•Answering random_reader (and 325270)•

•The Pixlr Tutor's Place•

Question: How do you download fonts to use in pixlr??


Answer: Actually, it's really simple. At first I worked with all those boring fonts that are provided on Pixlr, then I found out.

Short answer is, just download fonts to your computer. How? I usually go on dafont.com. There's a whole lot more sites you could go to, but I found this the easiest.

On DaFont:

First of all, you look for a font you like. There's a bunch of subjects you can click and explore. There's ton of stuff O.O For myself I'll be using a font called Game Over. CREDITS OF FONT TO OWNER. I DO NOT OWN THIS FONT. obviously.

They look like this:

 ...except longer, of course.


Then, you click that gray "Download" button on the right.

But before you do that, I highly recommend you click into the font information, because some doesn't allow you to use certain symbols like (-) or (/) or (*) or (@), etc. unless you "buy the font from another website." Another way to check that is to use the Preview option-- as I've used up there.

After you click "Download" (In the information page, it's still on the top right hand corner), save it. Next, you click on that very saved font, which will open up with a bunch of sizes of the same sentence: "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" and a bunch of other stuff, like all numbers and quotation marks available in that font at the space above the line. Like this:

 (the zip file found in downloads)


 (the TrueType found in the zip file)


On the top right, you can see two buttons--Print and Install. Click the Install button

 and you're done. You'll find it on Pixlr and your Word/whatever your computer has, probably. BUT: The font will only be available on the computer you installed the font on. Just in case you think otherwise.

Sometimes there's a "read me" or "must read" or whatever that comes with the zipfile, which you should read. It usually only says stuff like, personal use only, don't sell stuff with this font or anything or take credit for it, copyright blah blah blah.

Also, there's two types of programs to open fonts: TrueType and OpenType. I don't know the difference, really, but some of your computers may not be able to open one of the types. If that's your case, and you find that some of the fonts don't open, well this just might be the reason you didn't notice. Try go to Fonts2U, they use another program that might work.


To use Fonts2U, it's basically the same thing, except with a different format look. They provide even more informations before you click on the separate page. On the informations page, there's a bunch of more informations listed also. MAJOR DIFFERENCE THOUGH: I don't know about you, but it does NOT open like how dafont's does. It opens as a .exe file, or an application that you have to run. Mac MAY be different, because I use a Windows.

So good luck! If some things are different or doesn't work, ask me again through the comments.


Also: I use Windows 7. I have no idea if it's the same with Mac or anything. Just saying.

Anyways, I'll try update ASAP. More Q's for me? Comment. :)

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325270: you probably didn't need it, but just for people who need it as well. chapter 5 re-re-updated. and sorry again. •pixlr tutor•


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