Sorry My Name is YunMi, Not ChuHi

Yunmi's point of view; 

"Heres some medicine" i handed him pills

"let me get you some water" i said while running to the fridge to get a bottle.


"Thank You" i nodded

"Uhm if you dont mind me asking.. What happened? " it was silent for a while unti kwangmin spoke up.

"Uhm do you have a twin?" i was kind of shocked at his question.

"uhm no? im an ony child. My parents.." i paused

"they died when i was 3, i was there only child" i looked down as  a tear fell down. i looked  the other way so i could wipe it

"Why?" i asked 

"well minwoo had a girlfriend. and she looks exactly like you. she has the same personality as you as well, but besides that shes not as shy as you."

"Oh, well uhm what happened to her? Did she move away?"

minwoo's point of view;

i wished she moved away instead of her dying.

"No she died." i said. My hyungs turned at me shocked.

"we got into an arguement & well she ended up leaving my house on her bike when i called to her to come back. she wasnt looking as she turned to say no, & then she was killed from a car crashing into her. Thing is when i went to her she was dying there and soon she died in my arms. So thats why ive been depressed. & i felt sick because you live in her old house." it felt good to tell someone about my girlfriends death except for my hyungs.

she sat next to me

"Im so sorry. Im sure she was a great person. But if it means anything i think your a strong person. The fact that you can befriend someone that looks like her, who in this case is me, i think that makes you a strong person. Because honestly if that was me i wouldnt be able to befriend anyone. Your a strong person No Minwoo." i looked at her. For the first time i didnt see chuhi this time. iSaw Yunmi as Yunmi. i gave her a hug. i new she was shocked but soon she was hugging back. 

then Youngmin cleared his throat. we pulled away.

"well are you guys hungry?" she asked

We nodded

"well theres like a small ice cream parlor near by if you guys wanna go?" then we heard thunder. she jumped. 

"uhm thats not a good idea anymore" yougmin chuckled abit. She gave a nervous laugh.

Yunmi's Point of view;

Why Thunder?! iHate thunder so much.

"Uhm yeah.. how about i just make you something instead?" i asked

"Uhm nah its okay we should get going " kwangmin said

oh no, they cant leave ! not when its thundering.

"No !" i blurted out oh jeez theyre gonna think im a crazed fan.

"i mean its still early? Cant you stay a little longer?"

"sorry Yunmi Tomorrow Maybe? Our Hyungs Are probably Waiting for us anyway."  oh no i cant do anything about it now

"oh alright then.."

"but here," they handed me a piece of paper

"these our are numbers incase you need anything call us" minwoo said with a smile

i smiled a bit

*BOOM !*

i screamed really loud

"sorry.. Uhm i guess you guys should eave then heh." i didnt want them to see me freak out anymore

"well bye" they all gave me a hug. im Suprised Minwoo did too. Im really getting to him. i then locked the door & locked every window there was.

i grabbed my yoshi and sat on the floor in the middle of the room. i got up & quickly took my blanket from my bed and wrapped it around me.

then more thunder i jumped

"stupid thunder quit scaring me!" then the lights went out and i screamed even more.

i a candle & quickly grabbed my phone and sat back in my spot. i was now crying. i dailed minwoos number


"Minwoo? Its Yunmi"

"Oh Hey something wrong"

*BOOM! *

i screamed

"Can you please come over? Please ! iCant stand thunder at all! & my lights are out. Please"

"Sure Ill be over soon"

"Thank You So Much!" i hung up & put my phone in my yoshi. Then istarted hugging my yoshi very tightly.

after 10 minutes someone was knocking on the door. i checked to see who it was.minwoo. then i opened the door

"Thank You For Coming !" i basically jumped into his arms. 

"Your that scared of thunder?" i nodded


"What?! " i jumped as i looked what he was looking at the candle had caught fire on my blanket

"Oh My Gosh"  He grabbed My Hand 

"We Have to go ! Its getting bigger" 

"But My Clothes! "

"Yunmi Now !"

"Wait ! " i pulled away from his hand as i ran close to the fire i grabbed my yoshi & then ran to my room. i grabbed my picture of my mom & dad 


"Im Coming!" i got closer to him as he grabbed my hand again and we ran into the streets

"ill call the fire department" he said he took out his phone and then finished his call

"theyre on their way"

"My House, My things theyre destroyed... Where Am i going to stay?" i started crying


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iWont Be Updating For A While/: Sorry !D: 

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vampy154 #1
Chapter 31: That was.. So sweet T^T *sniffs*
I love this story and you did an amazing job with the writing <3
I shall continue to read your other stories as well c:
Also I love all the clothes Yunmi had! I'm jelly O:
Chapter 31: nice story I LOVE THE STORY
Chapter 31: Oh my soo sweet ending! You soo great author!
14 streak #4
Chapter 31: Awwww a promise ring~~~ i love all your clothes >.< the way you choose them ^^
Anyways...... That was awesome!! Continue on writing more boyfriend stories in the future!!! ♥♡
Fanficsftw21 #5
oooooolalala!~ XD promise for engagement X3 so cute! that was a very good ending! :D
Happy that Minwoo didn't die! -le dances happily-
Oooh Yunmi got a job as a hairstylist? and for boyfriend? That's good!
Anyways, I hope you update soon >.<
Fanficsftw21 #7
D: T^T NO NOT MINWOO D: T^T and the relationship was going so good, till now! D: T^T no no no no no just no! i dun want another person to die T^T D: i hope u update soon and PLEASE DONT LET HIM DIE D: T^T i dont want Yunmi to be sad ;(
Fanficsftw21 #8
good luck in cross country team~ :D OMG T^T NOOO SHE WAS VIOLATED D: DAMN YOOMIN!!! I HATE U D:< MINWOO HELP YUNMI!!! :( T^T i hope u update soon!
Jeez Yoomin ! Update soon!~~
Update soon !

stupid Yoomin !!> :(