Chapter 7

I Fell In Love With an Alien Prince

As soon as Chung Ae was out of the classroom, her fearless demeanor dropped and nothing but embarrassment could be read from her face. Even though she kept a tough exterior to Baekhyun and the rest of the class, she was mortified more than words could express. Chung Ae knew that her period was done, but to the rest of the class, it looked like it just began, and with faulty feminine care as well.

“Aish, Kim Chung Ae, what exactly have you gotten yourself into?!” Chung Ae scolded herself.  “Why don’t you ever think before you do something?!”

“Erm…Chung Ae-ssi, are you alright?” A deep voice spoke behind her.

Chung Ae spun around instantly in hearing someone speak to her. She was worried that it’d be another punk from a class that would make fun of her and her stained skirt, but luckily, it was just Chanyeol with a worried expression on his face.

“Oh…Chanyeol-ssi, it’s just you.” Chung Ae sighed in relief.

 “I’m sorry if I scared you, It’s just that I wanted to see if you were okay,” Chanyeol spoke. “I thought that you would be crying right about now.”

Chung Ae chuckled. “Pssh, me, crying because of Baekhyun? I highly doubt it.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re alright.” Chanyeol smiled. “Baekhyun can be quite cruel in his pranks, and unfortunately, I don’t think he’ll stop until he makes sure that he makes you suffer completely.”

“All because I was standing my ground?!” Chung Ae scoffed. “This boy is a pig-face most definitely!”

Chanyeol nodded.”I know, he can be really ridiculous. It’s just that he’s not use to getting his way. Back home, in E-I mean, America, he was very used to being in charge.”

“What, was he like royalty or something back in America?” Chung Ae remarked. However, Chanyeol froze on the spot when he heard the word “royalty”. Even though Chung Ae didn’t mean it literally, Chanyeol was still discombobulated at the accuracy of her words.

“Erm…no, but he liked to think of himself as royalty frequently.” Chanyeol replied.

Chung Ae sighed. “Yup, well that sounds like something he’d do, arrogant pig face.”

“Well, anyways,” Chanyeol said, clearing his throat, “I just wanted to let warn you that you should get ready for Baekhyun’s plans. I don’t exactly know what he has up his sleeves but all I know that it’s not good. I tried to stop him numerous times but that boy is just too stubborn to listen to me.”

Chung Ae smiled, then said, “Gee, thanks Chanyeol-ssi. I think that I can handle whatever this bird brain throws at me, so I’ll be okay. But I do have one question for you.”

“Then ask away.” Chanyeol replied.

“Okay, so why are you nice to me?” Chung Ae asked. “You don’t have to warn me and check up on me, but yet you do. Why?”

Chanyeol was silent for a moment, having a thoughtful look on his face. He then replied, “For one thing, it’s refreshing to see someone stick up to Baekhyun. His arrogance can get the best of him way too much, and I’m glad someone is gonna kick him off his high horse for once. Second, you seem nice, and I like how you never back down from Baekhyun. You’re fierce and strong, all in a good way.”

“Wow, you’re really turning this day into a good one Chanyeol-ssi.” Chung Ae cheerfully remarked. “I never thought myself as fierce or strong, but hearing it from you makes me happy! At times like this, it’s amazing that you’re actually related to Baekhyun. I mean, you’re so nice and he’s so evil!”

Chanyeol chuckled. “Well, I’m glad that I could make your day into a better Chung Ae-ssi. But yes, I find it hard to believe that I’m Baekhyun’s cousin at times.”

“Well it was nice talking to you Chanyeol-ssi, “Chung Ae pouted, “but I have to go to the nurse’s office and hope they can give me a new skirt to wear, since your cousin thoughtfully ruined mines.”

“Oh, well, if that’s the case, I should accompany you!” Chanyeol suggested.

Chung Ae was taken aback by Chanyeol’s nice gesture, as no one in her class has ever been this nice to her. She then said, “Chincha? You might miss more class because of me.”

“Oh, a couple minutes out of first period won’t kill me.” Chanyeol winked. “It’s really no problem at all.”

“Okay then, we should be on our way.” Chung Ae smiled as she began walking down the hall, with Chanyeol following in suit, since he didn’t know where the nurse’s room was.

“Oh, and Chanyeol-ssi?”


“Thank you for being so nice to me.”

“Anytime Chung Ae-ssi, anytime.”


Even though talking with Chanyeol made Chung Ae’s crummy day a little better, the rest of the day was a horrible blur for Chung Ae. True to Chanyeol’s words, Baekhyun had no mercy whatsoever as Chung Ae was pelted with rotten food, water, and even more paint. Chung Ae felt absolutely disgusting as she reached her last class of the day. Her uniform served as her battle scars as multi colored pain was splattered all over her school blazer (along with her on loan skirt from the nurse), food was still stuck on her shoes and legs, and overall Chung Ae smelled like a walking garbage can. If Baekhyun was trying to make Chung Ae fall on her knees and “respect” him, it was earning him a blow to the face more than respect.

“My my my, aren’t we looking gorgeous today,” Baekhyun smirked as he stood over Chung Ae’s desk. “Well, at least I look like the more decent dressed person. You on the other hand look like you woke up in a dumpster.”

Chung Ae sighed inwardly at Baekhyun’s insult, and fought the urge to scream at his face. She was tired and wanted to spend the last class of the day in peace. However, Baekhyun was making that objective way too hard to succeed. Chung Ae then shot Baekhyun a sweet smile and said, “If I woke up in a dumpster Baekhyun-ssi, then you most certainly woke up in a landfill.”

Baekhyun scoffed. “You don’t back down easily, do you Chung Ae-ssi? It really shows how savage you are.”

“Maybe I wouldn’t have to be this savage if you just left me alone!” Chung Ae shot back., while inwardly wishing that Chanyeol could be in class with her to help her out with Baekhyun. “Paint throwing, pouring water on me, staining my skirt, it’s all too much don’t you think?!”

At this point, hearing Chung Ae suddenly raise her voice in the argument made Baekhyun angry, so he slammed his hands on Chung Ae’s desk and the whole class instantly silenced. Everyone student now had their focus on the quarreling duo.

“For your information Chung Ae-ssi,” Baekhyun spoke, cutting through the silence in the room. “It’s not ridiculous when an insolent girl like you doesn’t know how to respect others. Does dumping food on my head the first day I arrived here sound like respect to you?”

“Maybe you need to realize Baekhyun-ssi, that respect is something that is to be earned, not a free gift you can easily receive. And if that’s the case, why do you still bother me? I’m just one person!” Chung Ae yelled. “What do you care if one person dislikes you when there are so many people here in this class ready to die at your feet?! Not everyone you meet is going to worship you!”

“That’s exactly the point!” Baekhyun angrily fought back. “You’re the only person that dares to defy me!”

Chung Ae sarcastically laughed out, then spat, “Defy you? I don’t know if you were some kind of big shot back in America or wherever you came from, but now you’re in South Korea and you’re just like everyone else. Everyone here is treated equally, and that goes the same for you! Why should I, let alone the rest of the class treat you special just because you’re a foreigner?!”


“YAH, BYUN BAEKHYUN-SSI, KIM CHUNG AE-SSI, WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!” Their teacher, Park-sonsangnim scolded as she entered the classroom. “I can hear you two all the way from the hallway!”

Chung Ae and Baekhyun glared at each other, then the two spoke. “Mianhaeyo, sonsangnim.”

“If you want to continue argue, then take it outside. I will not tolerate loudness in my classroom!” Park sonsangnim snapped.

“Jeongmal mianhae sonsangnim.” Chung Ae quietly apologized. “It won’t-KYA!”

Chung Ae was interrupted mid-sentence as Baekhyun was pulling her out the classroom and into the hall by her wrist. He then shut the classroom door, then faced Chung Ae and spoke, “Yah, I’m not done with you yet Kim Chung Ae!”

Chung Ae rolled her eyes. “What else could you possibly reiterate to me Baekhyun-ssi?! One argument isn’t enough for you?!”

“Actually, that’s not true. I’m here to give you one last chance.” Baekhyun smirked. “You see, I’m not usually this mean when it comes to people who do me wrong. Usually, they beg for forgiveness due to their unintelligent decisions but you are a different case. Kim Chung Ae, just apologize and I can stop with bullying..”

“First off, an apology from me is never going to happen. Second off, bullying and pulling pranks on me is not going to get you respect from me. In fact, I don’t think anyone that practically takes revenge on others should be worthy of respect.” Chung Ae confidently said.

“Ha!” Baekhyun laughed. “We’ll see about that. I always get my way, and you’ll certainly see me above you in no time.”

“Whatever cat eyes. Just know I’m not backing down.”

“Time will only tell dumpster girl, time will only tell.”


And with that, the two exchanged their last set of glares and entered back into class once again.


~Author's End Notes~

Oh my Krisus! I haven't updated in a long time :( Mianhaeyo everyone! I hope I didn't annoy anyone with my lateness -_-

On the plus side, I have some Chanyeol/Chung Ae/Baekhyun interaction going on in this chapter, so hopefully that makes things better ;)

Enjoy our lovely lulu everyone ^^


So that's it for now! I have to get some zzz's so I can secretly write chapters of this fic during classes tomorrow x) 

Until next time :)

p.s. gifs not mine

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rainbow_unicorn #1
Chapter 8: Omg she is hilarious!! Love her comebacks and how lame can baekhyun get seriously!! Hahhaha. Please update soon! ^^
Coconutzie #2
Chapter 7: Haha, funny! :)
Chapter 6 and 7 is the same ones as 4 and 5... ?
Update soon!
b2stb1a4 #3
I love how this story is turning out! hahaha its really like watching an actual school drama just reading these chapters as i imagine them in my head :)) excited for the next chapters update soon author-ssi!!
IceNicole12 #4
So lucky u got to go to the 2ne1 concert in the nokia theatre.... the tickets were kind of expensive and i didnt get it in time so i didnt get to go
This seems like it'll be an extremely interesting story! I'll wait for a few more chapters before I start reading, but I'll subscribe in the mean time. Looking forward to all your next updates! ^^
kyuyeon14 #6
baekhyun prince complex, it's so funny
kekeke ^^
She gave him his kimchi. xD
Please update soon!^^