Sorry My Name is YunMi, Not ChuHi

Minwoos point of view; 

"why minwoo? Its your fault im dead" it was chuhi

"im sorry Chuhi ! i didnt mean too !" i yelled 


"Minwoo Wake Up!" 

i shot up from my bed as kwangmin stood over me loooking worried.

"are you okay?" 

"im fine" i said while getting up from my bed

"chuhi?" he asked

"yeah, its my fault shes dead" 

"Minwoo dont say that, your not the one that hit her with the car so its not. Chuhi wouldnt want you to think that way. So dont."


"good well get ready we have that fan signing thing today" i nodded as he left my room

Yunmi's point of view; 

"finally settled in " i spoke to myself, as i just finished adjusting my new home

i checked the time it was 12 

"oh jeez i should get going" i said as i quickly changed ( Yunmi dosent really look like that girl she just has the same hair style as here & color, Chuhis Hair Color is also like that )

and headed to the Boyfriend Fan Signing. ive started to like them ever since they debuted. i started walking as i soon was inside the building as Boyfriend was a mere 10 feet away soon it was my turn as i was now infront of Minwoo Oppa

"oh hello, Your N- Chuhi?!" he looked at me shocked

"Huh?" next thing i know he was hugging me

"you came back to me," why is minwoo oppa hugging me? it wasnt bad but it was strange, & whose chuhi ?

​he pulled away

"Chuhi imissed you so much"

"Uhm sorry but my name isnt Chuhi you must be mistaken. My Names Yunmi"

minwoo's point of view; 

we arrived to the signing as all i could think about was chuhi , shed be so proud that we finally debuted. & yet she isnt here with me. a tear fell as kwangmin came next to me

"Cheer up minwoo. Chuhi is looking down on you right now, shes probably happy that we finally debuted" i nodded as we walked in. i had to give fake smiles to our Bestfriends. but on the inside i felt like crying.

​then another girl came up to me.

"oh hello, Your N- Chuhi?!" i was looking at my fingers until i saw her chuhi, i immediately gave her a hug


"you came back to me," shes here shes actually here & im hugging her, she looked so pretty like always.

"Chuhi imissed you so much" i pulled away

"Uhm sorry but my name isnt Chuhi you must be mistaken. My Names Yunmi" then kwangmin stood in between us

"uhm sorry yunmi , you just look alot like a friend of ours" 

"no, your names chuhi, are you okay?" i stepped infront of him

"im fine, but my name isnt chuhi like i said its Yunmi"

but she looks so much like Chuhi. It has to be her.

"No Chuhi, Remember please ! Its Me Your boyfriend Minwoo! " i started light shaking her by her shoulders.

"Minwoo ! Stop its not chuhi" kwangmin grabbed me away from her

​Yunmi's point of view;

i was so confused. All i came here for was an autograph, & maybe a picture, but instead No Minwoo is calling me Chuhi ?

"uhm here we'll just sign your CD" jeongmin said signing it, as they went down the line i got all of their signatures.

"Thank You" i bowed to them & left.


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vampy154 #1
Chapter 31: That was.. So sweet T^T *sniffs*
I love this story and you did an amazing job with the writing <3
I shall continue to read your other stories as well c:
Also I love all the clothes Yunmi had! I'm jelly O:
Chapter 31: nice story I LOVE THE STORY
Chapter 31: Oh my soo sweet ending! You soo great author!
14 streak #4
Chapter 31: Awwww a promise ring~~~ i love all your clothes >.< the way you choose them ^^
Anyways...... That was awesome!! Continue on writing more boyfriend stories in the future!!! ♥♡
Fanficsftw21 #5
oooooolalala!~ XD promise for engagement X3 so cute! that was a very good ending! :D
Happy that Minwoo didn't die! -le dances happily-
Oooh Yunmi got a job as a hairstylist? and for boyfriend? That's good!
Anyways, I hope you update soon >.<
Fanficsftw21 #7
D: T^T NO NOT MINWOO D: T^T and the relationship was going so good, till now! D: T^T no no no no no just no! i dun want another person to die T^T D: i hope u update soon and PLEASE DONT LET HIM DIE D: T^T i dont want Yunmi to be sad ;(
Fanficsftw21 #8
good luck in cross country team~ :D OMG T^T NOOO SHE WAS VIOLATED D: DAMN YOOMIN!!! I HATE U D:< MINWOO HELP YUNMI!!! :( T^T i hope u update soon!
Jeez Yoomin ! Update soon!~~
Update soon !

stupid Yoomin !!> :(