Sorry My Name is YunMi, Not ChuHi

Okay so i see people really want me to keep up with this story so will(x i think i want

to write alot more chapters ha(x, So Yeah i think i might right up to forty but it might just be one chapter a day since i do start school

tomorrow/; But yeah resuming with my story(x


Yunmi's point of view;

i ended up with a cast on my right leg, great now how will i dance? i sighed

"Oh cmon yunmi its not that bad" Jeongmin said

"Says You! Your not the one with the cast and crutches. Ill get an F for sure in our dance class since i cant dance " i got up from the hospital bed as Minwoo handed me my crutches.

"And i need to clean my blood off my yoshi, and get my Ipod and phone fixed" Youngmin gathered my things as we waited for donghyun oppa to come back.

"We can leave now" he said coming into the room

i started walking with the crutches as 6 cautious boys stood around me

"Uhm you know you guys dont have to watch my every move right?" i said while jumping into the van

"Were just trying to make sure you dont fall" kwangmin said

"Its fine, i had crutches back when i was 10, i know how to use them" yeah and back when i was 10, When i had short red hair and braces and of course my glasses. People constantly teased me calling me the crippled Brace face chick with red hair. Back then i didnt even have friends. Why all of a sudden am i friends with these 6 boys & yet im dating one of them. School will be hell for me when i get back. Knowing how many girls love minwoo and now hes mine and if they try to fight with me obviously ill lose.

"you okay yunmi?" it was minwoo

"Fine why do you ask?" 

"You seem worried" he said while grabbing my hand

"Im fine" i lied, he nodded and turned the other way. We got home as all of them tried to help me again. 

We got in as i sat on the couch, 

"Im gonna start dinner" hyunseong said going into the kitchen

"Oh ill help" i said grabbing my crutches

"No no yunmi thats fine just relax" he told me as he made me sit back down

Great. i feel like and unuseful toy 

"Thats not any fun" i pouted as i crossed my arms

"im going to my room" i said as i grabbed my crutches again. No one stopped me this time and lucky for me Minwoo was in the bathroom either wise he wouldve made me sit down.  i quickly made it to my room as i grabbed my laptop, might as well watch something to keep myself occupied i opened it as my door flew open.

"Yunmi!" it was minwoo

"Yes oppa?"

"Why did you get up?"

"Because i wanted to go to my room?"

"You couldve told me iwoulda carried you" he stuck his tounge at me as he sat on my bed

"Want to continue watching with me?" i asked him

"Nah im like 5 episodes ahead i dont want to watch them over again"

"Oh, well can you go to the store then and pick up my hair dye?" i asked him remembering i never did get it

"Sure be back later" he said as he left. i looked at my yoshi.

"i think ill clean you first" i picked him up and decided to leave my crutches behind i limped to the bathroom and started washing his face

"Oh that girl is so lucky shes in jail now" i said scrubbing his face i finished as i set him down to dry i tried walking back as i slipped 

"Oh crap" i said while falling my hands broke my fall but theyd probably be bruised later. 

"Im to lazy to crawl back" i laid on the floor for a while

"Really?! No one heard a loud thud?!" 


Hyunseong and donghyun were cooking as the cooking oil popped from being over heated, and the other three were playing video games and the tv was loud

*Yunmis room*

ill wait for oppa, i thought. my inuyasha was still playing yet i couldnt even watch it

i laid there for about a couple of minutes when my door was open and there he was Minwoo to the rescue

"Yunmi! What did you do? What happened!?"

"i was cleaning my yoshi and i didnt bring my crutches so i fell" i said casually as he picked me up & laid me on my bed. He handed me the bag with the hair dye

i looked in as i saw another color that i didnt need to use

"Whats this?" i said taking it out

"Oh thats for me, i was hoping youd dye my hair for me. im getting tired of brown" i looked at the color

"You sure you want this color though?" i raised an eyebrow. he nodded

"if you say so. i guess ill dye yours first then mine" i took out the things as i started applying it to his hair while doing so i would make silly little hair styles as he would laugh.

"Okay wait about 45 minutes and then ill help you rinse" he nodded and layed down on my bed as i parted my hair and put the different colors in. after i was done it was about the same amount of time for minwoo's her to be finished

"Okay now take me to the bathroom"

"You have to go?" he asked me

"What? No i have to rinse your hair babo" 

"Dont call me babo im your oppa!" he whined

"Yeah my babo oppa" he pouted

"Im kidding now take me over there so i can rinse your hair" he did as he was told and he gently placed me on a chair in their. i put his head to the sink and rinsed

"Done!" i said as he looked up. His hair was now like this.

(Hes So Cute!>.<) 

"Does it look bad?" he asked as he wiped it off with a towel

"Aniyo, You look different but its cute" i said casually as i began to rinse my hair. The colors were now bright as usual.

"Lets go show Hyungs!" he said as he carried me down stairs

"My Crutches!"

"Ill carry you back" 

"Arraso" we got down stairs

"Hello Hyungs!" he chimed he set me down on a beanbag next to youngmin

"Hello Min- Minwoo!?" i took the wiimote from youngmin and started playing the game he was Mario kart.

"Yes!" he chimed so happy, i rolled my eyes and continued playing

"Does it look bad?" he asked

"Not at all" they all said

"You did it yourself?" donghyun asked

"No yunmi did it for me"

"I am yunmi"i said while raising a finger but still playing

"yes we know" kwangmin said patting my head

"Im not a dog" i told him 

"You are now" he said

"Arf!" i replied as we all went to go eat.

_______________________________________________________________This was Quite a boring chapter huh?

Sorry for updating later than usual. i had last minute school things to doxD


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vampy154 #1
Chapter 31: That was.. So sweet T^T *sniffs*
I love this story and you did an amazing job with the writing <3
I shall continue to read your other stories as well c:
Also I love all the clothes Yunmi had! I'm jelly O:
Chapter 31: nice story I LOVE THE STORY
Chapter 31: Oh my soo sweet ending! You soo great author!
14 streak #4
Chapter 31: Awwww a promise ring~~~ i love all your clothes >.< the way you choose them ^^
Anyways...... That was awesome!! Continue on writing more boyfriend stories in the future!!! ♥♡
Fanficsftw21 #5
oooooolalala!~ XD promise for engagement X3 so cute! that was a very good ending! :D
Happy that Minwoo didn't die! -le dances happily-
Oooh Yunmi got a job as a hairstylist? and for boyfriend? That's good!
Anyways, I hope you update soon >.<
Fanficsftw21 #7
D: T^T NO NOT MINWOO D: T^T and the relationship was going so good, till now! D: T^T no no no no no just no! i dun want another person to die T^T D: i hope u update soon and PLEASE DONT LET HIM DIE D: T^T i dont want Yunmi to be sad ;(
Fanficsftw21 #8
good luck in cross country team~ :D OMG T^T NOOO SHE WAS VIOLATED D: DAMN YOOMIN!!! I HATE U D:< MINWOO HELP YUNMI!!! :( T^T i hope u update soon!
Jeez Yoomin ! Update soon!~~
Update soon !

stupid Yoomin !!> :(