Chapter 6

Babysitter Naekkoya!


I don’t want to go out with HyunA yet I still do. I mean, she’s great and everything but I can tell she likes me. I don’t want to lead her on…especially when Zelo likes her. I wanted to say no when Zelo asked me to go out with her but he would’ve asked why. And what would I say? I didn’t have the heart to tell him she liked me. Aish, this kid. What am I supposed to do?



Zelo’s feelings are not my responsibility! Why should I forfeit YongGuk? Wait, why is YongGuk even wanting to go out with me when he knows Zelo likes me? I mean, he knows right? He has to. So isn’t he the one disregarding his poor little dongsaeng’s feelings? I should clear all this up. Right now. I picked up my phone and dialled YongGuk’s number.

“Hello?” His voice said. My ovaries~

I cleared my throat. “Um, hi, YongGuk, it’s HyunA.” I laughed awkwardly.

“Hey~ what’s up?”

He sounded so cheerful; why was I bringing up this uncomfortable topic?

“Uhhh, I just, uh – “

“Oh, you were wondering when our date was?”

“Ah…yes…*ahem* yes.”

He laughed. “How about tonight?”

I was hesitant. Zelo’s face popped up in my mind’s eye. I shook my head vigorously.

“Tonight will be great!” I chimed. We discussed when and where we’d meet and I hung up. There was a sharp knock at my door. I opened the door to reveal SoHyun’s angry face. O_O she was never angry.

“I overheard your little conversation with YongGuk.”

“You mean you were eavesdropping?”

“No. I was not. How could you say yes to his date?”

“Why is this all on me? He knows Zelo likes me too!”

“Which makes him a horrible person…”

“He is not!”

“HyunA, what do you know about him?”

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. Nothing, I knew nothing.

“You’re going to hurt Zelo’s feelings if he finds out.”

“Shisus, SoHyun! It’s just one date!”

“Whatever.” She walked off.

I slammed the door and plopped down on my bed. I folded my arms and pouted like a little girl. It was just one date. I was going. Hmph. I grabbed my IPod, put it on shuffle and settled down to get some studying done before my date later. Super Junior’s Sorry Sorry started playing. I was humming along until I remembered Zelo dancing on his kitchen table. I laughed at the memory but quickly started to feel guilty when I thought about later. Ugh. I yanked out my earphones and decided to take a nap instead. I woke up around seven and got ready for my date.



I arrived outside HyunA’s dorm and texted her to let her know I was there. She walked out in a fancy cropped top, skinny jeans and heels. Her hair was sleek, bouncy and shiny. I sighed inwardly. If only, if only, Zelo wasn’t crushing on her I would have had her for sure. She was pretty but it was still a little difficult not to gaze at her body.

“YongGuk-ah! Eyes up here!”

“Mianheyo!” I bowed like ten times.

She laughed and her eyes twinkled. I gulped. This was going to be harder than I thought. Control yourself, YongGuk. She belongs to Zelo. We hopped in the car and sped off to a cute restaurant about 15 minutes away. She squealed when she saw it and I let my ego grow a little bigger. We parked and hopped out the car.

“It’s even better inside, come on.” I found us a table for two in a cozy corner and we sat. Ok, focus, YongGuk. Find out if she’s into younger guys. Find out what she likes. A waitress came over and took our drink orders, interrupting my train of thought.

“I’ll have a Bubble Gum smoothie please.” Bubble gum smoothie? Ok, Zelo, maybe you do have a chance. I ordered a beer.


I saw YongGuk’s tiny smile when I ordered the smoothie. What was wrong with that? Was it too immature??

“So…you like cute things?” He asked. Er…yeah.

“Yeah I do, why?”

“Just wondering…” His voice trailed off.  “Tell me, HyunA, what kind of guys do you like?”

Omo. This is THE question. Did he want to know if he was my type?



“Um, well, I guess I like guys that aren’t too serious. You know, they can relax and have a good time.”


“And…what about age? Do you like younger or older guys?”

“It doesn’t matter really…”

“Doesn’t matter?”

“Well as long as we like each other –“

“But what if he’s like Zelo’s age?”

“Ahhh, well I don’t know. I’ve never dated  guy that young…hmm…”

“You’re considering it!” YongGuk exclaimed with a big grin.

“Um –“

“You didn’t say no immediately. That means there’s a chance!”

I just stared at him and he seemed to realize he was a little too excited. He coughed.

“I mean…ah…that means…you’re open-minded. I really like it when people are open-minded. That’s – that’s why I got so…um…”

Thankfully the waitress brought the drinks at that awkward moment and we ordered our meals. I sipped on my smoothie and decided since it was awkward enough already I might as well bring up the Zelo liking me issue.



“Um, YongGuk…Zelo likes me right?”

Crap, was she on to me? “Uhh…”

“It’s ok to tell the truth,” She said, smiling. I guess she thought I was trying to protect Zelo.

“Yeah, he does.”

“Right, so, do you think it’s…wrong for us to go out?”

I carefully considered my answer. This could be a way for me to prevent further dates. I was sure Zelo only intended for us go out at least once so he could have some info on her. And while I’d have loved to date HyunA, I couldn’t, but for Zelo that was ok.

I sighed dramatically. “It is. I shouldn’t have asked you out.” I tried to make myself look as dejected as possible.

HyunA sighed as well. “It’s a shame but I guess if we’re meant to be we’ll get together someday. And if not…”

“So should we keep this date from him? I don’t like hiding things from him.”

“You guys are best friends, I understand. You know him better than I do, maybe you can find a way to tell him?

I nodded. “So, I guess this is it?”

“No, it’s not.”


“We still have to eat.” Troll. But I smiled because that was something Zelo would have done. Maybe there was actually a chance they could go out? HyunA said it herself. If she got to like him, and he’s a pretty likeable kid, she would go out with him. I reserved myself then and there to make it happen. If I couldn’t have her, Zelo had to.

We finished our food, paid and headed out to the car. When we got back to HyunA’s dorm she hesitated before she got out the car.


“What’s wrong?”

She leaned over to my side of the car and looked me in the eyes. Was she going to kiss me? Hadn’t we just laid that topic to rest? She glanced down at my lips. Instinctively, I leaned closer to her. Her lips were slightly parted and she chose that moment to them. I wanted to grab her and pull her to me but I didn’t. I would regret it later. She seemed to sense my hesitation and she put her hand on my cheek and brought my face just short of hers. We stayed like that for a few heavy breaths and then I felt her lips brush mine. Screw it all. I pulled her closer and tasted her lips. So soft. And…was that bubble gum? I smiled while kissing her when I remembered her smoothie. She gently pulled away from me. Aniya~ more please, HyunA~

“I’m sorry. I just…I wanted to kiss you just once.”

Me too.

She smiled, said goodnight and left. I sighed. Zelo, you owe me big time.

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So I just realized the chapters I had were really short. I decided to erge them so instead of the fic being 20 chapters it'll be 10 or a bit more. sorry!!


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Chapter 1: Haha! He is so uptight about grammar, and then he says 'This phone will only be used for my son and ME to contact you and vice versa.' Man, Mr. Choi, do you not see what you did there?! 'My son and ME. ME, ME!' no, sir, it is 'My son and I.'
I read this 2 years ago, when I didn't have an account here. I just wanted to say: I love it! Thank you so much for taking your time to write this amazing little story. I greatly apriciate it, and I would love to say: AWESOME!
ThereIsNoTomorrow #3
Chapter 14: I love it! :)
Hyunlover #4
Chapter 14: It's one of the best fanfics i have read
Chapter 14: Love this pairing. Age matter only when you mind. But once you overcome that, age wasn't the reason for stopping to love that person
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 14: wow nice fanfic!! keep up the good work! ^^ i love this story!
SA_StudentMinzy #7
haaaaaa love this story haha zelo so cute
IerahLoL #8
Chapter 10: cute couple even hyuna is the pedo noona... :)
I love hyuna!!
OH EHM GEE!!!! THIS IS THE BEST! I hope, after people read your fic, they'll have an inspiration to write fics about Zelo/Hyuna. I now LOVE this couple! Thank you! MAKE A SEQUEL!! :)
rbtigersm #10