
You Are My Princess [Discontinued]


There was dead silence for a few seconds because Mi Yung stayed gawking at them dumbfounded.

“Meimei?” Tao waved a hand in her face.

Mi Yung snapped out of her dazed state and found that Tao was sitting right in front of her while Lay and Luhan had backed up slightly to give the youngest male room.

“Uh, erm… I… I think you have the wrong person. You know a mix up,” Mi Yung tried to laugh a little still not believing what these boys were saying. “T-there’s no way. My parents passed away a while ago, and I don’t have any siblings eheh…”

“Huh? No, we have the right person. You’re our meimei!” Tao tried to convince her.

Mi Yung gave him an awkward look before finding the strength to stand up. Watching her for a moment, Tao wanted to say more but she didn’t let him.

“Um… if you’ll excuse me, I need to use the restroom. Where is it?” she asked nervously as Tao stood up with Lay and Luhan.

“Um okay, right down the hall on your left,” Xiumin told her and she cautiously shuffled her way past the group of boys. Before she exited the room, she looked back at all of them hoping they wouldn’t be watching her but of course, all of their attention was on her as she was leaving the room. The minute she set foot outside the room, she looked around and ran for her life down the hallway. The boys’ ears perked up as they heard running the minute she walked out and their eyes widened.

“Did she…?” Chen quickly asked and turned to the rest of the boys who turned their heads to the door that was left slightly opened.

Before anyone could answer, Luhan and Tao bolted out the door in a flash. Then followed by the rest.

By this time, Mi Yung had found the stairs but quickly found the whole building much more confusing then she had expected. Ahhh, they weren’t kidding when they said Palace’s are built so big and in strange ways! How am I supposed to find the exit?!

She slowed down slightly and found herself frantically looking around to figure out where to go next but the whole place was like a maze. She was lucky to have found the stairs earlier but even then she was only on the second floor of the palace and she needed to get to the first floor. Shaking her head in frustration, she just decided to keep running and hope that she’d find an exit eventually.

Meanwhile, the six boys ran around the third floor searching every room and came back together at the stairs. 

"She's not in the west wing or east wing of the third floor so she probably found her way down," Luhan said when the others finally gathered.

"Right, let's split up again. This time three on the second floor and three on the first. That way we cover the area faster before she finds a way out," Kris said and the rest nodded in agreement.

"Tao, Chen, first floor with me," Xiumin directed. "Kris, Luhan, Lay, second floor. If there's no sign of her on the second floor, go to the first floor and help since the only way out is on the first floor anyway."

They all nodded at their eldest brother and split. 

"Lay, take the west wing. Luhan cover the main, and I'll take the east," Kris told them once they got on the second floor and they quickly followed his orders. 

Lay took off down the hall ina split second. It was strange because although he was running, his footsteps were quiet. He checked several of the rooms and was about to came to the end when he heard a rustling come from a room he had skipped since he thought it was locked. Turning his head, he stopped in his tracks and scanned the hallway then stared at the door that he heard noise from. Quietly, he turned the doorknob and found Mi Yung looking out a window. He continued to stay as silent as a ghost and watched her for a moment. She seemed to be contemplating something and looking outside for something. Lay pushed the door open a little more but it gave a loud creek to which Mi Yung quickly turned around. Her eyes widened and she quickly placed her foot on the window frame. Lay's expression changed for the first time since they met and he panicked at the sight of his sister attempting to escape from the second floor.

"MI YUNG!" he shouted so loud that Mi Yung froze and became shocked since it was the first time she heard Lay say anything at all. Before she could do anything else, she was quickly tugged away from the window. She knocked into Lay and they both fell. Lay grunted as he hit the floor but lucky for Mi Yung, she landed on her back right on top of him. They both laid there for a few moments before she snapped out of the sudden action and got off of Lay. Lay squinted at her for a moment before she suddenly had the urge to run again. Her chance to escape through the window had quickly vanished and she had this chance now to run since Lay was still regain his composure. 

"S-sorry...!" she stuttered a bit guiltily as she stood up and ran out the door again. She had hesitated once she got out the door but then decided to run. For all she knew, she was in a crazy dream that made no sense. She didn't have brothers that she knew of. She had parents that died in an accident a few years ago. She wasn't royal, and this whole thing was so confusing. They must've gotten the wrong person.

Racing down the hall, she suddenl heard footsteps behind her. Glancing back, she was shocked to find Lay on her tail. She gasped and quickened her pace but for Lay, this was nothing and he continued the chase. Within a few second, she heard other voices behind her and noticed that Lay had been shouting to Kris and Luhan telling them to help get her. Somehow, she managed to find the stairs and began going down. It was then that she heard the three catch up to her and she panicked trying to get down the stairs faster. Suddenly, she made a mistake n her footing and lost balance. The next few seconds went by in a flash and she had expected to hit the hard impact of the floor but she didn't feel any impact towards the cold floor. Instead, she felt something warm wrap around and heard voices shouting her name.

Opening her eyes, she found herself face to face with a person's chest. 

"Phew, gotcha meimei~" Tao sung with a bit of relief but didn't let go of her.

"Meimei!" "Mi Yung!"

Several voices of the boys were heard and she was then released from Tao's arms but he kept hold of her just to make sure she was alright and that she didn't get away again. A bit dazed, she saw that the others were racing up to her. Luhan seemed to jump over the last half of the stair cases while Lay, and Kris was panting coming down the stairs. Xiumin and Chen found their way over to Tao quickly and examined her. 

"Are you okay? Nothing hurt?" they questioned her and she shook her head slowly. 

She felt weird seeing all of these boys dote on her as if she really were their sister. 

"Why'd you run meimei?" Tao suddenly asked her looking at her with a confused expression.

Mi Yung looked at all of them and then stared at the ground. "B-because... Because you have the wrong person. You guys aren't my brothers," she blurted out. "I don't know you guys!"

Tao went silent after her outburst and he loosened his hold on her slightly. She noticed this and looked up at Tao whose eyes showed a bit of hurt in them. Unable to look at Tao, she glanced a the others and noticed the same hurt expressions on their faces. Even Lay, who kept a pokerface for the most part couldn't seem to hide a slight hint of a hurt expression on his face. 

A knot grew in and she didn't know what to say afterwards. For some reason, she began to regret her sudden outburst. Something tugged at her heart as if she was the one who was wrong. But her head told her that she wasn't wrong. She didn't remember ever seeing these guys in her life. If they were her brothers and her family, where had they been all her life? Where were they when she lost the only parents she knew and had to live alone for many years. And why now all of a sudden did they come into her life and claim that she was a princess of all things? It didn't make any sense to her.

Everyone kept silent for a moment as if they were all at loss for words too. For the boys, they didn't know how to explain the whole situation correctly without sounding outlandish. Even Xiumin, who was the oldest tried to think of a good way to explain because he realized too that this was really sudden.

Finally, Tao held Mi Yung's arm a little firmer but not enough to hurt her. Being the youngest, he was probably the most emotionally attached to anything he found precious to him. Stubborn and slightly pushy, he was the first to speak again. "Meimei, you have to believe us. You're our sister. You do know us, you just don't remember! Please believe us meimei!"

Tao seemed to almost beg Mi Yung like a child and she felt her heart tug again at the sight of her so-called brother plead. Although her heart told her to say 'yes, i'll believe you,' her head kept telling her that it was too good to be true. That this was a big misunderstanding and she was caught in the middle of it all.  Or better yet, this was a dream. How could she be a princess?

She hesitated to say anything when Luhan reached fo her other arm. "Meimei, we're telling you the truth. We're your brothers. We aren't lying," he told her. His expression looked like that of a kicked puppy. 

"Y-you don't have proof..." she managed to choke out as if on instinct because of her stubborn nature. 

Xiumin eyes shifted towards Kris who had been looking at the ground for a bit as if in thought. Kris felt his elder brother's gaze and looked up. Exchanging looks, the two seemed to communicate in a way that didn't need words. At last, Kris nodded. Xiumin turned his attention to Mi Yung again.

"If you're given proof, will you believe us then?" Xiumin asked.

Mi Yung stared at Xiumin for a moment. His gaze didn't waver and his manner seemed serious. She found herself nodding unconsciously. 

"Okay, then we'll take you to mother and father," he said simply and Kris felt like he was holding his breath. 

Kris knew that once she met their mother and father, she would also learn about the arranged marriage that would come. And at this point, they weren't sure how she'd react to it especially after seeing her reaction to them saying she was a part of the Exo-M Royal Family. 

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will update tomorrow, i promise. i had work all day today :(


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Please update. -_-
Chapter 8: please update!!! :D
Chapter 8: Please update soon!!!!!
Can't wait for next update *o*
2pm_21 #5
when are you going to update i'm getting impatient!
I will wait forever for you to update :D
Good luck with your studies also!
Seoul-Less #7
Oooooooooooooooooooo, sounds cool. Lack of merch is always dissapointing. I just drained what little there was in my bank account by buying B2ST's Midnight Sun limited edition.
Anyway, enjoy your vacation and good luck wirh school starting!!! Hwaighting and all that jazz. ^_^
xxacee #8
Unfortunately, they didn't sell any merch which was a little disappointing :/ but my seats were pretty close, kind of to the side of the stage that came out. i'll try writing a fan account (i've never done one before haha) and post it... on my tumblr? i'll put a link to it in the next update! :)
Your so luuuuuuuuucky!!!!!!
I wanna see a 2ne1 concert *o*
Anywayz, Update soon please~ I love your story a lot~~
You're soooo lucky!!! Ugh.. So jealous b/c I want to go to New Evolution as well.... ;(
I really like this story!! Ajja ajja hwaiting!!!