Sorry My Name is YunMi, Not ChuHi


Yunmi’s point of view;

As soon as Minwoo dumped Yoomin hope filled inside me. But then I doubted again as I watched him cook my soup. Hes never gonna date me. I sighed, and I guess louder than expected because he turned to me

“You okay?” he asked concerned as he set a bowl of soup in front of me

“Im fine, just tired is all” I lied

“well then eat first and then you can get some more rest” he said as he left the room and I ate my soup by myself. It did help, I could actually talk a little better than before.

Minwoo’s point of view;

I left yunmi alone as I went to my room to quickly call someone.

“Yobeseyo?” I called kwangmin

“Hey uhm when will you guys be back?”

“uhm not until 9 why?”

“Oh, well I kinda broke up with yoomin just a while ago, and Yunmi is terribly sick”

“Oh sorry it didn’t work out, and is she fine? Where is she? Whats wrong with her?”

“its okay, and shes alright, in the kitchen, and has a sore throat and a fever” I told him answering all his questions

“oh well you better take very good care of her minwoo”

“I will, I think she’s done eating. Ill see you guys when you get home, bye”

“bye” I hung up as my door opened

“Oh Yunmi, why don’t we get you to bed”

She nodded as we walked to her room.

Yunmi’s point of view;

I laid on my bed facing my window instead of minwoo. It was raining and im pretty sure thunder would start soon again.

“minwoo when will the other oppas me back?” I asked him

“why? Im not good enough for you?”

“no, just wondering”

“ well not until 9, I have no idea where their at either”


Great. I could’ve had the ENTIRE day with him but yet I had to be sick. Babo yunmi that’s what I get for ordering a slushy. I let out a quiet sigh as I drifted to sleep.

Minwoo’s point of view;

She fell asleep. I gave her a peck on the cheek and left to the living room. After an hour of watching tv thunder started. I continued to watch tv as I heard a scream.

I quickly ran to Yunmi’s room. She wasn’t there neither was her blanket or yoshi


“over here” I looked where she was in her closet. I opened the door to reveal a Yunmi hugging her legs&yoshi, with her blanket wrapped around her.

“it’s just thunder” I told her sweetly

“yeah, but I hate it.”


“because.. one day my parents went out to the store leaving me with my halmeoni” she paused for a while and sighed

“and it was raining like today, well I waited the entire day waiting for their return, they never did. Instead policeman came home and told halmeoni something. She began to cry since they were very close. Even though I was 3 I knew what had happened. I cried for weeks. I miss them still” she began crying then she gasped as I jumped

“What if that happens to Oppas?!!” she started freaking out more tears coming down her face

“It wont calm down yunmi”

“Yes it will! No I just jinxed it, ill never be able to forgive myself” she kept on ranting on about it

“Yunmi! It wont calm down” I gave her a hug as she slowly calmed down. Then more thunder came and she screamed in my ear

“I guess you know longer have a bad throat” I said while rubbing my ear

“sorry” she said quietly

“its fine, lets go down stairs or something” I suggested

“No, I wanna be here”

“but it will be so boring just here yunmi !”

“Well then get me my laptop, we’ll watch videos or something” I did what was told and walked to her laptop, I went back to her closet as she took the laptop in her hands. I sat down against the wall with her as she began putting something to watch

“its my favorite anime” she chimed

“Inuyasha!” she said again

“ive never heard of it” I said calmly as she looked at me shocked

“Wow,now youll have to watch all 193 episodes with me and their 4 movies” she clicked on a link and an episode appeared.

“wait 193 episodes and 4 movies?! Your kidding right?”

“Nope” she smiled.

We ended up watching 25 episodes up until she fell asleep on my shoulder. I continued watching a few more episodes before I would lay her down on her bed. Then she started talking in her sleep.

“M-minwoo oppa…” she was dreaming about me?!

“I-I Like you” she adjusted herself on my shoulder

S-she likes me? I never really thought of her as a girlfriend figure, just my bestfriend. I closed her laptop and set it aside. I gently picked her up and carried her to her bed. I closed her curtains and went to my room.

My bestfriend who looks like my dead ex girlfriend likes me..

What happens now?


You go out with her duh!!-.-, Well comment subscribe?C: More chapters coming forward! Hopefully I can keep up, 8th grade begins for me in 3 days, wow finally the big kid at me school. I Don’t want to go to school!D;

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vampy154 #1
Chapter 31: That was.. So sweet T^T *sniffs*
I love this story and you did an amazing job with the writing <3
I shall continue to read your other stories as well c:
Also I love all the clothes Yunmi had! I'm jelly O:
Chapter 31: nice story I LOVE THE STORY
Chapter 31: Oh my soo sweet ending! You soo great author!
14 streak #4
Chapter 31: Awwww a promise ring~~~ i love all your clothes >.< the way you choose them ^^
Anyways...... That was awesome!! Continue on writing more boyfriend stories in the future!!! ♥♡
Fanficsftw21 #5
oooooolalala!~ XD promise for engagement X3 so cute! that was a very good ending! :D
Happy that Minwoo didn't die! -le dances happily-
Oooh Yunmi got a job as a hairstylist? and for boyfriend? That's good!
Anyways, I hope you update soon >.<
Fanficsftw21 #7
D: T^T NO NOT MINWOO D: T^T and the relationship was going so good, till now! D: T^T no no no no no just no! i dun want another person to die T^T D: i hope u update soon and PLEASE DONT LET HIM DIE D: T^T i dont want Yunmi to be sad ;(
Fanficsftw21 #8
good luck in cross country team~ :D OMG T^T NOOO SHE WAS VIOLATED D: DAMN YOOMIN!!! I HATE U D:< MINWOO HELP YUNMI!!! :( T^T i hope u update soon!
Jeez Yoomin ! Update soon!~~
Update soon !

stupid Yoomin !!> :(