
•The Pixlr Tutor's Place•

I'm sorry everyone! Hiatus is here. OTL I never updated it anyways, because my computer is pretty much broken (I'm using my phone for this), but it's official. :( Sorry! I'll get it back on track with a new coauthor and everything. bye.

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325270: you probably didn't need it, but just for people who need it as well. chapter 5 re-re-updated. and sorry again. •pixlr tutor•


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Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thanks hope you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 1: hellow! i just want yo ask how did you add the cover/poster on your aff story. i just only using an android phone i just download the pixlr app from google playstore hoping that i can make a better poster and easily add onto my aff story but it said that you have something to filled and it needs url ? can you help me for this pweetttty pleassee.... im just new here at aff. thank you'll reply....
Chapter 15: Ouh, I can't upvote. My karma isn't enough. But jinjja! Author-nim! Your advice are really great and understandable. I really, really appreciate this!! Omg!! Thank you so so much for all the tips and how to.. >\\\<
Chapter 2: When I use the gradient tool, it came out black and white... xD
Chapter 2: How do you add the poster onto your asianfanfics story?
Chapter 15: Wow, I will try this out as soon as I'm on my laptop *^* thank you for making this <3
Chapter 14: I'm not sure whether this is me but I can't seem to view the images! Maybe it's just my browser, I'm not sure haha.