Chapter 11

Babysitter Naekkoya!


I arrived at Mr. Choi’s mansion resolute. I was going to tell Zelo how I felt about him and that I wanted us to be together. And if it didn’t work out…well I’d get an A+ for not being a . HimChan answered the door with Zelo right behind him, it seemed they had both rushed to get there because they were out of breath.

“HyunA!” HimChan grinned. “Welcome again!”

I ignored him.

“Noona~” Zelo chimed. I smiled and gave him a hug. Our eyes met and we looked at each other for a little too long. HimChan cleared his throat.

“Why are you too looking at each other like that?” He asked.

Zelo awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. “Let’s go, noona.”

“Actually,” HimChan interrupted, “I’d like to speak with HyunA. Alone.”

I frowned. “What can’t you say with Zelo right here?”

JoonHong, go to your room and stay there or I’ll break all your favourite CDs in half.”

Zelo looked mortified and scurried up the stairs to his room. HimChan smirked in his direction settled his eyes on me.

“What is it?”

“I want you to be my girlfriend for the remainder of time that I’m here.”


“Why not?”


“Because if you don’t I’ll tell my dad you’re screwing JoonHong and you’ll never get another job.”

My mouth gaped open.

“Why would you say that? Zelo and I are not having !”

“Really? Then what did you two do last night?”

“We…” Omo…did I tell him or not?

“You what?”

“We kissed. That’s all.”

HimChan scoffed. “Right. That’s not what I heard last night.”

“What are you even talking about?”

“You’re disgusting, you know that? It’s not like I care about JoonHong but I still think it’s pretty sick to take advantage of a kid like that. Can’t you find someone your own age?”

“Would you shut up and listen? I’m not taking advantage of him. We kissed and…and tonight I’m going to tell him how I feel.”

“Is that so?”


“I don’t think so. I refuse to see JoonHong that happy. So you know what you’re going to do? You’re going to tell him whatever you guys did last night meant nothing. Absolutely nothing. And tell him  you want to be with me.”

What the hell?

“No! Zelo would never believe that anyway.”

“Then you better convince him or my dad will be flying back here to make sure you never work again. And I think we both know you need the money.”

I started shaking. Who the hell did he think he was?

“And I’ll be listening at the door, jagiya, so make it good.” He gestured up the stairs.

No. No. I couldn’t hurt Zelo like that. I had to find some way of telling him the truth. Maybe write it on a piece of paper?

“On second thought,” HimChan said, “I’ll accompany you. I don’t want any funny business.

Chizz. No no no no no! What was I going to do? I didn’t want to hurt Zelo but I didn’t want to be notorized as a child molester either…UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH.



I opened my door to reveal HyunA and HimChan. Ok…an unlikely pair.

“JoonHong, HyunA has something she needs to tell you.”

“Um……..Zelo…….” she  started

I saw HimChan mutter something and HyunA looked away.

“JoonHong…” she started again.

MWOH? What did she just call me??

“JoonHong, what happened last night…” She started to cry.

“Noona! What-“

HimChan pulled her close to him. “It’s ok, jagiya.” JAGIYA?

“What HyunA’s trying to say is that she didn’t appreciate what you did to her last night. And she’s decided she wants to be with me.”

I started laughing. “Yeah, right…”

“No…” HyunA whispered. “It’s true.”

WHAT? This didn’t make any sense. Why was HyunA crying? More importantly, why was she lying? She looked me in the eyes.

“JoonHong, what happened last night…it meant nothing and I – I want to be with HimChan.”

“Noona, why are you lying?”

“Would you get it in your thick head that she’s not interested in you??” HimChan shouted.

HyunA turned her face away and HimChan glanced at her.

“JoonHong, I’ll help you with your homework tonight. HyunA doesn’t want to be around you right now. Right, sweetie?”

She nodded and walked away.

“How do you feel, JoonHong-ah? I told you that you had no chance with a hot girl like HyunA. She’s mine now.”

“You did something.”

HimChan pulled his innocent face.

“I’m going to find out what you did to make her lie.”

“Can’t you accept that-“

“No, I can’t. Not when I know the truth

HimChan rolled his eyes and walked away.



It wasn’t over yet. I couldn’t risk JoonHong communicating with HyunA. I had to cut off all ties. I would break my deal with HyunA.

I picked up my cell phone and called my dad.

“HimChan-ah! How is my favourite son?”

“Dad, dad you won’t believe this. I can’t believe this.” I faked sobs.

“HimChan! HimChan, what’s wrong?”

“It’s JoonHong and HyunA! They- they- oh my goodness-“

“What is it, son??”

“Dad, she took advantage my poor little brother.”

What are you saying, HimChan?”

“She lured him…with her body…they…”


“I know dad…it’s…unbelievable. I think you need to cut off all their connections.”

“Yes! Yes of course! It’s such a good thing you’re there, HimChan! I’ll be home tomorrow evening!”

“It’s no problem, dad. You know I’m always here for JoonHong.”

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So I just realized the chapters I had were really short. I decided to erge them so instead of the fic being 20 chapters it'll be 10 or a bit more. sorry!!


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Chapter 1: Haha! He is so uptight about grammar, and then he says 'This phone will only be used for my son and ME to contact you and vice versa.' Man, Mr. Choi, do you not see what you did there?! 'My son and ME. ME, ME!' no, sir, it is 'My son and I.'
I read this 2 years ago, when I didn't have an account here. I just wanted to say: I love it! Thank you so much for taking your time to write this amazing little story. I greatly apriciate it, and I would love to say: AWESOME!
ThereIsNoTomorrow #3
Chapter 14: I love it! :)
Hyunlover #4
Chapter 14: It's one of the best fanfics i have read
Chapter 14: Love this pairing. Age matter only when you mind. But once you overcome that, age wasn't the reason for stopping to love that person
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 14: wow nice fanfic!! keep up the good work! ^^ i love this story!
SA_StudentMinzy #7
haaaaaa love this story haha zelo so cute
IerahLoL #8
Chapter 10: cute couple even hyuna is the pedo noona... :)
I love hyuna!!
OH EHM GEE!!!! THIS IS THE BEST! I hope, after people read your fic, they'll have an inspiration to write fics about Zelo/Hyuna. I now LOVE this couple! Thank you! MAKE A SEQUEL!! :)
rbtigersm #10