Sorry My Name is YunMi, Not ChuHi

we all sat down for dinner, i thought it was kind of awkward since the others probably think im a fan girl. 

i tried the oppas food & it was amazing

"well?" everyone asked

"Its amazing"  the laughed a bit

"so Yunmi why dont you tell us about yourself?" donghyun asked. Great i forgot all about myself.

"oh well uhm...Im from America"

"Jin Jah ?" Jeongmin Looked Suprised

"Ne" iSmiled

"Uhm.. iLike Yoshi Heh, Incase You DIdnt Know" i smiled & gestured torwards My yoshi that was in my lap

"iLike Pikachu !" Kwangmin blurted out, i laughed

"Kwangmin Were learning About Yunmi Right now , Not you" dongyun said we all laughed

"So what do you intend to be after like highschool?" at least this was a question i know how to answer

"Oh Well iWanted to Become A Singer but im kind of shy, So instead i wanna be a cosmetologist " i ate a piece of kimichi 

"uhm whats a cosmetologist?" youngmin asked, i giggled

"Its a person who does things like hair, makeup, nails, eveybrows," i told him as he nodded his head 'oh' i laughed again, and everyone finished their food & put them in the sink were Minwoo was getting ready to clean them.

"Minwoo i can wash the dishes" i told him as i walked over to the sink

"thats okay, its my turn anyway" he smiled a bit, 

"And when will it be my turn?" he  shrugged

"go with your hyungs minwoo, i can do the dishes myself" i picked up a dish & started cleaning it, as he just stared

"well? Go run along & do what teenage guys do" i told him as he nodded & left. i laughed

"strange boy" i said to myself

minwoo's point of view;

i started walking to the living room were my hyungs were

"wheres Yunmi? & why arent you doing the dishes?" Hyungseong asked

"she told me  she would do them & when i told her id do them she already started cleaning them"

"Ahh shes stubborn.. ilike that in a girl" jeongmin said while winking. 

idont know why but i kinda felt a little mad, i cant be jealous right? thats a silly thought, i shrugged it off. 

"hey minwoo come play pokemon with me" kwangmin asked as he patted a spot for me on the bean bag next to him. i Sat down as we began playing.

Yunmi's point of view ; 

i finished cleaning the dishes as i passed by the living room, to go to my room

"Yunmi where are you going? Come play with us" kwangmin said pushing his brother off a bean bag & then gesturing for me to sit. ilaughed

"its okay i should start putting clothes in my drawers" i told them as i went up stairs, i started putting my stuff away & looked to see if i had a frame in my suitcase, i didnt , i sighed. i walked down the stairs. 

"Hey Uhm Do Any Of You Have A Frame iCan Use Until iCan buy A New One?"

"why?" almost everyone asked

"Uhm i have a picture of my parents that i wanted to put in a frame" i said as i scratched my head.

"Oh i do" minwoo said as he got up & i walked with him to his room

"Can i sit on your bed while you look?" iasked he nodded

isat down as i looked at the picture on his night stand, that must be Chuhi. iPicked up the picture as i looked closer she did have the same features as me. iSet it back down as minwoo turned around with a frame.

"Gomawo" i got up & bowed 

"No problem" he smiled a it. i returned the smile & left his room & walked into mine.iframed my picture. And went downstairs.

"well i think ill go off to bed so good night" i told them as they id me good night and i went to my room, turned off my lights & layed in my bed with a yoshi.

"i think things will be different from now" i told him & i drifted off to sleep.


Sorry i havent updated in a while>.<, iPromise to write two/three more chapters tomorrow:D , iHave a messed up sleeping schedule.-.

i wake up at 4pm & go to sleep at 6am , 

well bye!:D , Oh Also im Very Jealous Of You Girls that are able to see boyfriend at fan signings & even own a poster of them ! Id Kill For a Poster ! Stupid America Dosent Sell Any !>.< ! iJust have to wait until i can order one online. You Girls Are So Lucky.. Well Now For Real iBid My Reader Good Bye. So Bye:D 

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vampy154 #1
Chapter 31: That was.. So sweet T^T *sniffs*
I love this story and you did an amazing job with the writing <3
I shall continue to read your other stories as well c:
Also I love all the clothes Yunmi had! I'm jelly O:
Chapter 31: nice story I LOVE THE STORY
Chapter 31: Oh my soo sweet ending! You soo great author!
14 streak #4
Chapter 31: Awwww a promise ring~~~ i love all your clothes >.< the way you choose them ^^
Anyways...... That was awesome!! Continue on writing more boyfriend stories in the future!!! ♥♡
Fanficsftw21 #5
oooooolalala!~ XD promise for engagement X3 so cute! that was a very good ending! :D
Happy that Minwoo didn't die! -le dances happily-
Oooh Yunmi got a job as a hairstylist? and for boyfriend? That's good!
Anyways, I hope you update soon >.<
Fanficsftw21 #7
D: T^T NO NOT MINWOO D: T^T and the relationship was going so good, till now! D: T^T no no no no no just no! i dun want another person to die T^T D: i hope u update soon and PLEASE DONT LET HIM DIE D: T^T i dont want Yunmi to be sad ;(
Fanficsftw21 #8
good luck in cross country team~ :D OMG T^T NOOO SHE WAS VIOLATED D: DAMN YOOMIN!!! I HATE U D:< MINWOO HELP YUNMI!!! :( T^T i hope u update soon!
Jeez Yoomin ! Update soon!~~
Update soon !

stupid Yoomin !!> :(