Chapter 6

I Fell In Love With an Alien Prince

“Vic-unnie, I’m home!” Chung Ae wearily announced as she entered her apartment. As soon as she stepped into the entryway, Chung Ae wobbled to her couch and collapsed on it. It was nearly ten at night, and Chung Ae was absolutely exhausted from work. And to add on to the mass exhaustion, the situation with Baekhyun was just adding on to her stress list.

“Yah, sleepy head, you still need to eat!” Victoria exclaimed as she poked Chung Ae’s cheek. “Did you have a long day today?”

Chung Ae groaned. “You have no idea. Today was a crazy day.”

“Why was that?” Victoria asked with a concerned voice. “Was work tiring?”

“Well, yes, but my concern is more of people at school.”

“ PEOPLE AT  SCHOOL?!” Victoria piqued up as she heard the word. “Did you make friends? Did you meet a boy? ARE YOU DATING?!”

“No unnie!” Chung Ae answered. She sighed, knowing that Victoria was especially interested if she talked about people from her school. And as Chung Ae wasn’t one of the social type, hearing that Chung Ae could’ve socialized with potential friends of was like a year without rain to Victoria

“Are you sure?” Victoria asked with mock disappointment in her voice.

“Yes, but it does have to do with a boy.” Chung Ae answered. “I poured food on a new guy’s head, the girls in my grade are continuing to hate on me, and I’m potentially at war with the guy I poured food on.”

Victoria smiled ear to ear. “Oh Chung Ae, I’m so glad to hear you talking about boys! Is he-wait, did you just say you’re at war with a new kid that you poured food on, and all the girls are continuing to hate on you?”

Chung Ae nodded. “You heard right! That’s exactly what happened.”

“CHUNG AE WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” Victoria wailed. Chung Ae continued to lay on the couch in confusion.

“Um, what did I do unnie?”

“Chung Ae! You could’ve made friends with the new kid but instead you pour food on his head!” Victoria complained. “Plus, he waged war on you because of what you did! I don’t want my precious baby sister coming home in bruises and cuts! Who knows what he’ll do to you?!”

Chung Ae sighed. “Unnie, you’re overacting. I’m pretty sure he won’t hurt me, and besides, he deserved getting food on his head! He was being a jerk!”

“But did you really have to go that far? I’m sure that no food dumping had to be involved Chung Ae.”

“I was trying to prove a point.”

“I’m sure you did if that boy is ready to wage war on you.” Victoria sighed. “Anyways, go eat now! I heated up food for you on the table.”

“Yes unnie.” Chung Ae said as she dragged herself out of the couch and to the dining table, putting out the Baekhyun situation out of her head for the time being.

>>The Next Day>>

Baekhyun grinned evilly as he sat in homeroom, waiting for class to begin. He nearly spent the entire night thinking of schemes he could use against Chung Ae, and he decided to act on few those today. He even came to school early just so he can prepare the many evil plans he had for Chung Ae, and all Baekhyun had to do now was wait for her to arrive to put his plan in motion.

“Honestly Baekhyun, you are such a child.” Chanyeol commented, interrupting Baekhyun from his evil thoughts. “You’re just making things worse.”

Baekhyun sighed. “No I’m not! I’m doing this so that girl will know her place! She needs to know the definition of respect.”

Chanyeol threw his face at the desk and mumbled, “At this rate, you and I will never get back home.”

Hearing this, Baekhyun rolled his eyes and kept his focus on the classroom door, waiting for Chung Ae to busrt in at any moment. However, the bell then rang, and yet there was still no sign of Chung Ae.

Where is that unintelligent life form? Baekhyun thought.

“Okay class, let’s get started!” Lee sonsangnim chirpily said. “Please get out your textbooks and-“

“Sorry I’m late sonsangnim! My alarm didn’t go off and I woke up late!” Chung Ae bursted in, huffing in breaths harshly.

Baekhyun smirked. Perfect.

“It’s alright Chung Ae-ssi, we hardly began anyways.” Lee sonsangnim said. “Just don’t be late again, araseo?”

“Ne sonsangnim.” Chung Ae breathlessly replied, and quietly made her way to her seat. But en route she could’ve sworn she heard Baekhyun mumble, “Let the games begin.” However, she just shook it out of her head and sat down at her desk, getting ready for class.

But it turns out that she actually heard right the first time.

>>Thirty Minutes Into Class>>

Ever since she sat down on her seat, Chung Ae felt like she sat on something gooey…and wet. But as class was in session she forgot all about it and focused on today’s math lesson.

“Alright class, who would like to volunteer to this problem on the board?” Lee sonsangnim said, pointing to the math problem on the board. The students groaned, seeing as the problem was long and full of variables.

“Come on, no one wants to volunteer?” Lee sonsangnim pouted. He then got out his student roster and picked a random name from the list. “Well then, if that’s the case, Kim Chung Ae-ssi, please do the problem for us.”

Chung Ae sighed, and sighs of relief were heard around the room as they weren’t the ones who were picked to do such a math problem. Chung Ae then got up from her seat and walked to chalk board, but numerous snickers were heard as she walked by the rows of students.

What are they snickering at? Idiots.  Chung Ae thought as she began to solve the problem. However, as soon as she was in the middle of solving it, the snickers turned into laughs, and soon enough, the whole class was getting drunk with laughter. As soon as she finished the problem, she turned around to face the class and yelled, “Yah, what’s so funny?!”

“Chung Ae-ssi,” Lee sonsangnim mumbled, “I think you might need to go to the nurse’s office.”

Chung Ae furrowed her eyebrows. “What? Why?!”

“Look at the back of your skirt Chung Ae-ssi! I think you need a tampon!” Baekhyun smirked.

Chung Ae narrowed her eyes at him and then turned around to see the back of her skirt, and what she saw made her eyes widen in horror: a big and bright splotch of red stained the back of her skirt, making it look like Chung Ae had a period leak. Chung Ae was mortified, pissed, and confused. Her period ended last week, and there was no possible way that she could’ve had a leak……unless…

Her face turned blank as she had a realization: the wet substance she felt on her seat was paint, and the never ending “declaration of war” only led to one culprt: Baekhyun.


Realizing this, Chung Ae’s expression turned into a grim one as she glared at Baekhyun. Seeing this, Baekhyun simply smiled and shot her an innocent look, as if it was mocking her by saying “This time you’re the one being embarrassed now .”

Chung Ae sighed, then looked to her teacher and gritted through her teeth, “Sonsangnim, I’ll take you up on your offer to go to the nurse’s room. Please excuse me.”

Chung Ae then sent one final glare to Baekhyun, and boltied out of the classroom in pure mortification.

Byun Baekhyun, I swear I am going to kill you.


~Author's End Notes~

Who here is Team Chung Ae? Lol XD

On another note, it's so hard for me to write Baekhyun as a meanie! I mean, look at him, he's too cute to portray as a bully x)

*Gif not mine

Also, thank you for the lovely comments on last chapter ^^ it made my day! Also, welcome new subscribers :)

Well that's it for now, untile next time everyone! :)


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rainbow_unicorn #1
Chapter 8: Omg she is hilarious!! Love her comebacks and how lame can baekhyun get seriously!! Hahhaha. Please update soon! ^^
Coconutzie #2
Chapter 7: Haha, funny! :)
Chapter 6 and 7 is the same ones as 4 and 5... ?
Update soon!
b2stb1a4 #3
I love how this story is turning out! hahaha its really like watching an actual school drama just reading these chapters as i imagine them in my head :)) excited for the next chapters update soon author-ssi!!
IceNicole12 #4
So lucky u got to go to the 2ne1 concert in the nokia theatre.... the tickets were kind of expensive and i didnt get it in time so i didnt get to go
This seems like it'll be an extremely interesting story! I'll wait for a few more chapters before I start reading, but I'll subscribe in the mean time. Looking forward to all your next updates! ^^
kyuyeon14 #6
baekhyun prince complex, it's so funny
kekeke ^^
She gave him his kimchi. xD
Please update soon!^^