hissed getting worked up again but was quickly cut off by Kris.

“Zitao,” Kris said in a firm tone that made Tao stop. Kris knew where his older brother Xiumin stood and even though he did not agree with his parents either, like Xiumin, he understood the circumstances of the situation at hand.

Tao glared at the ground but kept quiet. Chen and Luhan gave Tao a sympathetic pat on the back in order to try and calm down their youngest brother. Lay on the other hand continued to keep his mouth shut. If anything, he was the one who was most against the marriage. He didn’t like it at all. Not to mention that he was quite suspicious at why the Exo-K King had been so persistent in the matter of a marriage. Lay felt like there was some deeper meaning, whether it was good or bad, in why the Exo-K King had proposed the idea and said that there was no other option he would agree to if their parents had refused. 

Before anyone could say anything else, Mi Yung began rustling around in her bed. All of the boys froze in their spots and turned their attention to Mi Yung who had finally begun opening her eyes. She stared at the ceiling and felt the sheets on the bed and found them unrecognizable. Quickly, she sat up and found six guys staring at her. In a matter of seconds, she screamed a hig pitch scream that made all six cringe and plugg their ears.

"Who are you all?! Where am I?!" she shouted and grabbed a pillow as her defense as she jumped off the bed and ran to a corner. Her eyes then widened when she saw Kris and remembered the last thing that had happened when she was awake. She was being taken to Exo Island as a prisoner for punishment for some reason, or so she thought. Crouching down on the ground, she held pillow up to her face. "I swear I didn't do anything! I've never broken a rule in my life, I've never cheated on tests or, or, littered, or anything! But I'm sorry if I did and I don't remember! Please don't take me as a prisoner or punish me!" She was still freaking out like a worrywart as usual.

"Huh?" Chen managed to utter out after hearing his sister say random things. "Prisoner? Punish?"

Five out of the six heads turned to Kris who quickly shook his head and put his hands up in defense. "I told you I didn't do anything! She misunderstood and exagerrated! I didn't get a chance to explain before she began having a break down!"

Xiumin turned back to Mi Yung and approached her but she flinched and continued to hide her face with the pillow. He stopped suddenly feeling unsure on how to approach his long lost sister when she clearly didn't know who they were. Being the oldest, he had the largest with her and hadn't spent much time with her before she was sent away.

Just when Xiumin froze in his spot, Lay quietly walked up to Mi Yung without her noticing his presence and crouched on the ground beside her. He somehow managed to gently place a hand on her head without her flinching or moving away. He didn't say anything and instead her hair gently trying to calm her down. After a few seconds, Mi Yung peeked from behind the pillow she held onto and look up to see who was touching her head. She noticed that although the boy in front of her wasn't smiling nor did he say anything, he gaze was gentle and kind. Relaxing slightly, she warily looked over at the other five boys who kept quiet and seemed cautious in approaching her.

"Um... you're not in 'trouble' or anything. We're not here to hurt you either..." Luhan said as he cautiously walked over to where she was crouched with Lay.

Mi Yung looked at him questioningly. "T-then... why am I here? And who are you?"

"Ah, my name is Luhan," he pointed to himself and gave her an angel smile. He then pointed to each boy and introduced them. "The oldest is Xiumin, then there is me, next is Kris whom brought you here." Kris waved a little. "Um... sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to scare you if  I did..." he rubbed the back of his neck. Mi Yung nodded a little noticing how he seemed to show a bit of guilt. Turning back to look at Luhan, he looked over at Lay who still crouched beside Mi Yung. "This is Lay," he told her and she looked at Lay again while blinking. He was really quiet and didn't seem to show any emotion but continued to place his hand on her head like a puppy. Luhan then pointed at the two younger males. "He's Chen and then there's our youngest prince, Tao."

The so-called youngest prince stood almost as tall as Kris and had piercing eyes that made him look intimidating. But once he spoke, Mi Yung was quickly caught off guard.

"You can call each of us gege!" he suddenly blurted out with a cute smile. Mi Yung looked at him a bit dazed at first. For a boy who looked like he could knock you out in seconds, his personality seemed to be the opposite with a loud voice like a child and cute panda expressions.

"Gege...?" she then realized what Tao had said and glanced over at Kris since he had mentioned it earlier. Kris noticed her attention on him and nodded.

"Like I said before, gege in Chinese is similar to oppa in Korean. And... we are your 'oppas' afterall," he said simply.

Mi Yung tilted her head in confusion but before she could say anything, Xiumin quickly cut in. "That's right, we're your brothers so call us gege." Xiumin beamed proudly after saying it as if being an older brother were the best thing in the world.

Mi Yung's eyes widened once again and stared at all of them. "W-what did you say?" she managed to choke out.

"We're your brothers!" Chen exclaimed cheerfully.

Mi Yung's eyes stayed wide and was slightly opened.

"Yep, you are our baby sister and youngest sibling. Exo-M's only Princess." Luhan said and smiled brightly at her.

Author's note:
I hope you all like it so far! Thanks for subbing! Please leave comments!
I wish I had graphics for this story but my Photoshop crashed and is gone forever on my old laptop D; boohoo~

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will update tomorrow, i promise. i had work all day today :(


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Please update. -_-
Chapter 8: please update!!! :D
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!!
Can't wait for next update *o*
2pm_21 #5
when are you going to update i'm getting impatient!
I will wait forever for you to update :D
Good luck with your studies also!
Seoul-Less #7
Oooooooooooooooooooo, sounds cool. Lack of merch is always dissapointing. I just drained what little there was in my bank account by buying B2ST's Midnight Sun limited edition.
Anyway, enjoy your vacation and good luck wirh school starting!!! Hwaighting and all that jazz. ^_^
xxacee #8
Unfortunately, they didn't sell any merch which was a little disappointing :/ but my seats were pretty close, kind of to the side of the stage that came out. i'll try writing a fan account (i've never done one before haha) and post it... on my tumblr? i'll put a link to it in the next update! :)
Your so luuuuuuuuucky!!!!!!
I wanna see a 2ne1 concert *o*
Anywayz, Update soon please~ I love your story a lot~~
You're soooo lucky!!! Ugh.. So jealous b/c I want to go to New Evolution as well.... ;(
I really like this story!! Ajja ajja hwaiting!!!